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Reactions: 100
Post: 1
edited October 2018 in General Chat
Is the speed and movement of these two player normal? I've been seeing them floating I guess on three separate places in El Nath farming.


  • MiraMira
    Reactions: 4,160
    Posts: 485
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2018
    Lol no, those are hackers. Welcome to MapleStory ! \o/
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited October 2018
    welcome to maplestory... a land full of hackers going left and right.
  • anubis421anubis421
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 15
    edited October 2018
    Is the speed and movement of these two player normal? I've been seeing them floating I guess on three separate places in El Nath farming.

    Lol, you must be a new player or something like that.

    Those are hackers, and as the ones said above me, welcome to MapleStory, where about 70%-80% of population (this is a fact, just walk around maplestory and tell me how many legit players do you see and then go to training places and tell me how many hackers you see, nobody can deal with facts) are hackers that nobody even bother to try to take care of them.

    As an old mapler, trust me, do not waste your time reporting them, etc, because no matter what you will do, they will NOT get banned.

    Your best shot is just to leave, or maybe quit training, just like I did, since those hackers always ksed me and took over my maps and channels...

    Nevertheless, welcome to MapleStory.
  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
    Posts: 2,146
    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    edited October 2018
    Those are hackers. Report them in a ticket or in-game, not here.
    anubis421 wrote: »

    Do not spread FUD; encouraging others to leave and quit training is the furthest thing possible from "constructive criticism".
    You have 8 comments and half of them are dedicated to how "useless" it is to report hackers. Stop it.