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Make Kishin, or its effect, Pay-to-use.
This is but a simple suggestion that would make kishin less profitable for the greatest evil of all time in maple, the botters, while still letting the majority of the population enjoy it, now without having to lvl a mule on a second PC to 225.
This suggestion is just to give an idea of what I mean. The numbers can be changed however, and it could be changed to only be like this in reboot since real servers still have frenzy, but simply put it's something like this...
Make Kishin, or just a skill with a spawnboost like it, a skillbook/node/decent skill that you can obtain on any character after having spent at least 5k NX prepaid in the cash shop.
Before you cry p2w, meso kannas buying pets, pet snacks and pet skills were already p2w in that regard. A small CD on this skill, like 30 seconds, could also be added to prevent over-spamming it.
Sure, this wont change any issue the server has with the skill, but it would make the mass-account makers unable to use it without spending tons of money, while letting people without a second computer enjoy the benefits of kishin without being at the mercy of the 2-PC overlords.
I really dont want to part ways with the wonders of kishin and its spawnrate in Reboot, so I hope whatever route Nexon takes its the route of least destruction, and this is one of them in my opinion. I think very few would value the time it takes to lvl a kanna mule to 225 over spending 5$.
And if the bots can get around the anti-hack, and if hackers can obtain the monolith skill(frenzy totem) on reboot by way of packet injection or whatever, what makes you think they couldn't find a way to skirt "please pay $5 to kishin"? All this would do is unfairly shaft legitimate players, like practically every other "bot-curtailing" change that's been made in the past couple years.
I already said it with the pets for meso kannas as an example, also, did you not read my last part? In what part of the world do you have 2 computers, the time to lvl a mule to 225 on maplestory, but not the leisure to use 5$ on said videogame?
Of course I make this suggestion assuming hacking something like a frenzy into reboot isn't as simple as you make it sound. Also you make it sound like only F2P players are legit with your wording. Much more players would get access to the benefits of Kishin with this since it is easier to spend 5$ than buy a new computer.
Well, if we could have both this, and let kannas keep their kishin then we would both be happy, but I made this suggestion with Kannas rework in mind. Of course I dont want Kishin to be removed from Kanna either, I am just thinking of options to lessen the dmg it does on non-botters on reboot, and a paywall seemed like the easiest way to lessen the over-use. And Nexon gets money so they win too.
I play Reboot. This would hurt so many Kanna mains its not worth fathoming. Some of them like to play it for the boost in training, others enjoy it for Haku and being a general support unit. Most of the community I know plays because we are in college, or just can't throw money at the game. Ultimately botters can get around just about anything you throw at them besides ultra patching all the holes in the game (which is a long ways away). So the Paywall will hurt honest players a lot more than the dishonest hackers. One of my kanna friends in particular, takes great pride in being able to help people out with Kishin. It makes them feel great inside and ofc, it makes me happy if I can get some kishin since I don't have a mule high enough level, or a second computer that works well enough to be able to kish myself. You might be surprised that some of us have to rely on Kanna mains/alt mains for Kishin because...sometimes second computers don't work, or can't connect to wifi consistently, or you aren't quite skilled to run a Virtual machine.
That should keep the botters from making accounts as fast as the GMs can ban them.
My goal in this is to keep kishin's spawn effect in some way,shape or form in this game IF they decide to gut it. Dont need to strawman me.
That said p2p periods in f2p games are sometimes pretty quiet and nice.
It's not a straw man if you state your intent in the first sentence of your post.
A strawman would be something like going into the cash shop suggestion thread and saying to someone who asked that a specific pet be brought back in the future "WHY DON'T WE JUST MAKE THE WHOLE GAME PAY TO PLAY"
And I suggested making a skill Nexon got on the chopping block to a more restricted version so it at least gets to stay in some way/shape/form, in this case through verifying yourself by buying a bit of NX. Since my intent was not in any way to make it pay2play then it is a strawman. I understand that you disagree with me but calling it not a strawman is not true.
My idea might not be the brightest and I would happily believe in yours if you got a better one.
And we come back to bots being able to bypass that sort of thing, ultimately solving nothing and giving players one more stumbling block.
so why the $5 tax then? people mass creating these accounts would already be hit either way.
Though one problem I see is that within a day's time a person could be selling service for like 30mil an hour and gain more than enough to buy another totem for the next day but also you could get more out of it by paying 100mil to buy your own and have it last all day rather than buy service from someone else unless you're time and meso limited to only being able to afford a few hours of frenzy service instead of buying the totem. So basically this is only a problem if the price is set too high and all you want is a few hours of this item's effect.
Another problem would be making the totem too easily available for everyone. Most people who need it will be 200+ while many would still use it to gain a boost at lower areas and kanna bots will easilly boost their own leveling by using a frenzy totem. If we were to make this an item available from a certain content area, say commerci and make it cost 100 Denaro instead of 100mil mesos, we could increase the content's popularity plus make it a hurdle for bots because Denaro can only be obtained from doing commerci daily runs it will also prevent people from buying one every single day because it's impractical to get 100 Denaro in a day unless you saved up several denaro over the course of weeks and months just to have the totem be available for a week.
They stated that their network buffers are stressed due to constant mass kishin from all servers. Whether or not you accept this premise, it is clear that what they are really trying to say is 'we would like the spawn effect from kishin removed'. Why else would they come up with a solution to amplify EXP and mesos instead? Therefore I do not see how any of these solutions actually answer the question nexon is posing: How can we make kishin function without its current spawn modifier.
I think if they make Kishin work on drop/EXP it would either be lackluster and/or be compared to HS, since it would just be a mapwide version of it. Would Frenzy also get this treatment I wonder?
We don't even know the rates they had in mind so we cannot judge its potential to deliver equivalent outcomes just yet (plus it was stated to be a temporary solution). And no, Frenzy will likely not get this treatment since this a Kishin only directive. In fact, there is no point invoking Frenzy into this whole debate, Nexon specifically focused on the lag aspect of spawn modifiers in their memo because they knew it will exempt Frenzy totem from entering the discussion owing to the rarity of the item (and thus the minimal effect it has on the network buffer).