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It's time to FINALLY address world population

Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
Reactions: 6,160
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Member, Private Tester
edited March 2019 in General Chat
You can't ignore this issue forever nexon.

Bacon is dead
Grazed is dead
Broni is dead

Scania and Windia are low on players but might be able to continue on their own

When is something going to be done?


  • Member, Private Tester KakeSealLord
    Reactions: 605
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    edited March 2019
    nah they'll just keep sucking money from maplestory before realizing it's too late, kind like how it happens with most games now a days
  • Member Fawko
    Reactions: 2,360
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    edited March 2019
    Nexon Next Year : We're looking into it. At this time we have no ETA to share, but rest assured when we do we will share it with you
  • Member MrASAP
    Reactions: 320
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    edited March 2019
    Nexon, maybe you can help us out instead of kill us off. Maybe Ghiblee might do something to address this issue because ARU obviously trolled us about help.
  • Member riza
    Reactions: 3,140
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    edited March 2019
    The thing is voicing your opinion and I mean real opinions is nearly impossible. I actually ran a whole campaign and got booted cause of it. Voicing opinions at least in ms1 isn't as easy as other platforms. I Spoke "type as in speaking" with aru and it was a good chat about it he told me they are taking care of it but Nexon America can't do anything unless the mother company which is in Korea acts and resolves it. Now the thing is there been many people who voiced their opinions on this issue only some of them who were really vocal is no longer here due to no longer wanting to deal with it. Aru brushed it aside because he can't do anything but bring the information to Korea. He even went on a trip there and I doubt he even bother to address it. I don't know ghiblee too well I only see her in ms2 server and don't know most of her history or what she capable of to be honest. but if ghiblee can be the voice of the people, and actually do the job the ones before her couldn't accomplish, she might as well go down as best cm in MapleStory 1 history. might not be as awesome as cuddles ;), but yea she will be the best cm in ms1 history. But I do hope her the best in case she will do something as we need someone of importance to do something. I will be watching to see if changes will be made. But yea this issue is a big issue needs resolving.
  • Member DiximaN
    Reactions: 1,390
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    edited March 2019
    THMS has done it, MSEA too, it's time for a merge here: Merge anything that isn't Bera or Reboot into one server
  • Member riza
    Reactions: 3,140
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    edited April 2019
    DiximaN wrote: »
    THMS has done it, MSEA too, it's time for a merge here: Merge anything that isn't Bera or Reboot into one server

    why not bera?
  • Member ShokunKaYo
    Reactions: 1,470
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    edited April 2019
    Plz stop posting ur honest opinions and legit criticisms. It's against forum rules, and righteous vfms shall bring hammer of justice to evil scums who break these rules.
  • Member MigiSouthpaw
    Reactions: 1,000
    Posts: 153
    edited April 2019
    After botters got done in (very shocking), you can now see the most realistic population for the servers and its sad.

    Even the most popular servers are dead, channel 1 isn't full anymore and will never be any time past this point

    Every other channel in the most popular servers are barely filled in, 5-10% filled in

    At this point, its safe to say maple is basically done in

    In my opinion, 80% the remaining small population at the moment are the loyal/addicted players who refuse to quit, 10% are casuals, 10% survived botters

    The most popular servers true population is looking very very similar to the dead servers

    What do you think? Will a server merge/alliance even do much at point?

  • Member MorningAfterSeven
    Reactions: 1,125
    Posts: 105
    edited April 2019
    I wonder why the don't advertise Maplestory.
    Jesus Christ, between NA and Europe there must be at least a hundred players who are advertisers/marketing specialists/etc IRL.
    Enough to create a digital strategy to push Maplestory back on its track.
    And many of them would gladly to that work just for free ingame stuff and some "special equips".

    What's "wrong" with Maple, that's not attracting new players? Once it's found out, a team could easily determine what to do and how to make it appealing once again.
    What do you think? Will a server merge/alliance even do much at point?

    @migisouthpaw merge would work for NA, but Europe has only one server. lol
  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,745
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    edited April 2019
    What's "wrong" with Maple, that's not attracting new players? Once it's found out, a team could easily determine what to do and how to make it appealing once again.

    Personally I believe it's mostly the lack of party play and the "Go hit 200 then the real game starts" mentality that players have been almost forced to adopt.
    Bigger maps that a single player (or even 2 or 3) can't cover on their own or less AoE/Map Wide kill skills would allow players to join up more.
    There are a few of these in the 200+ areas, but they're poorly designed if you ask me.
    The party bonus is decent in a full party, but almost no maps actually require 6 people to cover them.
    Back in the older days of Maple, players could barely cover one or two platforms. So they were forced to party up.
    Now even at 2nd job one player can easily handle the entire map. (Though sometimes not, depending on class.)

    I think this can somewhat be countered by players inviting their friends and playing with them through the earlier levels.
    As I've said before, either join a guild, bring your own friends, or suffer through solo play.
  • Member WONDERGUY
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2019
    i better....

  • Member darik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited April 2019
    I wonder why the don't advertise Maplestory.
    Jesus Christ, between NA and Europe there must be at least a hundred players who are advertisers/marketing specialists/etc IRL.
    Enough to create a digital strategy to push Maplestory back on its track.
    And many of them would gladly to that work just for free ingame stuff and some "special equips".

    What's "wrong" with Maple, that's not attracting new players? Once it's found out, a team could easily determine what to do and how to make it appealing once again.
    What do you think? Will a server merge/alliance even do much at point?

    @migisouthpaw merge would work for NA, but Europe has only one server. lol
    This game isnt well acepted in occidental countries because we dont like endless grindy games like this ones, if you check asia versions they are highly played, thats because apparently oriental people like grindy games.
    Something needs to change so that more people from europe , na and such play more. The biggest barrier i see for new players is slow progression and the need to do dailies for a sht ton of time in order to deal a lot of dmg and be able to join bossing parties, either that or spend a lot of money or time,this game is less about skill and more about time invested and money invested.
    Lets take for example clash royale,another free to play game,yes it is pay to win but if ure very skilled u can progress a lot in the game without investing 8+ hours daily( which is what is happening in ms1).
  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
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    edited April 2019
    darik wrote: »
    Personally I play MMOs because they're grindy. We (the west) should already have this in our mind when we decide to play an MMO.
    If a grindy game isn't the kind of game we want to play, we shouldn't be playing MMOs.
    I don't believe a game should be changed to match the region it's being localized to.
    If I'm interested in the game, I'm interested in the game. I want to experience the original, not a watered down version.
    The first thing I do when playing a jPRG for example, is set the audio back to japanese if available.
    For older games where available, I'll download fanmade patches that undo localization changes.

    The fact that MapleStory is highly played in other countries shows that the problem isn't the game. It's the region/players.
    Or maybe it's just the fact that we don't have any real support.
  • Member fidgetspinnerACE
    Reactions: 1,465
    Posts: 103
    edited April 2019
    The fact that MapleStory is highly played in other countries shows that the problem isn't the game. It's the region/players.

    Yikes. I'm all for the creator's original vision and intent, and I can accept Nexon's success with Maple in other countries, but there has to be something unintentional that is working in their favor, or with certain cultures, something unique that is not easily replicable. If you look at Maplestory on just its gameplay, the gameplay loop is very basic and static, and if it were a normal, physically released video game, it would be incredibly middling.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
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    edited April 2019
    The fact that MapleStory is highly played in other countries shows that the problem isn't the game. It's the region/players.

    Yikes. I'm all for the creator's original vision and intent, and I can accept Nexon's success with Maple in other countries, but there has to be something unintentional that is working in their favor, or with certain cultures, something unique that is not easily replicable. If you look at Maplestory on just its gameplay, the gameplay loop is very basic and static, and if it were a normal, physically released video game, it would be incredibly middling.

    He's right. It's everything to do with the region and players. Games such as this are as popular over in S. Korea as things like league are over here in the US. And the fact that maple occupies a very high position on your average "most-played games" list for South Korea lends credence to this.
  • Member HuskyDM
    Reactions: 3,745
    Posts: 378
    edited April 2019
    But guys, guys... what about the "Both" tab in the rankings? That is totally a critical issue.
  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
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    edited April 2019
    HuskyDM wrote: »
    But guys, guys... what about the "Both" tab in the rankings? That is totally a critical issue.

    I believe that issue can wait another 5 years while we sort out why kids really love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch.

    On a more serious note, I'd love to see a pinned thread in the suggestions area on what exactly has been forwarded to Nexon of Korean.
    Even if it's just the stuff we publicity know about, it would be nice to know what Nexon is aware of and when they were last made aware of it.
    Several issues go unfixed for years until they are silently fixed without even a single patch note addressing it.
  • Member Inovamed
    Reactions: 675
    Posts: 35
    edited April 2019
    The problem is no matter how important something is, if Nexon doesn't like the idea they won't do it. Even if 1000 players reply to this thread and say "yes", and Nexon doesn't, -personally-, like the idea, they will say no.
    There might be some legal matters or things behind the scenes that stop them from making certain changes, even things like simply merging the inactive worlds into Bera and Reboot. There might be something that as a normal player you can't find out without being a lawyer, or an official Nexon employee to understand why it's not just happening the way the players want.
    This thread won't help, Nexon won't hear or listen unless some miracle happens.
    I learned to play this game and get used to the problems and failures. If at some point I realize it's just getting too unfair and stupid, there are a lot of other games, MMO's and non-MMO's, to play these days, with companies that listen to players a lot more, and take better actions towards improvement of the game.
  • Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited April 2019
    Inovamed wrote: »
    The problem is no matter how important something is, if Nexon doesn't like the idea they won't do it. Even if 1000 players reply to this thread and say "yes", and Nexon doesn't, -personally-, like the idea, they will say no.
    There might be some legal matters or things behind the scenes that stop them from making certain changes, even things like simply merging the inactive worlds into Bera and Reboot. There might be something that as a normal player you can't find out without being a lawyer, or an official Nexon employee to understand why it's not just happening the way the players want.
    This thread won't help, Nexon won't hear or listen unless some miracle happens.
    I learned to play this game and get used to the problems and failures. If at some point I realize it's just getting too unfair and stupid, there are a lot of other games, MMO's and non-MMO's, to play these days, with companies that listen to players a lot more, and take better actions towards improvement of the game.

    This is a completely ridiculous take. If you don't tell them something is wrong they're not going to read our minds.

    The first part has some good points, though I doubt it has anything to do with legality. If anything combining worlds is complicated and they're busy with other things.
  • Member WONDERGUY
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2019
    CH reduction because of popularity/need and that they move to new HQ
    dosnt sound good to me (EMS was talking like that) hmmm but
    kish-kanna changes,other stuff and briefly mention "team discussion world merges" on stream for this summer its what savageace plans

    we cant change only we can wait as usual and see final results ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    ps:the idea to have all bugs/issues in one place (the one nexon is aware and working on) its great