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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Sorry for the dramatic title.
But all I hear around me is that bera and reboot are heavily populated, while the rest of the servers are empty, and "the community as well as the economy is dying".
Is there any base to those sayings? how many people play maplestory nowdays, compare to latest years and in generall?
Let us have a serious and meaningful talk.
This generation isn't as good as the previous one as it is shaped more into solo play than ever
People don't ask for boss runs as much because of how easy it is to kill and the boss crystals discount if in a party of more than one
Basically there is barely to 0 reasons to do anything with friends or guild/alliance which makes the game even more boring
Things are way more cheaper than ever and also tougher to sell
I would have to say a big majority of the players right now are not new and have been around for years but eventually will stop at some point while there is little gains of new players. You can even say the botters population are equal or greater than the actual players so its less players than you think or see from the channel bar at the server selection menu
Who knows how long it will last, but no doubt it is dying
About the pace, i would say slowly but surely
I agree to everything you say, nobody ever does party quests/party play area/bossing unless you're with your gf/bf or mutual friends that wouldn't mind doing it. Most unfunded players have a hard time killing bosses that are way too hard such as chaos zakum, hard Magnus , chaos root abyss, etc... most of them given up but I think if they didn't give up I am sure they will be able to reach at that point and maybe more of them would've do boss runs. Also the price for those drops and all in the black market is crazy.
As someone who play the game since its beta (2005), I feel so bad hearing it.
I DO enjoy the game.
Can we please get an opinon from Nexon about that sad subject? I'm sure they won't let the game die.
I know that GMS is limited to the changes KMS do, but I'm sure that some actions would be taken anyway to make the game live again.
It will die eventually, but has at least 5 years left maybe less maybe more idk
But if you mean player population wise, a good idea of change is steering away from solo play and spice up party play
We need a lot more people though, more people and less botters.
And hey Migi, I missed you!
Yup, sorry uhh do i know you?
The only active servers i've been seen is Bera and Reboot. the rest are empty.
It makes me sad looking at it.
That's another matter that nexon needs to attend to at some point. And in a way that prevents players from losing their storage slots and monster collection.
What would you change in order to make the game more popular?
(I'll write my own suggestions soon)
I still think we can fix most of the problems ourselves just by partying up more often.
A gathering spot for these kinds of meetups would be a good idea. Such as the gameroom in henesys.
It's a large blank area that nobody goes to other than to goof off anyway.
If the community is more welcoming, more people might want to be welcomed into it.
We're not exactly a great community for new players, since a lot of them are just told to hit 200 and come back or get carried.
Your second point is not helped by the apparent fact that nexon themselves seems to be rushing people to 200 ASAP.
That's precisely the problem with the logic that a legacy server would somehow usher in a second golden age of this game. People have stopped playing for three reasons: they got banned and never came back, they got bored and moved on with their lives, or they disliked the direction in which they saw the game heading. A legacy server would do nothing for the first two, and might do something for the last one, but only if those that fit into the third category were upset at the game's direction and not angry with nexon for pushing the game in that direction in the first place.
The game, as you said, will go on. At least until it's no longer profitable to maintain this specific service. After that, it's up in the air really.
As I said earlier, I would really like to see a comment from Nexon...
There was another guy who would really have liked to see a comment from nexon. Unfortunately, he was given a comment from nexon, but it was never good enough(because it wasn't what he wanted to hear) and he always wanted an answer from someone higher than the person that gave them the answer.
That aside, do you really think one of their employees is going to come into this thread and go "yeah our game's dying"?
Unless you rephrase your question into something more specific. Asking Nexon if their game is dying is trapping them. So rather than addressing a question they will defend their game. Since there's a clear distinction between losing popularity and dying.