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Removing Nebs for Flames

Reactions: 1,030
Posts: 69
Member, Private Tester
edited June 2018 in Rants and Raves
This is honestly stupid and unfair.

You're basically make us restart from scratch. KMS had flames for the last couple of years or so (i'm not really sure how long)
If this was the route you were going for then you should of just given us flames way before any of this, how do you think players will meet the requirements to kill hard will
if you're just going to take away a huge chunk of our range, not to mention that the flames will probably take a couple of months for us to farm and get the proper stats than what we are at right now. All this hype just died.


  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
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    edited June 2018
    I agree. There was a serious lack of communication when Arwoo brought up the topic of flames without bringing to our attention that we would lose nebs. I take back what I said in other threads about flames being great. I don't want flames if we lose nebs.
  • xxHorntailxxxxHorntailxx
    Reactions: 1,860
    Posts: 257
    edited June 2018
    this is a slap in a face especially when you got a 20 boss neb on a weapon and a 25 on secondary and it's a slap in the face because the replacement for the 20 neb is consider trash. 25 is really good but i got it on secondary, which gets me really heated. I'm okay with the other replacements but the 25 replacement on my secondary will never happen.
  • 26002600
    Reactions: 735
    Posts: 93
    edited June 2018
    The developers are doing a nice way to kill this game off...
    All the money people spent for nebulites and drop rate gear are now being screwed over one update at a time if anything this is now making it harder for new players who were just starting to catch up.

    This is a perfect example of why I don't play games that are this old...
    Spent a lot of hard times trying to cube my gear so I can get decent skills on my gear and now that's being taken away, I'm gonna give this game a week or 1 month after the update and if not happy I believe this is a sign it's time to move on in life...

    You can complain all you want all that complaining that went on with the drop rate nerf I can see how much your voices made to this company NONE.
    Walk away then your voice will be heard..
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited June 2018
    2600 wrote: »
    The developers are doing a nice way to kill this game off...
    All the money people spent for nebulites and drop rate gear are now being screwed over one update at a time if anything this is now making it harder for new players who were just starting to catch up.

    This is a perfect example of why I don't play games that are this old...
    Spent a lot of hard times trying to cube my gear so I can get decent skills on my gear and now that's being taken away, I'm gonna give this game a week or 1 month after the update and if not happy I believe this is a sign it's time to move on in life...

    You can complain all you want all that complaining that went on with the drop rate nerf I can see how much your voices made to this company NONE.
    Walk away then your voice will be heard..

    Decent skills acquired through cubing (potential) are not going anywhere, so I don't understand your complaint.
    Decent skills from nebulites are indeed being lost, but you are being given 140 nodestone fragments so you can craft the same skill as a node. Remember that V Care also allows us to unlock two more Matrix slots for meso, so you can put the decent skill there without losing any of your other V skills or boosters.
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
    Posts: 314
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2018
    Some of these players are going to log in with 5-10mil range less than what they had before once June 20 update is live. They're also going to lose 38% boss and more... What's there to not understand? I can't believe you guys have absolutely no idea how unhappy the community is about this change. You also have no idea how many people would have changed their mind about flames if it was mentioned anywhere that nebulites would be removed in the process.
  • RaindewRaindew
    Reactions: 1,030
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    edited June 2018
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Some of these players are going to log in with 5-10mil range less than what they had before once June 20 update is live. They're also going to lose 38% boss and more... What's there to not understand? I can't believe you guys have absolutely no idea how unhappy the community is about this change. You also have no idea how many people would have changed their mind about flames if it was mentioned anywhere that nebulites would be removed in the process.

    This, my weapon is 2line att and 1 lin boss because I have enough boss and now i'm going to need to recube my weapon again, not only that but I won't be able to obtain enough boss to be at top tier level since i'll still be missing a portion of my original boss damage. Honestly i would rather keep nebulites. as for the 4% all nebs most of us probably have, you're just making us start all over again basically for a significant amount of increase, it ain't even a huge increase from where we are at now.

    How do you people that went to maplefest feel? All the hype I saw in the video from people screaming about flames and now i bet your spirits are just broken.

    but to be honest, the compensation isn't that bad. it's just that nexon is expecting us to work some more.. for significant amount of range. honestly expecting both nebs and flames being input together..
  • ArgentArgent
    Reactions: 3,090
    Posts: 272
    edited June 2018
    I understand them wanting to remove nebs as a way to prevent future balancing problems but I feel like the compensation underestimates just how much people had to invest to get their current nebs and how much more we are going to need to invest to regain what will be lost with the removal of nebs.

    It kinda feels like if Nexon reset everyone's potentials and then just gave out a few cubes based on how good a line you had but the player realistically now has to spend another 200 cubes to get the old stats back.

    Ultimately, flames will be much more accessible and that is great, but nebs could have filled that role had they received some attention from the devs; removing the clutter of trash nebs, improving drop rate, improving tier up rates, s nebs, etc.

    We'll have to see how things pan out, but I'm expecting a lot of posts on reddit about getting bad flame stats once this update is live.
  • Lucsean99Lucsean99
    Reactions: 1,565
    Posts: 195
    edited June 2018
    I'm lucky i didn't care about damage output. I always sold my nebs.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited June 2018
    Lucsean99 wrote: »
    I'm lucky i didn't care about damage output. I always sold my nebs.

    I think that the majority of players don't have many, or any, nebulites on their gear, and will hardly be immediately affected by this change.
    In the long term, the bonus stats system will "raise the floor," because bonus stats are far more accessible to all players than nebulites.
    The nebulite system could have been revamped to improve accessibility, but I can understand Nexon preferring to replace it with the same system they have in every other service. Far less effort and risk of imbalance than messing with an exclusive system.
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Some of these players are going to log in with 5-10mil range less than what they had before once June 20 update is live. They're also going to lose 38% boss and more... What's there to not understand? I can't believe you guys have absolutely no idea how unhappy the community is about this change. You also have no idea how many people would have changed their mind about flames if it was mentioned anywhere that nebulites would be removed in the process.

    Nobody is going to be losing 10m range, and even 5m is very doubtful.
    The maximum someone can lose is 36% allstat (4% on each of 9 non-flamable equips) and 25% boss (on secondary), which doesn't show on range. The 25% boss on the weapon is replaced by boss+dmg+attack, which is actually going to raise range.

    Let's assume a capped-out character at 99m range. 10m range would be a tenth of that. Which means 36% allstat would need to be 1/10th of their entire allstat. So they only have 360% (from potential and nebs) on all their gear combined? I don't think so.
    Or are you talking about a character with only 50m range? 10m range would be a fifth of that. Which means 36% allstat is 1/5th of their entire allstat. So they only have 180% stat potential on all their gear combined?
    The math just doesn't work out.

    Yes, endgame players are going to lose some range and boss damage. Personally I would have preferred it if Nexon let us keep nebulites on gear that can't be flamed, until they raise the star cap. Making our top players weaker, even by a small amount, right before the introduction of a new boss, makes no sense to me. But there is no need to exaggerate the damage loss.

  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited June 2018
    Lucsean99 wrote: »
    I'm lucky i didn't care about damage output. I always sold my nebs.

    Me too :)

    Honestly if one day I woke up and all potential stats were removed from the game that would make me so happy
  • TachikawaHiyokoTachikawaHiyoko
    Reactions: 1,290
    Posts: 68
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Lucsean99 wrote: »
    I'm lucky i didn't care about damage output. I always sold my nebs.

    Me too :)

    Honestly if one day I woke up and all potential stats were removed from the game that would make me so happy

    LOL, me three! I never knew what Nebulites where for and I never used any of them, I just kept them in my inventory if I ever got one (and I've gotten like 5 in my main and that's it o.o), so I didn't even know it would be so problematic for so many people the removal of them. ^^U
  • QcSandOfTimeQcSandOfTime
    Reactions: 870
    Posts: 36
    edited June 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    2600 wrote: »
    The developers are doing a nice way to kill this game off...
    All the money people spent for nebulites and drop rate gear are now being screwed over one update at a time if anything this is now making it harder for new players who were just starting to catch up.

    This is a perfect example of why I don't play games that are this old...
    Spent a lot of hard times trying to cube my gear so I can get decent skills on my gear and now that's being taken away, I'm gonna give this game a week or 1 month after the update and if not happy I believe this is a sign it's time to move on in life...

    You can complain all you want all that complaining that went on with the drop rate nerf I can see how much your voices made to this company NONE.
    Walk away then your voice will be heard..

    Decent skills acquired through cubing (potential) are not going anywhere, so I don't understand your complaint.
    Decent skills from nebulites are indeed being lost, but you are being given 140 nodestone fragments so you can craft the same skill as a node. Remember that V Care also allows us to unlock two more Matrix slots for meso, so you can put the decent skill there without losing any of your other V skills or boosters.

    yea but decent skill from node got a cooldown on them wich I hate when doing boss that u die cant rebuff right away
  • VinsaneVinsane
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 87
    edited June 2018
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    Lucsean99 wrote: »
    I'm lucky i didn't care about damage output. I always sold my nebs.

    Me too :)

    Honestly if one day I woke up and all potential stats were removed from the game that would make me so happy

    Waking up randomly one day to see the game reverted back to the Pre-BB patch.

    Hmmmm, How many beers would i need to make that happen?
  • TsundereKyuTsundereKyu
    Reactions: 2,120
    Posts: 116
    edited June 2018
    Flames are superior to nebs in every which way. Flames is what will HELP us kill Hard Lotus/Damien/Lucid/Will. : VVV. Sure we have to re-stat our equips which will take time, but in the end flames are better every which way. If you're sad about losing your BD/IED/ then you can just do legion to get those back. And for all decent skills, get them as potentials : VVV
  • RadiantSightRadiantSight
    Reactions: 1,025
    Posts: 50
    edited June 2018
    I guess it would be nice if Nexon gave us a leg up by including more events that give out Powerful/Eternal flames like hot time boxes and such outside of Ark coin shop and some area contents for a few months
  • KushyDragonKushyDragon
    Reactions: 1,715
    Posts: 135
    edited June 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    2600 wrote: »
    The developers are doing a nice way to kill this game off...
    All the money people spent for nebulites and drop rate gear are now being screwed over one update at a time if anything this is now making it harder for new players who were just starting to catch up.

    This is a perfect example of why I don't play games that are this old...
    Spent a lot of hard times trying to cube my gear so I can get decent skills on my gear and now that's being taken away, I'm gonna give this game a week or 1 month after the update and if not happy I believe this is a sign it's time to move on in life...

    You can complain all you want all that complaining that went on with the drop rate nerf I can see how much your voices made to this company NONE.
    Walk away then your voice will be heard..

    Decent skills acquired through cubing (potential) are not going anywhere, so I don't understand your complaint.
    Decent skills from nebulites are indeed being lost, but you are being given 140 nodestone fragments so you can craft the same skill as a node. Remember that V Care also allows us to unlock two more Matrix slots for meso, so you can put the decent skill there without losing any of your other V skills or boosters.

    Kradian, I used a decent sharp eyes Neb on my Lunar gloves so every class I had could use decent sharp eyes and level faster.

    Basically any chance of having an edge to train lower-leveled characters is gone for me.

    Burning is the only real time now that I bother leveling characters which are lower than 150.

    AKradian wrote: »
    Lucsean99 wrote: »
    I'm lucky i didn't care about damage output. I always sold my nebs.

    I think that the majority of players don't have many, or any, nebulites on their gear, and will hardly be immediately affected by this change.
    In the long term, the bonus stats system will "raise the floor," because bonus stats are far more accessible to all players than nebulites.
    The nebulite system could have been revamped to improve accessibility, but I can understand Nexon preferring to replace it with the same system they have in every other service. Far less effort and risk of imbalance than messing with an exclusive system.
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Some of these players are going to log in with 5-10mil range less than what they had before once June 20 update is live. They're also going to lose 38% boss and more... What's there to not understand? I can't believe you guys have absolutely no idea how unhappy the community is about this change. You also have no idea how many people would have changed their mind about flames if it was mentioned anywhere that nebulites would be removed in the process.

    Nobody is going to be losing 10m range, and even 5m is very doubtful.
    The maximum someone can lose is 36% allstat (4% on each of 9 non-flamable equips) and 25% boss (on secondary), which doesn't show on range. The 25% boss on the weapon is replaced by boss+dmg+attack, which is actually going to raise range.

    Let's assume a capped-out character at 99m range. 10m range would be a tenth of that. Which means 36% allstat would need to be 1/10th of their entire allstat. So they only have 360% (from potential and nebs) on all their gear combined? I don't think so.
    Or are you talking about a character with only 50m range? 10m range would be a fifth of that. Which means 36% allstat is 1/5th of their entire allstat. So they only have 180% stat potential on all their gear combined?
    The math just doesn't work out.

    Yes, endgame players are going to lose some range and boss damage. Personally I would have preferred it if Nexon let us keep nebulites on gear that can't be flamed, until they raise the star cap. Making our top players weaker, even by a small amount, right before the introduction of a new boss, makes no sense to me. But there is no need to exaggerate the damage loss.

    Some stat? I think 50% boss is a little more than just some stat...also you can't even flame your secondary.
  • UserRedUserRed
    Reactions: 1,590
    Posts: 101
    edited June 2018
    Item prices probably would have become even more ridiculous because of the power of Flames stacked on top of the rarity of nebulites. Even then, few people have consistent access to decent nebs and even fewer have nebs as a decent chunk of their DPS. I didn't use nebs at all personally, though that may have been due to my year long hiatus and not bothering to grind seriously.

    Also they said they were going to "phase out" nebulites.
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited June 2018
    Some stat? I think 50% boss is a little more than just some stat...also you can't even flame your secondary.

    Boss damage also isn't a highly sought-after stat compared to, say, IED or critical damage, particularly on Reboot where boss damage is less effective.
    Most players reported increased ranges with the switch, and flames are far, far easier to obtain than nebulites, since in Reboot they can be bought in the general shop for about 9m and in regular servers the level 1xx ones drop from bosses (like Zakum, normal RA, and such).
  • KushyDragonKushyDragon
    Reactions: 1,715
    Posts: 135
    edited June 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    Lucsean99 wrote: »
    I'm lucky i didn't care about damage output. I always sold my nebs.

    I think that the majority of players don't have many, or any, nebulites on their gear, and will hardly be immediately affected by this change.
    In the long term, the bonus stats system will "raise the floor," because bonus stats are far more accessible to all players than nebulites.
    The nebulite system could have been revamped to improve accessibility, but I can understand Nexon preferring to replace it with the same system they have in every other service. Far less effort and risk of imbalance than messing with an exclusive system.
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Some of these players are going to log in with 5-10mil range less than what they had before once June 20 update is live. They're also going to lose 38% boss and more... What's there to not understand? I can't believe you guys have absolutely no idea how unhappy the community is about this change. You also have no idea how many people would have changed their mind about flames if it was mentioned anywhere that nebulites would be removed in the process.

    Nobody is going to be losing 10m range, and even 5m is very doubtful.
    The maximum someone can lose is 36% allstat (4% on each of 9 non-flamable equips) and 25% boss (on secondary), which doesn't show on range. The 25% boss on the weapon is replaced by boss+dmg+attack, which is actually going to raise range.

    Let's assume a capped-out character at 99m range. 10m range would be a tenth of that. Which means 36% allstat would need to be 1/10th of their entire allstat. So they only have 360% (from potential and nebs) on all their gear combined? I don't think so.
    Or are you talking about a character with only 50m range? 10m range would be a fifth of that. Which means 36% allstat is 1/5th of their entire allstat. So they only have 180% stat potential on all their gear combined?
    The math just doesn't work out.

    Yes, endgame players are going to lose some range and boss damage. Personally I would have preferred it if Nexon let us keep nebulites on gear that can't be flamed, until they raise the star cap. Making our top players weaker, even by a small amount, right before the introduction of a new boss, makes no sense to me. But there is no need to exaggerate the damage loss.
    Neospector wrote: »
    Some stat? I think 50% boss is a little more than just some stat...also you can't even flame your secondary.

    Boss damage also isn't a highly sought-after stat compared to, say, IED or critical damage, particularly on Reboot where boss damage is less effective.
    Most players reported increased ranges with the switch, and flames are far, far easier to obtain than nebulites, since in Reboot they can be bought in the general shop for about 9m and in regular servers the level 1xx ones drop from bosses (like Zakum, normal RA, and such).

    The 50% boss wasn't RNG Based.

    Also I don't play on Reboot, and those level 110 flames are useless period. Steve aka x3TheAran59 and Kobe aka islinggunz who have made videos on flames explaining why the level 110 flames are completely useless.

    So that leaves Red Flames which you can't buy in shops on regular servers, and rainbow ones which are extremely expensive to obtain.
  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2018
    You can get Powerful Rebirth Flames from: Decent & Substantial Exploration Boxes, Dojo Shop, Legion Shop, Ursus shop, Oz tower rank 4 or higher box, Event Shops, Sudden Missions, Pollo and Fritto rewards, elite monsters and bosses rewards, you can even get them as rare drops from bosses ( in both regular and reboot )

    You can get Eternal Rebirth Flames from: Substantial Exploration Boxes, Oz Tower Rank 2 or higher box, Event Shops, Sudden Missions, Pollo and Fritto rewards, elite monsters and bosses rewards, you can get them as rare drops from bosses ( in both regular and reboot )

    You even have a chance of getting a full powerful or eternal flame by harvesting Flowers and Veins, and of course you can craft & straight out just buy them from the Auction House.

    You can even get a boss drop with an already good flame on it, or just buy it with a good flame from a shop like absolab or arcane or use a token to get some nice flamed cra equips.

    The Lv. XXX Flames are not useless; you can extract them for rebirth fragments which are used to craft powerful and eternal flames.

    Bonus Stats and Rebirth Flames is a Far-Far-Far-Far-Far-Far-Far-Far-Far-Far-Far-Far-Far Better system then Nebulites ever was.

    Side-Note: someone should tell savageace that you cannot get Ignore enemy defense as a bonus stat.