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Re-open Better maple poll-and feed back

Reactions: 975
Posts: 56
edited January 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests

we have seen loads of changes in the past major update (The black mage-) mostly positive , ( from system additions , notifiers ,overall display of skill tab-quest difficulty-auction house and much more).

now in this update we have seen lots of upgrades coming from a major poll (A better maple poll) years ago , to this day we still see it coming slowly.

To be clear it's very nice to have these yet ! it's been a long time since it was done . The goals of the game and its players have changed a lot.

ATM! Major changes are needed in my own opinion, starting with (item upgrade-drop rate, exp gain rate)

1- ( item upgrading) which is very ridiculously costly and it keeps getting harder, ( atm the average range is around 7-10m which is insane) i don't mind growing my character slowly but atm it's nearly impossible and bound to mere luck.

2- the insane drop rate decrease for the higher and higher lvl mobs, right now, having a 100% drop rate increase is (From gear, inner ability-and items) is a joke i feel it's steep starting from lvls past 120 especially for the star-force mobs , we would hunt forever till an elite boss spawns (comes after 20 elites) and still a target item wont drop.

, i cant imagine even what is the required drop rate for lvls +240 and +250 areas all i know it's insane.

3-and lastly the lvl curve again again, yes it's got mad and harder, and many players suffer from it. but it's not a concern in my opinion since what's the point of leveling up when we don't have the power ( skills. range ,drop rate , etc) to grow with it?

I'm sure my fellow maplers have other important suggestions as well. (considering classes, skills, certain quests, ,,)

so why not open another major poll in a coming holiday, and collect more data from us ?, it should be very helpful to you and us !

thank you again for all your efforts , and hope to see more and more positive and nice additions to the game :)!

  1. Do you think that we need more polls that go forward to game devs?3 votes
    1. yes totally we need new polls!
       67% (2 votes)
    2. Meh It doesn't matter.
       33% (1 vote)


  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,610
    Posts: 1,587
    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2019
    Asters wrote: »
    1- ( item upgrading) which is very ridiculously costly and it keeps getting harder, ( atm the average range is around 7-10m which is insane) i don't mind growing my character slowly but atm it's nearly impossible and bound to mere luck.

    2- the insane drop rate decrease for the higher and higher lvl mobs, right now, having a 100% drop rate increase is (From gear, inner ability-and items) is a joke i feel it's steep starting from lvls past 120 especially for the star-force mobs , we would hunt forever till an elite boss spawns (comes after 20 elites) and still a target item wont drop.

    3-and lastly the lvl curve again again, yes it's got mad and harder, and many players suffer from it. but it's not a concern in my opinion since what's the point of leveling up when we don't have the power ( skills. range ,drop rate , etc) to grow with it?

    1. They lowered the cost in a patch in KMS recently. I don't know about it going up, either.
    2. 100% drop rate increase isn't that much if you're using gear + IA + items, not sure what items you're complaining about here.
    Post 200 I could see complaints about Nodestones or Arcane Symbols, but pre? What items are you trying to get?
    3. Level curve has been getting more and more lax. If you don't have the power, this is probably because of one of two things.
    1. the game isn't giving you time to develop gear as you level up. 2. The game wants you to be in a party. (A little of both, probably)

    If we're going to have polls then we need them to be linked to on the Steam + Nexon Launcher and also Forums + Discord, this way nobody has any reason to miss the poll.
  • AstersAsters
    Reactions: 975
    Posts: 56
    edited February 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Asters wrote: »

    1. They lowered the cost in a patch in KMS recently. I don't know about it going up, either.
    2. 100% drop rate increase isn't that much if you're using gear + IA + items, not sure what items you're complaining about here.
    Post 200 I could see complaints about Nodestones or Arcane Symbols, but pre? What items are you trying to get?
    3. Level curve has been getting more and more lax. If you don't have the power, this is probably because of one of two things.
    1. the game isn't giving you time to develop gear as you level up. 2. The game wants you to be in a party. (A little of both, probably)

    If we're going to have polls then we need them to be linked to on the Steam + Nexon Launcher and also Forums + Discord, this way nobody has any reason to miss the poll.

    for item cost: l'm so looking for the new change like in kms then!

    for drop rate: exactly ! as if there's a penalty for leveling up?

    for exp curve. it gets madly insane ( felt it past 220 here when it becomes annoying ) we need more upgrades on that. and more 2x events..

    and i agree and i opt for party work rather solo here.

  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,610
    Posts: 1,587
    Member, Private Tester
    edited February 2019
    Asters wrote: »
    for exp curve. it gets madly insane ( felt it past 220 here when it becomes annoying ) we need more upgrades on that. and more 2x events..

    I would normally disagree with making it easier to level up, I think it's fine for the most part, save a few areas.
    160-220 feels really slow imo. Highest level is 240, I honestly like the grind at 220+ better than I do 200-220 and the grind at 1-160 than 160-200.
    But I think with the level cap increase to 275, we might need easier methods for hitting 250 before it becomes the new "Real game starts at" point.
    Honestly if they just want to make a 6 man party more lucrative than it currently is, they'd probably be able to solve a lot of problems related to GMS.