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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
In KMS, about 5 months ago, 1+1 starforce event had a bug where glove's attack increase upon starforcing doesn't drop, when the starforce fails. They ended up creating monster gloves with +70 attack or above on the gloves with this bug. They shut the starforce, transfer hammer, and etc were disabled for some time to fix this issue.
5 months later, GMS had exact same 1+1 starforce event, and guess what.......
THEY ALSO HAD EXACTLY THE SAME BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How???? Just HOW????????
You guys have 5......FIVE MONTHS to prep for this kind of thing. You guys really just ctrl c+ ctrl v the bugged event code from KMS into GMS?!!!
I'm just loss for words how this could possibly have happened. This was a huge bug in KMS, and GMS, which is about 6 months behind the all KMS events, ends up having the SAME PROBLEM!!!!! Wow.....just wow. I can be [redacted] harvard lawyer and I still wouldn't be able to shield this XD
But it's not new to us that Nexon Korea, including the Overseas Content team, doesn't really have one. Our own version's bug fixes - or even simple text translations - come undone every now and then.
I mean if you're that desperate, you could always buy a 10 star weapon (lol, maybe as a small "celebration" for hitting 200, or w/e the sf requirements are).
That would require a competent development team, and well... we all know the answer to that.
Especially for people like Skandell, who are getting screwed over because of the new 5th job requirements, this is unacceptable that this bug has happened. Especially so since it was already the exact same issue as in kMS. I'd say the ones truly with their **** in their hands is Nexon. =/