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Allow exp coupons for 250-274

Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
Reactions: 6,160
Posts: 748
Member, Private Tester
edited January 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Important: I believe the ranking separation arguments should be separate from the discussion of allowing or not allowing exp coupons for normal servers.

Some argument in favour of 2x coupons:

Up to 250 both reboot and normal servers leveled at a certain rate, and after the patch only one of these two servers took a 50% exp rate hit. We should allow normal servers to continue at the same rates by allowing exp coupons.

Unless the plan is to never allow exp coupons in the future, not allowing them immediately only punishes early levelers. We should be encouraging people to level to the new cap not discouraging. -> An additional note here: the longer it takes to add exp coupons the more punishing this is to early levelers who could have saved time with 2x.

An interesting note, you can find the patch notes when exp coupons were enabled last time here: maplestory.nexon.net/news/2728/v-162--spring-into-summer-patch-notes The change is advertised as "a better maple" which I suppose means not having them is "a worse maple."

Some rebuttals to arguments against exp coupons:

"We didn't have them right away for 250, why would we for 275"
The difference this time is that there is content at the max level that we need to level up for. When 250 was added it was nothing more than a vanity project and we had 2x coupons available LONG before leveling above 200 was even remotely "required."

"2x coupons are pay2win"
You could argue this, but normal servers are "pay2win" in many ways. It doesn't make sense to draw the line at 2x coupons when people can gain paid advantages through frenzy, better gear, etc. I would personally even argue that time saving forms of pay2win are the least offensive forms of pay2win. 2x coupons only help players who choose to buy them save time.

Please add your own thoughts about exp coupons in normal servers.
and 3 others.


  • Member, Private Tester UnlimitedPower
    Reactions: 1,185
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2019
    Please give us 2x coupons
  • Member, Private Tester Wenezha
    Reactions: 940
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited January 2019
    I can agree to this, while there wasn't something to aim for other than maybe a personal achievement before, there IS content and future content that is possibly going to be only available for 260s onward as we have no clue what Gerrand Darmoor has in store for us. If he supposedly the next super boss, I believe making it slightly easier on the leveling curve as soon as possible would be beneficial towards players trying to enjoy the game for the new content and memorable adventure their character goes on.
  • Member, Private Tester Merphist
    Reactions: 890
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    edited January 2019
    It's non-reboot and pay2win, might as well just let them run wild.

    On a serious note, people are working really hard for 275 and it's pretty respectable. People call them no lives or try hards and it's kind of a shame to see people hating on people going for 275. Even with the 2x cards, it's still gonna be pretty hard to hit 275 in the first place. It takes a lot of effort and time with most people having school or work in their daily lives. Just stop comparing GMS to KMS, or Reboot to Non-Reboot. They are "somewhat" different games even under the name Maplestory.

    If you're not gonna let them use 2x cards 250+, might as well remove the 2x cards from 200-250.
    Yes, if you take a look at my "3" posts (including this one), I'm probably gonna look like a banana truck driver because those 2 posts are only related to the Reboot vs Non-Reboot race to 275. **And that contradicts what I was saying earlier above**.

    Like it doesn't matter which server hits 275 first, just let the people relax and hit the 255 milestone so they can hit Limina! Gotta beat up the Black Mage...
  • Member Magician3443
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited January 2019
    Please give 2x for 250+ in normal server!

    I love maple it's enjoyable but the exp for leveling up from 200-250 take an immense amount of exp and that is extremely time consuming even with 2x. Now that the level cap has been advanced that means the amount of exp required to get there has been increased significantly. Without 2x it'd consume way too much time especially since the regions for grinding are extremely limited.

    Such a large exp curve and change from 200-250 alongside 2x exp coupons not being able to be utilized poses a large sort of challenge where new players come in and see this heavy of a grind, that they might quit the game before they even get to the mid game. Not to mention other players who have already experienced the well earned reward of 250 will also be discouraged and might make their departure from the game as well. Not only that but also, it's not even just about levels anymore you have to get the right equipment to even do anything.

    I also think CPQ should be brought back but for like 250+ that'd be really good. It would broaden the scope of methods of leveling besides bossing and grinding for hours.
  • Member, Private Tester KakeSealLord
    Reactions: 605
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    edited January 2019
    So many people are used to adjusting to the rates of exp per hour, there are a very very small handful of people who will want to achieve 275, which would mean only a few people ( non-reboot, i predict only a 10 or 15 people will be 275 by next year)

    Plus reg server being 2x less base exp compared to reboot you should be given the option if you wanna pay more to equalize the fairness compared to reboot by using 2x CS or not, because either way you can do it with out it but it's less likely someone will have the motivation to do it without the CS coupons, not everyone has all the time in the day to achieve something they want, it should be fair that it should be 274-usable.
  • Member AznboiE
    Reactions: 3,445
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    edited January 2019
    And they want our ranks to be merged with reboot's. Pah.
  • Member, Volunteer Forum Moderator iRama
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    Member, Volunteer Forum Moderator
    I agree to this! I believe exp coupons should be allowed for 250-274
  • Member thrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
    Posts: 364
    edited January 2019
    True that 2x cards are pay2win, but not all day 2x card we can get twice monthly...
  • Member TerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited February 2019
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    Important: I believe the ranking separation arguments should be separate from the discussion of allowing or not allowing exp coupons for normal servers.

    Some argument in favour of 2x coupons:

    Up to 250 both reboot and normal servers leveled at a certain rate, and after the patch only one of these two servers took a 50% exp rate hit. We should allow normal servers to continue at the same rates by allowing exp coupons.

    Unless the plan is to never allow exp coupons in the future, not allowing them immediately only punishes early levelers. We should be encouraging people to level to the new cap not discouraging. -> An additional note here: the longer it takes to add exp coupons the more punishing this is to early levelers who could have saved time with 2x.

    An interesting note, you can find the patch notes when exp coupons were enabled last time here: maplestory.nexon.net/news/2728/v-162--spring-into-summer-patch-notes The change is advertised as "a better maple" which I suppose means not having them is "a worse maple."

    Some rebuttals to arguments against exp coupons:

    "We didn't have them right away for 250, why would we for 275"
    The difference this time is that there is content at the max level that we need to level up for. When 250 was added it was nothing more than a vanity project and we had 2x coupons available LONG before leveling above 200 was even remotely "required."

    "2x coupons are pay2win"
    You could argue this, but normal servers are "pay2win" in many ways. It doesn't make sense to draw the line at 2x coupons when people can gain paid advantages through frenzy, better gear, etc. I would personally even argue that time saving forms of pay2win are the least offensive forms of pay2win. 2x coupons only help players who choose to buy them save time.

    Please add your own thoughts about exp coupons in normal servers.

    NO! NO! NO! You are asking for the wrong things here my man! What you should be asking for is compensation for no longer being able to use 2X exp cash shop coupons past 250 in the form of those awsome alliance final exp growth potions to be added into ALL future coin shop stores and events. I feel that would be sooo much better than grinding, AND it actually gives an enormous incentive to actually participate in all game events, face it most people just skip em lol.

    So then if we just participate in every event for the next 2 years then "bam" level 250->275 nice and easy no loss of life grinding, since 250->275 is equivalent to leveling 11X1->250. I can honestly say 275 is pretty much an impossibility for me as it stands now 250 took me 3 years almost lol.
  • Member darik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited February 2019
    Tbh i dont want nx cash 2x coupons being used pass 250, the rest of coupons we get from events sure, but not the cashs hop ones, this race should be as free 2 play as possible, a lot of players wouldnt participate if they allowed cash 2x coupons, same occurred when racing to 250, Zhong( aka zero) said himself that if nexon allowed to use 2x coupons form cash shop passed 200 he wouldnt have been able to be 2nd since he didnt want to spend that much money on the game to race.
  • Member VM9797
    Reactions: 920
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    edited February 2019
    darik wrote: »
    Tbh i dont want nx cash 2x coupons being used pass 250, the rest of coupons we get from events sure, but not the cashs hop ones, this race should be as free 2 play as possible, a lot of players wouldnt participate if they allowed cash 2x coupons, same occurred when racing to 250, Zhong( aka zero) said himself that if nexon allowed to use 2x coupons form cash shop passed 200 he wouldnt have been able to be 2nd since he didnt want to spend that much money on the game to race.

    Well I understand you but (considering normal servers) frenzy is the most p2w item ever in terms of leveling so it's already p2w.
  • Member iLiMiTaDo
    Reactions: 1,435
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    edited February 2019
    The coupons 2 exp, should only apply to all classes except MageRH, NightLord, Luminous, DemonSlayer, Kanna. They already have a great advantage over others.
  • Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited February 2019
    Just a little breakdown of exp rates based on today's available bonuses.


    As you can see enabling 2x exp coupons wouldn't actually be that huge - except for the 3x coupons in marvel which are fairly limited in supply.

    I believe savageace hinted at exp coupons being disabled due to fairness in the leveling race and I must say I completely reject this argument. How is it that you are singling out exp coupons but not frenzy, burning ring, or ring of torment? These are much larger pay2win bonuses that you seem to have no issue with those? Please at least share an estimated date of when exp coupons will be allowed. After the first X number of 275s maybe? Y number of months?

    A note to understanding the table:
    1x is no exp multipliers
    2x would be using only a cash coupon or only a usable 2x coupon
    4x would be cash2x+use2x
    8x would be cash2x+use2x+weekend2x
  • Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2019
    How many rebooties will hit 275 before normal server is allowed to utilise exp coupons?
  • Member pepe
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 161
    edited March 2019
    its a no brainer at this point
  • Member darik
    Reactions: 3,270
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    edited March 2019
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    How many rebooties will hit 275 before normal server is allowed to utilise exp coupons?

  • Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2019
    darik wrote: »
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    How many rebooties will hit 275 before normal server is allowed to utilise exp coupons?


    In a literal sense no, but I wonder why we should even play on a "p2w" server when the free server has the advantage.
  • Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2019
    This is still relevant.
  • Member, Private Tester UnlimitedPower
    Reactions: 1,185
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2019
    So, how many more years do we have to wait until Nexon finally listens to us?
  • Member, Private Tester UnlimitedPower
    Reactions: 1,185
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2019
    Please allow 2x cards again. Please Nexon please!!!!!