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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Disconnecting/Crash w/ Soot Glares
When ever the Soot Glares spawn, I can only get about a dozen before the client crashes.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Wasn't happening previously, with the new maps the second soot glare DC'd me.
Not sure if it was a one time occurrence or if it will repeat itself.
10:49 PM (UTC) Edit: Second DC, so it does seem to be a problem with the new maps themselves.
Nvidia card. Drivers are all up to date
Also Nvidia card.
This also happened to my girlfriend and she dced before I did when they spawned.
Please fix this issue ASAP, especially since people have this as a daily quest, Nexon.
You can still do your Moonbridge mission dailies, barring the Soot Glare mission unless you don't mind crashing 500 billion times trying to complete it, you just have to bail the map if Soot Glares spawn. Thankfully we don't have any more dailies that require multiple people in order to complete.
u better fix this thing up right now
I managed to kill 50 when the game crashed.
It appears it was a massive crash since there was only 1 player when I returned.
My graphic card is Nvidia.
it could be related to how the map has more than 10 players at the time (from what i noticed).
My graphic card is AMD so this is not only Nvidia
Definitly wrong.
With how many they give out, you'll be fine.