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is MapleStory dying?


  • L4d2jpnL4d2jpn
    Reactions: 2,060
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    edited March 2019
    Maple is dying to those who didn't change to the way the game changed. Is the game perfect? No. Is the game better? In my opinion, yes. There's more of an emphasis on invest your time wisely and you will succeed.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited March 2019
    L4d2jpn wrote: »
    Maple is dying to those who didn't change to the way the game changed. Is the game perfect? No. Is the game better? In my opinion, yes. There's more of an emphasis on invest your time wisely and you will succeed.

    So what you're saying is that the game is dying only to the people who refuse to let go of the past, those who cling desperately to what the game once was? Fair, likely accurate, approximation of things.
  • L4d2jpnL4d2jpn
    Reactions: 2,060
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    edited March 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    L4d2jpn wrote: »
    Maple is dying to those who didn't change to the way the game changed. Is the game perfect? No. Is the game better? In my opinion, yes. There's more of an emphasis on invest your time wisely and you will succeed.

    So what you're saying is that the game is dying only to the people who refuse to let go of the past, those who cling desperately to what the game once was? Fair, likely accurate, approximation of things.

    I'd like to say yes but not entirely 100%. I would say the game got much harder when you compare it to the past. There is so much that you can do to improve your character but there's such a massive time sink. It's quite difficult for new or returning players to handle.

    6k legion.
    Meister tier and keeping it, getting the materials for crafting.
    Daily arcane river.

    People that hold onto the past is out of the question. Compared to old,
    Bosses - sponge with little to no mechanics. 24 people raids spamming skills for an hour while hitting pot when the full screen attack hits.

    PQ - this is the most annoying thing to me. At least 75% of the time I was soloing KPQ as a beginner while 2+ party members were either afk or just chatting with each other.

    Social aspect - What makes sitting in HHG1 chatting with other players any different from sitting in Discord chatting to others?

    Literally every aspect of the game now is an upgrade in my eyes. When you're logging on you're doing something for a purpose. Back then, the game was just a mobile game or a Facebook game. You're just wasting time or chatrooming. Things that nowadays you can do better with other apps. Leveling back then had no purpose other than flexing, now it's to get to the next area or boss.

    As for the new players, that's up to them. I've met people that are Hard Will ready in the time that it took me to get to the next area in arcane river. Whether it was purchased gear or self made doesn't matter to me, that shows that they are into the game enough to get to that point. I've also known players that quit after 3rd job saying it's boring.

    One thing that's consistent to me is the top end players from old Maple are most likely still the ones that are top players today.
    Reactions: 3,370
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    edited March 2019
    L4d2jpn wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    L4d2jpn wrote: »
    Maple is dying to those who didn't change to the way the game changed. Is the game perfect? No. Is the game better? In my opinion, yes. There's more of an emphasis on invest your time wisely and you will succeed.

    So what you're saying is that the game is dying only to the people who refuse to let go of the past, those who cling desperately to what the game once was? Fair, likely accurate, approximation of things.

    I'd like to say yes but not entirely 100%. I would say the game got much harder when you compare it to the past. There is so much that you can do to improve your character but there's such a massive time sink. It's quite difficult for new or returning players to handle.

    6k legion.
    Meister tier and keeping it, getting the materials for crafting.
    Daily arcane river.

    People that hold onto the past is out of the question. Compared to old,
    Bosses - sponge with little to no mechanics. 24 people raids spamming skills for an hour while hitting pot when the full screen attack hits.

    PQ - this is the most annoying thing to me. At least 75% of the time I was soloing KPQ as a beginner while 2+ party members were either afk or just chatting with each other.

    Social aspect - What makes sitting in HHG1 chatting with other players any different from sitting in Discord chatting to others?

    Literally every aspect of the game now is an upgrade in my eyes. When you're logging on you're doing something for a purpose. Back then, the game was just a mobile game or a Facebook game. You're just wasting time or chatrooming. Things that nowadays you can do better with other apps. Leveling back then had no purpose other than flexing, now it's to get to the next area or boss.

    As for the new players, that's up to them. I've met people that are Hard Will ready in the time that it took me to get to the next area in arcane river. Whether it was purchased gear or self made doesn't matter to me, that shows that they are into the game enough to get to that point. I've also known players that quit after 3rd job saying it's boring.

    One thing that's consistent to me is the top end players from old Maple are most likely still the ones that are top players today.
    i agree that most of us dont want the changes in "new maple"and maybe thats why we say its dying
    but i have to say you are wrong about old maple
    was more then what you think "a poting key and spam att" and here comes most of the hate of "new maple"

    during the raids of HT/PB/EMP we had to learn when sed,when dr,when heal,when stop att, what order to strat,when buf & more ....... all that to fight as team
    right now its:
    okie new boss ? how much hp? what are the safe spot? okie brb charge nx $$ get fund solo new boss done

    you say
    Leveling back then had no purpose other than flexing
    if that had no purpose other then flexing
    then i dont know whats the purpose now ?275 with 2x/3x card$ ,frenzy.........10b dmg lines with bpot$,prime$ ? bossing with BoD?
    sure not flex
    PQ's missing for long time and you did PQ in time when it was dying so you got forced to carry-solo
    Social aspect - What makes sitting in HHG1 chatting with other players any different from sitting in Discord chatting to others?
    pushing eachother ingame fighting the mobs as team? maplestory "its" MMORPG (not ingame it seems )????

    you say
    One thing that's consistent to me is the top end players from old Maple are most likely still the ones that are top players today
    not true the one you see "elitist that cheat & $" are not top players
    the one that was at top left maple once we got cube$ and other keep leaving with each $ system that got add

    so i dont see a good upgrade in that i mean if i was nexon worker sure nice income system, purpose to make 10b $+ for CEO
  • L4d2jpnL4d2jpn
    Reactions: 2,060
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    edited March 2019
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    during the raids of HT/PB/EMP we had to learn when sed,when dr,when heal,when stop att, what order to strat,when buf & more ....... all that to fight as team
    right now its:
    okie new boss ? how much hp? what are the safe spot? okie brb charge nx $$ get fund solo new boss done

    Bishop spams heals, dispels, res when someone dies.

    CB setups with a crapton of meso drops so they can meso explosion for a quick kill.

    Smokescreen cycled so party can spam attacks uninterrupted.

    NL for most ranged damage.

    For learning when seduce on HT, you don't attack arms until bottom is cleared out or focus fire it first.

    If not attacking when DR is up is complicated then we were not very good gamers back in old Maple.

    Also make sure you aren't comparing what was considered endgame bosses back then with the same exact bosses now. Then you're not giving current MS a fair comparison. Most people run normal lucid ~20k in a full 6 man. There's DPS'ers, golem clearers, grouping up in Bene to burst during binds. There's party play in current and it feels much better than having 30 people spamming for an hour.
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    you say
    Leveling back then had no purpose other than flexing
    if that had no purpose other then flexing
    then i dont know whats the purpose now ?275 with 2x/3x card$ ,frenzy.........10b dmg lines with bpot$,prime$ ? bossing with BoD?
    sure not flex

    There's an actual story to this game which most people don't care about. More areas get unlocked through arcane river as you level. Working on legion levels. What did levels get you in prebb?
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    PQ's missing for long time and you did PQ in time when it was dying so you got forced to carry-solo

    I've played since Bera was started. People got bored of doing the PQ but stayed because they didn't want to level. If you're trying to tell me that PQ's we're dying during prime "old Maple" then that invalidates the whole argument doesn't it?
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    Social aspect - What makes sitting in HHG1 chatting with other players any different from sitting in Discord chatting to others?
    pushing eachother ingame fighting the mobs as team? maplestory "its" MMORPG (not ingame it seems )????

    I know I went as a party to areas to go explore back then. I get asked to elite hunt on occasion every once in a while now. My friend's partied together and leveled in CLP with kishin, just because it doesn't happen for you doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all.
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    you say
    One thing that's consistent to me is the top end players from old Maple are most likely still the ones that are top players today
    not true the one you see "elitist that cheat & $" are not top players
    the one that was at top left maple once we got cube$ and other keep leaving with each $ system that got add

    so i dont see a good upgrade in that i mean if i was nexon worker sure nice income system, purpose to make 10b $+ for CEO

    It is true that there's drama at high levels due to the insane amount of meso sinking required to hit 22*. Regardless of that, if you watch hard bossing groups, the communication and individual player skill definitely surpasses that of preBB bossing groups due to the boss mechanics now.

    If you see endgame players, there's not a single person that doesn't know about old Maple. The game isn't getting newer players, even in Reddit it's mostly returning players.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited March 2019
    favoritism in its own is unfair but it isn't illegal nor does it mean getting paid by nexon. Zero used his platform as free advertisement for maplestory.
  • Franz123Franz123
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 5
    Maplestory went down a notch. :(
  • SybilenoSybileno
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    I think it's more of a people's preference changing rather than the nature of game itself.
    MMO 'used' to be the dominating field at the PC gaming, but now that place has been taken by AOS Genre games(Dota, League and such).
    It's not just ms, games like tera, dnf, dn, mabi and so on which requires players to farm continuously is getting less and less popular compared to the games which can be just logged and played such as PUBG or LOL. and that area of gaming is still growing as well (look at stuff like overwatch and apex coming out).
    Even lost ark, which received a really good reviews at release, is sinking really quickly(although i'm not sure if this is only due to the nature of MMO, because smilegate is literally 50/50 in terms of maintaining the game, either they do a really amazing job or let the ship sink like titanic.)
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited March 2019
    favoritism in its own is unfair but it isn't illegal nor does it mean getting paid by nexon. Zero used his platform as free advertisement for maplestory.
    i heard you are banned for hacking and you dont play maplestory so am not surprised by your comments in other threads
    fine you want it here it is some of it

    ps Hide 'n' Seek event guildmate right click location find (/find was deleted)
    Aggraphine wrote: »

  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited March 2019
    What's that? A community manager pointing out members of the community who happened to host an event of their own free will? As if to somehow share an aspect of the game's community with people who may not know about it?


    On a more serious note, just stop this nonsense, wonder. Your tinfoil hat is much too tight a fit on your head, I worry for your blood flow.
    Reactions: 3,370
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    edited March 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    What's that? A community manager pointing out members of the community who happened to host an event of their own free will? As if to somehow share an aspect of the game's community with people who may not know about it?


    On a more serious note, just stop this nonsense, wonder. Your tinfoil hat is much too tight a fit on your head, I worry for your blood flow.

    you ignorant as usual
    own free will
    its sponsored*
    instead of promoteing all other that dose play daily they promote only few paid to log and do few things and go in other game untill next sponsor
    i dont mind if they pay-promote but at least do with all other
    not just selective few (that almost dont play maple) to build fake image

    eitherway as you want and no need care for my health its all fine here thanks for worry

  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited March 2019
    WONDERGUY wrote: »

    You can't be serious. Look at the maple section on twitch. Half of it is kms, tms, literal private servers, and maybe three or four gms-centric streamers. What, do you expect the gms community manager to give a shoutout to a private server stream? Perhaps tell gms players to go watch this Korean streamer?

    And just because the community manager(because that's who runs the twitter account, though I'm sure you have a whole folder of conspiracy theories for that one too) says "hey guys look what members of the community did the other day!" doesn't mean the streamers were paid to do it. To actually sit there and say the whole like four gms streamers on twitch are paid by nexon to play and promote the game is just asinine. Are you going to tell me that Matt's a twitch partner because nexon pays him money to stream maple? What's next after that, gonna try and tell me the Earth is flat?
    Reactions: 3,370
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    edited March 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    WONDERGUY wrote: »

    You can't be serious. Look at the maple section on twitch. Half of it is kms, tms, literal private servers, and maybe three or four gms-centric streamers. What, do you expect the gms community manager to give a shoutout to a private server stream? Perhaps tell gms players to go watch this Korean streamer?

    And just because the community manager(because that's who runs the twitter account, though I'm sure you have a whole folder of conspiracy theories for that one too) says "hey guys look what members of the community did the other day!" doesn't mean the streamers were paid to do it. To actually sit there and say the whole like four gms streamers on twitch are paid by nexon to play and promote the game is just asinine. Are you going to tell me that Matt's a twitch partner because nexon pays him money to stream maple? What's next after that, gonna try and tell me the Earth is flat?

    keep be ignorant and swtich my words as you want
    they said them self its sponosored (i dont mind that)
    as i said orginaly HERE

    i want nexon to care and encourage all streamers (there are more actuly but they get annoyed"quit" when nexon dont show support)
    instead they get false ban(waste 2-3month in live chat to end with small apology) and other things like that

    they should question why we get more and more kms/tms/private server streamers and les and less GMS (somtime noone unless sponsored)
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited March 2019
    @wonderguy did you just say I was banned for hacking and I dont play? lol
    Reactions: 3,370
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    edited March 2019
    @wonderguy did you just say I was banned for hacking and I dont play? lol
    you tell me lol i said what i heard in luna
    are you?
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited March 2019
    @wonderguy did you just say I was banned for hacking and I dont play? lol

    His tinfoil hat's too tight, just let him be.
  • InovamedInovamed
    Reactions: 675
    Posts: 35
    edited March 2019
    Listen guys. The problem, to me, seems to be in the way the game is currently designed and the direction the gameplay took.
    In order for the game to encourage partying with other people for things like bossing or PQing, which are probably the most enjoyable activities you can do in the game, these need to be modified in such way that would make it worth it for players to recruit for a party for these purposes.
    Currently, you can enter a boss alone, solo it alone in a matter of minutes if your attack range's high enough - and never even think for one second, about looking for a party with other players for the same thing.
    Same for PQ's, except I believe you can't enter them alone - and because almost no one is there to join you, you just skip PQ's and never do them now. Which really sucks.
    Even if changes are made to these things, there needs to be increased player awareness of it - to encourage partying with others, otherwise no one will care about it.
    Have anyone thought of a good solution to this problem? Because this is probably the biggest, or atleast one of the biggest problems in the game right now. Atleast for me, and probably for a large percentage of the game population.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited March 2019
    Inovamed wrote: »
    Even if changes are made to these things, there needs to be increased player awareness of it - to encourage partying with others, otherwise no one will care about it.
    Have anyone thought of a good solution to this problem? Because this is probably the biggest, or atleast one of the biggest problems in the game right now. Atleast for me, and probably for a large percentage of the game population.
    I think the best solution is to take the matter into our own hands and create a "unspoken law" that if you want a party, you go to a certain channel/map.
    If for example, players were to go to Henesys Channel 1, either one map to the right or in the bowman school, then new players would see people asking for parties and assume it's the norm, rather than the opposite.
    Another alternative if that map becomes too crowded is the game room also in henesys. It's huge and there's nobody in there anyway.
  • fidgetspinnerACEfidgetspinnerACE
    Reactions: 1,465
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    edited March 2019

    Inovamed wrote: »
    Listen guys. The problem, to me, seems to be in the way the game is currently designed and the direction the gameplay took.
    In order for the game to encourage partying with other people for things like bossing or PQing, which are probably the most enjoyable activities you can do in the game, these need to be modified in such way that would make it worth it for players to recruit for a party for these purposes.
    Currently, you can enter a boss alone, solo it alone in a matter of minutes if your attack range's high enough - and never even think for one second, about looking for a party with other players for the same thing.
    Same for PQ's, except I believe you can't enter them alone - and because almost no one is there to join you, you just skip PQ's and never do them now. Which really sucks.
    Even if changes are made to these things, there needs to be increased player awareness of it - to encourage partying with others, otherwise no one will care about it.
    Have anyone thought of a good solution to this problem? Because this is probably the biggest, or atleast one of the biggest problems in the game right now. Atleast for me, and probably for a large percentage of the game population.

    Thing is, I believe even if they bring PQs back, they need to do two more things to properly accommodate them: balancing the classes for party-play, and balancing the game for party-play. Recent classes barely have any party-significant skills, and are too generalized for any specific purpose now. The second point is where things like aggro, knockback, mobbing, status effects, etc. come into play. Because as it is right now, Maple's gameplay devolves into being able to do the most amount of damage over the shortest amount of time - if you're not doing damage, you're a lesser player. These can always be solved with platforming and puzzles but they're leaving a lot of opportunities on the table.

    It would be nice to have Maple feel like an RPG again and have player choices mean something, where player skill and being part of a class designed to excel at specific situations rewards you. But that needs to also come with meaningful player interaction; because dodging 3+ different projectiles on screen with varying levels of %HP damage is not fun, rewarding, skillful, or smart. I know why they streamlined Maple, but to me, instead of throwing the rotten apple off of the tree, they just cut the whole tree down. It's too predictable and sterile now.
  • MorningAfterSevenMorningAfterSeven
    Reactions: 1,125
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    edited March 2019
    Problem here is a newbie would be literally overwhelmed by informations.
    You don't have time to understand what's happening that you level up, and level up, and get a job, and level up, while hundreds of quests are popping up, plus events, plus daylies, plus "free stuff".
    Exp points + exp + quests + skills + flames + rare-legendary-unique+theme dungeons + emobs + well, the list is L O N G .
    If Nexon want to put Maplestory back on the growing, they should make "beginner tutorial" theme dungeons, where stuff is explained slowly.

    I had quite many difficulties to grasp Maple after my return post-BigBang, and I had thousands of hours of gameplay on my shoulders.