I don't want to whip a horse, but after seeing a video about how to get the Genesis weapons, I think Nexon needs to step back and go on hiatus because they are CLEARLY overthinking their global base. Let me break it down to these guys what's wrong and why only one person in the entire community will ever get a fully liberated Genesis weapon:
1: To even get the box with your weapon, you have to beat the hardest fight in the entire game - Black Mage on HARD Mode. I saw in the video someone pulled up a video of someone using a bug to skip the entire fight by letting him get killed to skip the phases. I know the HP is shared amongst every character in the game, but only a handful are going to win legit and Nexon will eventually find out this bug and patch it so getting killed boots you. You need to have all of your nodes maxed out with the best bossing abilities to stand a chance in hell of winning this fight, which is harder than even Verus Hilla.
2: If that wasn't bad enough, once you cleanse your Genesis weapon with the Clean Slate Scroll given to you, you have to defeat all seven of the Black Mage's commanders on Hard Mode. Nobody has been Hard Mode Will yet. Worse, you are expected to beat them with no equipment on except the Genesis weapon(and a secondary if you have one for your class) and when you take the mission, your Final Attack damage is nerfed to almost nothing! The only players who might stand a chance are those who pump their characters full of virtual steriods by the cash shop, which means F2P players are sadly out of luck and will never switch from their Arcane Weapon.
Because of this, MapleStory is ruined and will be reduced to a glorified chat room. What's the point of starting up a new link mule at all if your main is just never gonna stand a chance at completing the ultimate battle on Normal Mode and will never get his ultimate weapon? Nexon, you dun goofed. You need to nerf some of this. I am not saying just give them the weapon, but allow the player to go into these Black Commander missions with full equipment or maybe a party. (Yes, you have to do these missions solo. It's impossible to solo Hard Mode Verus Hilla on F2P.
I am just giving out my gripes to Nexon. If they read this, please consider the following:
* You've put out the fight with the Black Mage. This is the last battle in your story. You'd better figure out how to make it so that the story deals with the aftermath or players are going to get bored, thinking that there's nothing left to do once the Black Mage is dead.
* Nerf all of these missions to liberate the Genesis Weapon. I am not saying drop them, I know that the idea is to purify a cursed weapon by defeating tough enemies. In Final Fantasy VI you had to do this with a cursed shield(fight 100 battles with it equipped to make it the Paladin Shield). But for the love of all holiness, realize how limited half your player base is in damage range and how tough some of the later superbosses are and give the F2P and Reboot players a loophole to exploit so they can win these battles.
* I love the determination event quests, maybe show the characters in the cities change or something.
Also, we only know the restrictions for the first one or two fights (just Von Leon, and I think someone managed Arkarium), and they're not the same across all the bosses. No one has done the other bosses, so we don't know how those are restricted, the only thing we know is that there are 3 different debuffs: Up to -90% Final Damage + Equip Restrictions, -20% Final Damage, and only being able to use a certain type of potion. It's a bit too early to complain about how impossible it might be when we don't even know yet.
So what is everyone wrong about? No one really said it's not BiS unless it's stuck in base form, which is what the op is complaining about, not that it's not bis, that it's difficult to make it bis. Don't really get what you're trying to point out that everyone doesn't already know, minus maybe you didn't.
Par for the course for him, really. Meandering without any real goal in mind. Has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that OP appears incensed at having to kill the hard version of pretty much every boss between lotus and the black mage himself to unlock the weapon or whatever.
Wouldn't really call having op gear using nx cubes as "have plenty of skill" unless you're saying like skill irl to earn money. (joking)
Though I do agree on the fact you shouldn't be able to be carried through to it.
You can't judge the requirements when you don't even know them. We've only seen the requirements for Von Leon and Arkarium, and the 90% final damage reduction for Von Leon scaled up to a 75% reduction for Arkarium. It's pretty likely that they're just imposing stricter requirements on the easier bosses to make the quests more of a challenge, and the requirements should gradually lighten up as we get to the harder bosses (e.g. they'll probably lift the solo requirement for bosses that can't be cleared solo yet).
The standardized Black Mage boss and the Genesis Weapon content hasn't even reached GMS in the first place.
I'm unsure why this would relate to your question about Genesis weapons, but the most likely reason is because your character is participating in the Outpost event. All level 200+ characters who have completed 5th job can participate in the Tenebris Expedition, and can earn Determination through two special quests:
But the Black Mage battle is only open for 15 minutes at a time, every two hours on the half-hour mark (I.E. 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, etc).
HP is shared throughout all worlds, and we're currently on phase 2:
Since you haven't completed 5th job, it's likely the notification just pops up for all characters participating in the event, probably because it would let people log off and log into their mains to complete the quest.
.....So bluntly your saying it is unfair cause the genisys weapon is unobtainable by you and maybe not by others and that feels unfair to you.
OH BOY, you want to talk about unfair? Here is a nice big list you need to read about what other people have that you don't have and can never get that will give those that have them a leg up over u permanently forever and you can't catch up to it, here is the list that i am aware of to date of unfair stuff...
-2012 1st release of demon permanent pets, have a 3 pet set bonus for +15 wa/ma. After the release of these pets all pets there after with set bonus's are only 90 day pets. these pets original pet items only have 7 slots but you can just buy the pet items over again when they rerelease the demon pets which they do yearly and pick up the 10 slot updated version which do work with the original 2012 demon pets
-honor Inner ability 1st release with azwan/hilla allowed people to roll not 1 but 2 lines of legendary inner potential, currently you can only get 1 legendary line.
-Lab server legion blocks there was 1 single person to score 2X5 block pieces while most others got 1X5 block 1X4 block pieces, not to mention all people that missed the event don't even get the blocks.
-2018 removal of singapore(ghost ship excorcist) and sengoku badge most likely, all new players will never have a pottable badge.
-all anime cross overs in the past had massively over powered medals attack on titan 18 wa 10% hp, black swords man, life in another world medal, and so on...
-Wilderness hunter buff +100 wa/ma +10,000 hp/mp 30 minute buffs earnable one time per day from mr. lee's airline event. There are those who did the quest daily and stock piled the consumable buffs b4 the closure of mr. lee's island.
These are all the main disparities, I am aware of and I am sure there are more, feel free to add to my list lol.