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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Questions Regarding to Lab Server Legion Block
And don't forget if you are level 249 with 99.99% EXP and die, you go back to level 10 and being a beginner
Because we all know that nolifing to max level on a hard server for 20 days is worth the 7 attack increase.
That said, let's look at what the update notes are saying right now:
In order to obtain the first block, you need to reach level 150.
In order to obtain the second block, you need to die after 150 and then reach level 200.
The blocks' sizes depend on your maximum level. Since both blocks require reaching 150 to even obtain, they'll be 20 attack and 28 attack respectively, and 4 grid squares each, if you just stop playing LAB after reaching 200.
IF you want an extra 5 attack on the first block and 7 on the second, and one more grid square for each, then you must reach level 250.
Personally, I find that effort much too excessive for the reward. But I suppose true min-maxers might go all-out trying for it.
not to mention that you're going to also have to work on gearing up so that's alot of time down the drain as well
Yeah you want to scroll your gear decently but the passive buffs affects your damage a lot, got a feeling without them you wouldn't be seeing people easily hitting the damage cap on lab. (That nice 100b damage cap.)
It's probably not going to be as much as a time sink as you think gearing up.
Also, depending on how the buff monsters work, it might be easier to level up on lab; don't get me wrong I'm not defending the required level of 250, if they want to keep it at that then they should at-least raise the time lab is open until to early/mid september, 20 days if definitely too short.
Got the feeling though if it stays how it is most, if not every legit player will only be getting the one for reaching 200. Having said that I think nexon/staff should be keeping an eye on anyone who does hit 250 if it's not easier to level. It might not be impossible, but it certainly shouldn't be possible for most people, not in 20 days anyway.
i AGREE with you I also think its too much to ask for getting to 250 within 20 days for a lame +7att I think i'll just go to level 200 and i call the lab server quits getting to 250 is far too difficult on such a low time limit we need at least 30 days not 20 we just wouldn't have the time...
From what people are saying, it sounds like nobody will actually be able to get that legit.
do you know if those blocks are perm or time limit?