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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Princess No Prequest Transformation
So I started the Princess No prequests and got to the point where I started on the Hayato questline (you get transformed into Hayato there using a potion you get). I remember I then died at the final boss (Princess No) in the temple. After that I couldn't transform into Hayato anymore. I tried unequipping everything, forfeiting the quests and dropping the quest items. Nothing worked. I'm basically stuck at this point since I'm a perma beginner. I simply can't progress without transforming into Hayato like I should. Does anybody know how to solve this?
I did. I did like ten times. It puts me in the Hayato questline untransformed.
This is an issue currently being looked into. When you get the chance please submit a ticket to Customer Service!
I will do that. Thanks for your reply c: