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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Can we get some type of Permanent Sharing tag between two characters that would allow us to transfer Cash Shop Items and Untradeable equips just between those two characters and there would be no limit or expiration on this Sharing Tag. The only catch would be that only two characters would be allowed at one time and if you wanted to change the characters that share items you would have to buy another Sharing Tag.
Doesn't sound like something Nexon would go for.
Or they could at least make are untradeable equips tradable like Sweet Water equips and totems within account with a tag or something even if it's one time thing.
Sweetwater equips are completely tradeable until equipped. As far as I'm aware, you can also use Platinum Scissors of Karma on them.
Unless you're in Reboot, in which case there is no trading period.
You can't use PSoKs on Sweetwater equips. They're fully untradable once equipped.
I was just googling about what was the sharing tag for and i got this result from google (for context)
Oh my god, seriously, no offense but... when was the last time you played the game? sweetwater gear being lock forever to the character its one of the biggest complaints with it (please don't bring the whole psok before transpose)
As for the actual topic, i would love to be able to move equipment within account and lose its tradable state once i equip it again, this would be helpful for items i need to cube/reflame and the mule i was training happens to get one that its untradable ( untradable flames or cubes are a thing specially from events specially CSS) but i just cant freely equip and unequip, obviously to avoid exploits, but like...... specially since the flame update, sometimes i wish i had the chance to move some of my faf gears within account to reflame my stuff with legion shop flames <<<<<<
Sure people could argue that it would ruin the market and the desire for arcane gear would drop, but an easy counter to that is definitely the Sharing Tag. Even if it's account bound it's still useful on another rather than sitting there taking up space.
Albeit I don't agree with the permanent sharing tag, a sharing tag should be bought for each instance you desire the item to be traded; just like a psok. Nexon should definitely look into doing something with Sweet Water equipment after gimping it with flames and making it obsolete.