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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
The problem with "fixing" non-KMS maps
Straight and to the point: Nexon will fix things that benefit players. But the maps still don't do any of the newer features, of course... Especially in relation to the most recent event.
Choose one, Nexon. "fix" the maps completely or leave them be
adding E mobs requires making new mobs because Emobs are actually different mob data than the regular mobs and E bosses require the spawning and defeating of E mobs, which is why neither exist yet on non-KMS maps.
just saying one is easier to apply than the other, not saying they shouldn't go through with it and make them completely up to current.
But that's not how elite mobs work; they spawn in maps that have existed since pre Big Bang; there are other variables that lead to elite mobs not spawning in non-KMS maps.
so you are saying that there are non-KMS maps that are from pre BB that spawn elites? and they spawn for mobs that are not used in KMS, as opposed to mobs that are in KMS but are being reused for a different area?
I'm going to make an assumption here.
From a certain bug fix/change, I think Elite Monster spawn depends if the map has been set to spawn true or false.
Depending on that if it is set to true an Elite Monster will spawn using set tables/formulas. This basically means it isn't a new monster, it's just resized mob with a graphic sword above it's head, has a different drop table assigned with another skill set and several stats changed such as HP and EXP.
If we had to "make" Elite Monsters how we make Normal Monsters the game would be more bloated than currently.
Based on what PirateIzzy said, most maps that exist in KMS that exist in GMS will spawn Elite Monsters.
Even with that assumption, I'm not too sure why non-KMS maps don't have Elite Monsters.
if it did work like that, then it should be pretty easy to change and would make me wonder why GMS didnt do that when they also made non-KMS maps have the exp/drop penalty.
So it should be no problem to borrow their work, but probably due to code incompatibility the GMS developer are unable to copy and paste it and must set every map and monster data manually which would lead to typo in the code which lead to game crashes which lead to decreased morale which lead to screw it.