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Allow completely changing a class for NX

Reactions: 1,120
Posts: 42
edited November 2018 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I have a character that I achieved a lot on - millions of clean range, medals, quests, maxed all traits, perfect Inner Ability lines, awesome equips and items from past events, tons of nodes, and so many other things that I can't even keep track of at this point.
The problem: I despise the class with every fiber of my being :3 (Including its open advancements)
- Playing him makes me wanna cry.
- Starting a new character and re-doing it all from scratch also makes me wanna cry (Especially since I'm in Reboot, so RIP all my equips).
- Quitting MapleStory and abandoning all this hard work will also make me wanna cry.

Seeing as there's no other choice atm, I've already started a new character and I'm trying to power through and catch up to my old char. But for the future, is there any chance we get a system that completely changes a class, while keeping everything else it achieved? Personally, I'd be willing to pay good NX for something like that.

Few suggestions on how to implement this:

* Turn all current nodes into Nodestones of the corresponding type (Skill nodes will turn into Nodestones that can give ONLY skill nodes. Same goes for boost and special nodes). Higher-level nodes will produce more Nodestones, depending on how many nodes it took to get them to that level. Universal skill nodes are an exception; they stay as is (Decent skills, Rope Lift, Erda Nova, etc).

* Let the player choose which equips to transform to the version of the new class (For example, if you're a Kinesis changing to Demon Slayer, allow changing a Royal Dunwitch Hat to a Royal Warrior Helm).

* Allow swapping potential stats within equips - Swap your current class' main stat with the new class' main stat, AND VICE VERSA. Example:
Again, let's say you're a Kinesis going Demon Slayer, and your Royal Dunwitch Hat has 9%int, 6%str, and some trash on the 3rd line (1% chance to ignore 4 dmg lul f3). Since the point is to maintain the damage range as much as possible, it would make sense that INT should be changed to STR. But that would give you an unfair advantage, since the hat already has a 6%str on the 2nd line. Therefore, to keep things fair, the line with the new class' main stat will change to the old class' main stat. In other words, 9%int turns into 9%str, and in exchange, the 6%str turns into 6%int.

* Same as above goes for bonus stats.

* If going from a mage class to a physical attacker (or vice versa), swap WATK with MATK where applicable (Like in bonus stats, Inner Ability, potential, etc).


Now obviously there are quite a few flaws... One I can think of is, how will the stat-swapping thing work for a Xenon? I know it mains THREE stats instead of one. But I trust that Nexon can solve any flaws and loopholes if they do implement this, right...?

And most importantly:
Nexin plz actually consider the idea, even if it'll be years from now

a frustrated ex-Fire/Poison Archmage ^^


  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,740
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    edited November 2018
    What about the class did you not like? Why did you play it for so long if you didn't like it?
    I'm a F/P main and I personally love it. (To each their own.) But I'd love to know what you didn't love about it.
  • AstersAsters
    Reactions: 975
    Posts: 56
    edited November 2018
    that sounds good ! but i wish it can be done the way it is now.

    i don't know if you know this but we can change jobs.

    it can be done with mesos as well or job coin .

    its is applied to the same explorers of the class but different jobs. the cost is 1 coins or mesos but the cost can go skyrocketing if your lvl is so high

    Thieves = dual blade to nigh lord or shadower - or vice versa
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,740
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    edited November 2018
    Asters wrote: »

    He knows about it. He mentions it in the original post.
    The problem: I despise the class with every fiber of my being :3 (Including its open advancements)

    Personally I don't like the idea that much, but I can't think of any reason why not. (Other than it possibly being an absolute nightmare to program)
    I'd rather just keep the character and make a new one. But my dream is to have a level 250 275 of all characters someday, so...
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited November 2018
    bad idea
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2018
    Currently, if you buy one of those "pre leveled character coupons" in cash shop, you don't get an instant level 50/100/150 character. You get a level 1 character, and an exp potion with enough exp to get to the level you paid for.
    Do you know why that is?

    It's because a character needs to reach its level by going from the start and doing certain mandatory quests and job advancements. If those are skipped, the character ends up lacking skills, items, stats, pre-requisites, etc.
    In fact, some classes can't be made with those pre-leveled coupons, because their mandatory story quests are so complex that Nexon doesn't want to risk people drinking the exp potion without doing them, and permanently glitching their character.

    In the distant past, we had Ultimate Explorers that were level 50 on creation - and they had issues with low HP/MP and missing inventory slots because of it.

    Why am I telling you all this?

    Changing the class of an existing character is the same as creating an instant high-level character. It would be a programming nightmare to make sure it has all the features it would have gotten if played as that class from level 1 - and doesn't have any features that the original class gets but the new one doesn't. And that's before we get into all your ideas about converting gear, nodes, etc.
    Explorers have open advancement because their progress - story quests etc - is identical. But doing the same thing for any two classes is not nearly as simple.

    So, this is, in my opinion, not a feasible suggestion.
  • EternityMaxEternityMax
    Reactions: 1,120
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    edited November 2018
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    What about the class did you not like?
    Managing all these DoTs, lots of buffs, bad mobility (No flashjump-like skill, and Teleport just feels slow, probably because of my high ping), etc.
    I guess I'm more into spastic classes that can be all over the place, AND are simple to manage.

    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Why did you play it for so long if you didn't like it?
    I opened a F/P a couple of years ago, after a long hiatus, for "nostalgic" reasons - It's the very first class I've played back in 2007 or 2008, so I just wanted to see what they're like nowadays. I never expected to get so invested into it, but many things kept me going (events, all these new bosses and features, etc). Later on, I learned about Link Skills, so I started opening new characters... and I loved their playstyle so much more than the F/P. But at that point, I was thinking to myself "Nah, I don't wanna re-do everything on a new character, I'll just stick to the F/P... Maybe I'll get used to it eventually; maybe it'll grow on me". But the more I kept going, the more I realized that the class isn't for me. When I got to the point where I can solo Chaos Vellum like nothing, and STILL don't enjoy the class, I decided it's time for a change.

    AKradian wrote: »
    Yeah, even with my suggestions, I figured there was something I'm missing - the whole mandatory quests thing didn't even cross my mind... And who knows what else I'm missing. The game's database is so huge, and dare I say messy, so implementing a system like this is just asking for bugs. But hey, it didn't hurt to try and suggest :3

    Appreciate all the feedback so far!
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,740
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    edited November 2018
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    What about the class did you not like?
    Managing all these DoTs, lots of buffs, bad mobility (No flashjump-like skill, and Teleport just feels slow, probably because of my high ping), etc.
    I guess I'm more into spastic classes that can be all over the place, AND are simple to manage.

    I know exactly what you mean. My hotbar is usually suffocated for space. Having to put up 5-8 buffs after a death in a boss is a bit annoying.
    Better have Spirit of Freedom or suffer without. Mobility is just bad. Spirit Savior is an absolute nightmare for me.
    I can understand wanting a simple class. I have plenty of other characters to get myself away from F/P when it feels like it's too much.
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Why did you play it for so long if you didn't like it?
    I opened a F/P a couple of years ago, after a long hiatus, for "nostalgic" reasons - It's the very first class I've played back in 2007 or 2008, so I just wanted to see what they're like nowadays. I never expected to get so invested into it, but many things kept me going (events, all these new bosses and features, etc). Later on, I learned about Link Skills, so I started opening new characters... and I loved their playstyle so much more than the F/P. But at that point, I was thinking to myself "Nah, I don't wanna re-do everything on a new character, I'll just stick to the F/P... Maybe I'll get used to it eventually; maybe it'll grow on me". But the more I kept going, the more I realized that the class isn't for me. When I got to the point where I can solo Chaos Vellum like nothing, and STILL don't enjoy the class, I decided it's time for a change.

    I did this too, it was my first class. I used to absolutely hate the class. Played it to 3rd a couple of times, and 4th once, over the years.
    When reboot came along I gave it another shot during override, managed to hit 200 by pushing through because the event.
    Once I hit 5th job, I finally started to like F/P. It actually did grow on me.
    However I did do something similar with Kanna as well. I made it to 178 before finally giving up and admitting that I hated the class.
    Looking back I don't know how I managed to even get past 160 with it, as I absolutely despise it.

    Good luck looking for a new class, funding will at least be easy. If you have drop gear you can always make transferable nodes.
  • XiangTuXiangTu
    Reactions: 1,225
    Posts: 59
    edited November 2018
    I think this is actually a good suggestion minus the transferring of gear and nodes etc. That'd be way too complex, and unnecessary for non reboot players.. I see as youre a reboot players that's a huge issue with this suggestion. But the switching of gear doesn't sound feasible at all tbh. Maybe suck up the gear losses, and resetting gollux shops/other shops in this neture for this. Could also accommodate the lost gear by giving reboot a buyback option in tyrant/cra gear shops where they can sell their gear back for coins/stamps from Cra.. would be an expensive nx item to give Nexon the incentive to do it though