We got the western set from the High noon event, however the Gun cover was left out, really makes the outfit, and it would be pretty amazing to see it in a future box. Thanks
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): *HAIRS,FACES,NXITEMS/PETS*
Item name (English/Korean): ALL NAMES ARE BELOW IN KOREAN
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Not yet seen in GMS (I don't think so at least
Image of item:
I've requested these items multiple times, in ARK update I know you all will have these items in your database. Please release them @Arwoo
Could you maybe post your suggestions only once per page? It's cluttering my screen and it makes it hard for me (and probably others) to see new suggestions. I'm sure I'm not the only one bothered by it.
You guys released an item to hide Ark's facial markings.
You did not however release an item to hide Ark's Specter arm.
Yes I am aware that you can cover it with an NX weapon, however, I do not wish to use a flashy NX weapon, nor do I desire to make my weapon transparent entirely.
I want to use a in-game Knuckle for fashion reasons. :c
Thus an item to toggle Ark's Specter hand on or off would be wonderful. It'd work similarly to the pre-existing items that toggle Elven / Lef ears, or Ark / Demon markings.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair Item name (English/Korean): Filling Hair (Kinesis Hair?) Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Couldn't find any previous cash shop rotations.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item Item name (English/Korean): Dark Musician Scarf Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Couldn't find any previous cash shop rotations.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Pet
Item name (English/Korean): Jr. Orchid Pet Package (pls. Perm Version)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/7384/cash-shop-specials-2-17-2-23
Image of Item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX
Item name (English/Korean): World of Pink Outfit, Hat, Weapon, Shoes, Cape
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): NEW
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Wavy Mane Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): NEW
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Mimi Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): NEW
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet):
NX Item
Item name (English/Korean):
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/23782/cash-shop-update-for-july-5
I was wondering if it would be possibly to add a purple version of this NX weapon cover so that it would match with the purple dinosaur set seen below.
I would also be really interested in a blue version of the dinosaur/dinofrog since I am a big fan of both the purple and green ones.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Crescent Eye Face
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/19137/cash-shop-update-11-30
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Harp Seal permanent outfit set
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Jan 2017 (Over a year ago)
Image of item:
This set was released last year as a permanent outfit package for both reboot and non-reboot. Could we have a return of this set?
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): The Erda Flow, Starlit Dreamweaver, Starlit Dreams Cowl, Starlit Dreams Robe, Starlit Dreamwalkers
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/25073/cash-shop-update-for-september-6
Image of item:
Can you guys add the cliche animd MC hair. Or add shaggy bobbed as a male hair. All of the male hairs are too short or don't fit the typical anime hair. Kind stressful since I can't make the hair the same as mine irl
I want these faces for males that was in maple sea rotation that was at beginning of this year 2nd jan, My ark could really use these and i cant remember males getting damien face for males for some time also.. and same goes for the eventful face i keep seeing it being released for females so frustrating to see please make this happen >.> this is the face link http://media.playpark.net/MapleStory/uploadimages/030118_royalface_m.png, and this is the link where they had it announced on there website http://www.maplesea.com/updates/view/CSU_030118/
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet):
Item name (English/Korean):
~Real Face
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.wiki/GMS/latest/item/23167/real-face-blue
Image of item:
I cannot find any information at all regarding this face.
Anyways here are my suggestions.
i would like to get Puppy Eyes Face (royal face)
really looking forwad to getting em
Could you maybe post your suggestions only once per page? It's cluttering my screen and it makes it hard for me (and probably others) to see new suggestions. I'm sure I'm not the only one bothered by it.
would appreciate it if this hair style could make it back into rotation, been looking at it for years now, Diva Bow Hair
You did not however release an item to hide Ark's Specter arm.
Yes I am aware that you can cover it with an NX weapon, however, I do not wish to use a flashy NX weapon, nor do I desire to make my weapon transparent entirely.
I want to use a in-game Knuckle for fashion reasons. :c
Thus an item to toggle Ark's Specter hand on or off would be wonderful. It'd work similarly to the pre-existing items that toggle Elven / Lef ears, or Ark / Demon markings.
Item name (English/Korean): Filling Hair (Kinesis Hair?)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Couldn't find any previous cash shop rotations.
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Constantly Curious Face [M]
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Cash Shop Update for July 19
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): All About Black
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Cash Shop Update for February 28
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Dark Musician Scarf
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Couldn't find any previous cash shop rotations.
Image of item:
Much appreciated!
Item name (English/Korean): Jr. Orchid Pet Package (pls. Perm Version)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/7384/cash-shop-specials-2-17-2-23
Image of Item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX
Item name (English/Korean): World of Pink Outfit, Hat, Weapon, Shoes, Cape
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): NEW
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Wavy Mane Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): NEW
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Mimi Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): NEW
Image of item:
NX Item
Item name (English/Korean):
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
I was wondering if it would be possibly to add a purple version of this NX weapon cover so that it would match with the purple dinosaur set seen below.
I would also be really interested in a blue version of the dinosaur/dinofrog since I am a big fan of both the purple and green ones.
Item name (English/Korean): Crescent Eye Face
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/19137/cash-shop-update-11-30
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Rainbow Tie Dye T-Shirt
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/2850/cash-shop-specials-4-8-4-14
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Item
Item name (English/Korean): Psyche Friendship Ring
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/2850/cash-shop-specials-4-8-4-14
Image of item:
Item name (English/Korean): Kiddo Face (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/7290/cash-shop-specials-2-10-2-16
Image of item:
Item name (English/Korean): Marigold Hair (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/3876/cash-shop-specials-8-26--9-1
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Still Eyed Face (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/23782/cash-shop-update-for-july-5
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item name (English/Korean): Going to School in the Morning Hair (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/24101/updated-cash-shop-update-for-july-19
Image of item:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): A Child's Dream (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/25191/cash-shop-update-for-september-13
Image of item:
Item name (English/Korean): Harp Seal permanent outfit set
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): Jan 2017 (Over a year ago)
Image of item:
This set was released last year as a permanent outfit package for both reboot and non-reboot. Could we have a return of this set?
This, please. Thank you.
Item name (English/Korean): Sparkling Face (Male)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
The sixth face
Item name (English/Korean): Constantly curious
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link): http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/24101/updated-cash-shop-update-for-july-19
Image of item:
Item name (English/Korean):
~Real Face
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Image of item:
I cannot find any information at all regarding this face.