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How to learn and catch up? O.o

Reactions: 200
Posts: 5
in General Chat
Hello everyone:

I've played MapleStory for many years, almost as many as the game has. Of course, I've played on and off and I've quit quite a few times due to several reasons. A little while ago, I decided to come back to the game, so I logged back in and found a whole lot of new and different things. I felt kinda lost, to be honest, so I tried looking up on the web some info regarding some of the many things I've missed or don't understand.

However, even after reading some guides, I end up feeling lost and overwhelmed. There are so many things I don't understand now and that I don't even know how to do or get! I read messages in the forums or I listen to other people's conversations and I don't even understand half of the abbreviations they use or what items they are talking about! And, apart from the fact that everything costs "billions" (and I have nothing more than 12 millions of mesos in my account) and that NX is a big part of it all, I don't know how or where to learn, what to do or anything.

Of course, the few friends I once had have quit the game long ago, so I don't have a guild or friends who can help me and guide me or explain things to me or anything... I feel completely lost and I don't know where to begin to try to understand things better. I don't feel like making a character from scratch when I had worked so hard on my "main" to get her to where she is, and then I find that now you HAVE to make lots of new characters if you want to have a lot of boost because of the legion system and link skills and whatnot, and... Honestly, I don't know how you can work on your main character, the one you want to play, and level 20 others and also have time for real life and study and work and all the other things you have to do in a day.

I feel the game has gotten so complicated, so boss-centered, so "high-level" and whatnot, that I don't know how to learn and how to catch up... And I don't know if I have the strength to start over from scratch. :(


  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited May 2018
    Typically most gear costs millions, not billions. If items are costing billions, they're either fully enhanced (I personally avoid this on principle), cash items, or extremely rare (or some combination of the above).

    If you want, you can start a new character and play for a while, as in-game guides pop up periodically. Then you can return to your main characters if you want when you're ready. There's no penalty or need to rush, take your time and ask other users if you're unsure. You can also ask live users on the Discord channel if you want.
  • YoongiYoongi
    Reactions: 1,735
    Posts: 184
    edited May 2018
    If you're playing on Bera, you can friend me and ask about anything you'd like. The game can be really overwhelming, honestly, and not everything is explained very clearly. I've been playing a long time and I still have to look up tons of things because it's not all spelled out like it should be.
  • MeruappuMeruappu
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 5
    edited May 2018
    Neospector wrote: »
    Typically most gear costs millions, not billions. If items are costing billions, they're either fully enhanced (I personally avoid this on principle), cash items, or extremely rare (or some combination of the above).

    If you want, you can start a new character and play for a while, as in-game guides pop up periodically. Then you can return to your main characters if you want when you're ready. There's no penalty or need to rush, take your time and ask other users if you're unsure. You can also ask live users on the Discord channel if you want.

    Thank you for your reply! I may try that idea of making a new character to see if some things become clearer, even though I don't particularly like the idea of having to make multiple characters and all. But it may be useful if there are tutorials or explanations that my old character doesn't get since it's "high level" (though it's only lvl130).

    I haven't found many people online to chat with or to try and ask stuff. I've seen some people chatting about personal stuff in this Planet Vita event map, but they weren't too willing to chat about game stuff, lol. I find that everything's mostly deserted most of the time I spend online, so getting help from other active users or finding people to do a PQ or anything hasn't been an easy task. But I'll give it a try if I ever see people around me. xD

    Thanks for the link. I'll check it out! :)
  • MeruappuMeruappu
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 5
    edited May 2018
    Yoongi wrote: »
    If you're playing on Bera, you can friend me and ask about anything you'd like. The game can be really overwhelming, honestly, and not everything is explained very clearly. I've been playing a long time and I still have to look up tons of things because it's not all spelled out like it should be.

    Thank you! Indeed, I didn't remember this game being this overwhelming, not even when the Big Bang change came and so many things changed so drastically!

    Sadly, I play in Windia so I can't add you in game, but I appreciate the intention all the same. :)
  • C00ki3zC00ki3z
    Reactions: 1,340
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    edited May 2018
    If you let me know your favorite class, I can make a character in Windia and help you out.
  • QcSandOfTimeQcSandOfTime
    Reactions: 870
    Posts: 36
    edited May 2018
    Meruappu wrote: »
    Yoongi wrote: »
    If you're playing on Bera, you can friend me and ask about anything you'd like. The game can be really overwhelming, honestly, and not everything is explained very clearly. I've been playing a long time and I still have to look up tons of things because it's not all spelled out like it should be.

    Thank you! Indeed, I didn't remember this game being this overwhelming, not even when the Big Bang change came and so many things changed so drastically!

    Sadly, I play in Windia so I can't add you in game, but I appreciate the intention all the same. :)

    I do play in windia so u can add me if u want ign is QcSandOfTime also I am in a friendly guild wich got couple of active members. u might like it there
  • vexynvexyn
    Reactions: 260
    Posts: 3
    edited May 2018
    I'm in the same boat as you! I felt really weird creating a new character because I had no idea what I was actually choosing, like I left for a few years and came back to find that you can no longer choose from one of the four basic classes, now you have to choose from a bunch of really specific storylines? I haven't even tried to read up on the reboot stuff, that seems like a whole lot of effort for no real payoff. I'm not interested in spending real money or billions of mesos on anything.
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited May 2018
    vexyn wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat as you! I felt really weird creating a new character because I had no idea what I was actually choosing, like I left for a few years and came back to find that you can no longer choose from one of the four basic classes, now you have to choose from a bunch of really specific storylines? I haven't even tried to read up on the reboot stuff, that seems like a whole lot of effort for no real payoff. I'm not interested in spending real money or billions of mesos on anything.

    You can still choose from the basic classes. Select "Explorer" as your character. You'll make your specific choice (Warrior, Thief, Mage, Archer, Pirate) on the boat ride from Maple Island to Victoria Island.

    Explorers do have their own storyline, but it's not as prevalent.
  • SumiSumi
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 89
    Member, Private Tester
    edited May 2018
    I added you im in windia aswell. I can help you train. Answer questions pick a class show you training spots. Just talk to me when your on (even tho i am in europe so idk how the time diff will be) and ill try and help you
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited May 2018
    vexyn wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat as you! I felt really weird creating a new character because I had no idea what I was actually choosing, like I left for a few years and came back to find that you can no longer choose from one of the four basic classes, now you have to choose from a bunch of really specific storylines? I haven't even tried to read up on the reboot stuff, that seems like a whole lot of effort for no real payoff. I'm not interested in spending real money or billions of mesos on anything.

    the basic classes are called Explorers, and also there's 5 of them now, Pirate being the new one which didn't exist originally.