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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
If the hacker issue won't be addressed...
Kms requires a proper SSN to play the game to limit the account creation.
I really don't know what you can do in gms. First of all there's regions that don't even have SSN. Not to mention, given nexonna's track record, I highly doubtful anyone would give out their SSN to Nexon. Perhaps a phone number authentication that can't be a VoIP number? As of right now, you just need a valid email and you can make as many accounts as you want.
Continuing on the topic of hackers though, my biggest concern is when you guys do release the black mage. The content contains alliance shops which have some pretty nifty stuff. However this only lasts until the black mage is defeated. If hard will was beaten within 24 hours (I'm making a huge assumption it was illigitimate, sorry if it was legit) in gms, I'm making a safe assumption that over 50% of the content that comes with the black mage release won't even be usable due to the fact that once hackers find the bypasses and proper values they need, bm will be dead. Unless nexonNA either has new plans for anticheat, the hackers ignore bm completely, you're planning on keeping the alliance shop open forever/future coin shops, I forsee black mage being a hyped up disappointment that won't last more than 4 hours. I really do hope that you guys do understand how the content for black mage operates and plan accordingly.
ssn won't work because gms is used in quite a few counties. But I do feel like perhaps something like captcha that forces people to use it might be a solution. It would probably anger people who afk to earn guild points (which admittedly I do myself), it could be a possible measure. Hard for hackers to run programs if they can't solve captchas and are DC'd constantly.
Or at least run a captcha in order to log in, a different kind each time so hackers can't just try and beat whatever system there is. Something, anything.
Captcha was tried temporarily for a few days when NexonNA "accidentally" ported it in from kms. The forums/reddit was flooded with rage. It inconvenienced legit players and it didn't bother botters at all. Considering Runes are auto completed by bots, I'm sure they'd find the trigger for captcha and have it never trigger.
Phone authentication may work since a majority of players in this game probably either have cellphones or are still the old players from pre-BB days.
Either way, in my ideal world, removing access to create new accounts so easily and removing every automated anti-cheat would be prime. Wishful thinking sure, but it would really be nice to actually want to login and play regularly versus going lotus/damien/dojo only after a patch/maintenance.
They say developers do read the forums from time to time, but that's something we cant verify for sure.
This comment was nothing more than random accusations of players hacking and scamming.
The forums are not the place to report players, do so either in-game or in a ticket.
Question for you Neospector?
HOW CAN HE BE LYING about Nexon's intentions when you yourself don't even know what Nexon's intentions are?
I mean who could of possibly foreseen the removal of our Singapore content, Nexon as a whole in my opinion is acting drunk and irrationally. How can anyone possibly know Nexon's intentions at this moment in time? I don't even think Nexon knows what they are gonna do next, it is like Nexon Korea is one personality and Nexon America is another but it is the same person, what is that called oh yeah schizophrenia BWHAHAHAHA ROFL!
Unfortunately for us GMS players it would seem that Nexon Korea is the stronger of the personalities, come on Nexon Global stand up to Nexon Korea and keep your player base happy!
Well, I could say I do know what their intentions are: it was stated in the memo that the removal of the area was due to hackers and game optimization. You're refusing to acknowledge this as a legitimate concept, so me pointing that out is irrelevant as it'll simply cause a fight or outright accusations that the memo is somehow, for some absurd reason, a "lie".
I could also claim I have "magical VFM insider knowledge", which is not only ridiculous but would also be a complete and total lie; I know exactly the same as you do, which is what the memo said. You don't believe the memo, so we're back to square one.
Instead, I'm going to give you, and anyone else who like you decides simply to flamebait instead of furthering the discussion, a verbal warning to review the code of conduct.
Follow these rules. That is all that needs to be said.
Where did I say that? Did you even read my post?
I said regular users shouldn't be punished for sharing maps with hackers because hackers are such a wide spread issue now that they are making questlines unable to be completed, taking over popular maps, etc.
Also why on earth would you care about KSing a hacker anyway? It...it's a hacker.
Thanks Nexon, it will not be the Black Mage who will ruin the maple world, it will be you
It's a problem in other games. Runescape, WoW, any other MMORPG you can think of. So the best they can do is to restrict what the botters can do, even when it means restricting normal players.