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Migration Delayed


  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited October 2016

    Arwen said:

    The migration is delayed..but Thanks God, that they have lifted some IP Region block. It would seem like this the window..You have to choose which region to play, then Log in as usual. Ppl from European can play in North America server, but they have to create new Account,

    That artwork doesn't look anything like Maplestory :(

    It feels wrong
    uhhh.. we've known what they were going to be for a while now, actually since the last patch we've know what the reigon select is going to look like

    yeah, It's not great but it's kinda odd to complain about it now
  • DedicatedBMDedicatedBM
    Reactions: 1,330
    Posts: 7
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2016


    Arwen said:

    The migration is delayed..but Thanks God, that they have lifted some IP Region block. It would seem like this the window..You have to choose which region to play, then Log in as usual. Ppl from European can play in North America server, but they have to create new Account,

    That artwork doesn't look anything like Maplestory :(

    It feels wrong
    uhhh.. we've known what they were going to be for a while now, actually since the last patch we've know what the reigon select is going to look like

    yeah, It's not great but it's kinda odd to complain about it now
    The Real Boys Plays On EU Right?
  • RikNLRikNL
    Reactions: 2,605
    Posts: 180
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2016



    Arwen said:

    The migration is delayed..but Thanks God, that they have lifted some IP Region block. It would seem like this the window..You have to choose which region to play, then Log in as usual. Ppl from European can play in North America server, but they have to create new Account,

    That artwork doesn't look anything like Maplestory :(

    It feels wrong
    uhhh.. we've known what they were going to be for a while now, actually since the last patch we've know what the reigon select is going to look like

    yeah, It's not great but it's kinda odd to complain about it now
    The Real Boys Plays On EU Right?
    Ofc, ArchMageSjon as IGN ofcourse
  • Raira94Raira94
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 42
    edited October 2016
    man they re applied the ip block.

    9 month i waited in ems to play reboot now after the a better maple notice i though "yay they listen to us they know ems is dieing right now and so we still have something for halloween they would open it and do the normal merge later". it was like a glimmer hope and now it feels like everything shattered, stamped on the ground and maybe even dug a grave so it never see the light of day again.

    sure some are going to say dont worry they said in the time of next month they going to do something.

    and sureeee i dont might to wait 1 more month so it reach the 10 count its just i was really happy to expieriece those strange stories and how your choices effect the outcome of your story. its just i was able to finish the henesy hunting but now after the maid story opend up i only got a chance to see 2 ending the last story i can already forget i wont get a chance to even see/expierence anything from that story.

    and i doubt as a ems play i wont get a chance to see old events any time soon unless maybe next year (so another 12month of waiting)

    I wonder if anna would have turn into a vengence full spirit if that had happen to here
  • ArwenArwen
    Reactions: 2,030
    Posts: 201
    edited October 2016
    This is weird, it's said they will re applied the IP block for certain regions that were incorrectly opened. I thought it should be like i, or Asian countries who accidentally got unblocked. But I surprised even some European countries who will soon be able to play in GMS are banned also. I though that Nexon America had been smart enough to let players from EU to be able to play while they wait for the migration done. But lol...I was wrong..
  • gamechangergamechanger
    Reactions: 3,460
    Posts: 506
    edited October 2016


    Arwen said:

    The migration is delayed..but Thanks God, that they have lifted some IP Region block. It would seem like this the window..You have to choose which region to play, then Log in as usual. Ppl from European can play in North America server, but they have to create new Account,

    That artwork doesn't look anything like Maplestory :(

    It feels wrong
    uhhh.. we've known what they were going to be for a while now, actually since the last patch we've know what the reigon select is going to look like

    yeah, It's not great but it's kinda odd to complain about it now
    Not sure how but this is the first I remember seeing this image
  • MataharyMatahary
    Reactions: 580
    Posts: 25
    edited November 2016

    I still dont know if the ipblock will be lifted
    I still dont know if we are gonna be able to play with the last week account
    Should i create a new European account? Or wait the merge?
  • PerceptivityPerceptivity
    Reactions: 2,820
    Posts: 239
    edited November 2016
    Matahary said:


    I still dont know if the ipblock will be lifted
    I still dont know if we are gonna be able to play with the last week account
    Should i create a new European account? Or wait the merge?
    If you read the migration notice that was posted on the ems website IT states the following:
    "In addition to the worlds merging, you will also be able to create brand new characters on our
    North America servers" wich means the IP block will be gone from next thursday!
    Its 1 week do what you feel is best to do =)
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited November 2016
    Europe say hello :) Last video before migration.