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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
About the Reboot and Bera Extra Channel Removal.
(Even tho this is kinda of a Rant, Im going to be mature)
Well I want to say it very Annoying and without Warning. Many Players, in Reboot are pretty Angry and upset about this,Myself included.I feel like this is out of place and without warning cause Many of the Players in Reboot will be more Toxic. I'm not going to bash nexon or anyone in charge, It would be very useful to Warn us ahead of time and tell us why this is happening.
Please again be mature and Tell us your Opinions
I am, however, keenly interested in the memo that @Ghiblee said is coming sometime this week.
I could be wrong but I believe KMS also expanded and later in reduced again (channels)
That can't be true, there's entire servers that are redundant that they refuse to merge.
More specifically, Ghiblee's comment history
is this going to impress anyone?
nope not at all
Give up? whos been vocal about this issue and most issues to the point of banishment? I say most issue's need, someone, who can get the information across with the right platform and person. I think in ms2 that person been cuddles, but rn still waiting on ms1 to have a voice to do it. The thing is reporting an issue is fine but actually doing something about it is another issue. ch issue has been an issue starting since last October which it been bad, along with the other issue. But not all of them are being taken care of or on the to-do list from how it seems. The thing is players are getting frustrated as we invested a lot into this, and need the product to work. I'm not saying for crazy changes but something that can at least stop the lags and fix issues that been issues that exceeded a year. That's not a lot to ask but like I said what's the point of talking to a wall if all I'm going to do is stare at nothing getting done. I saw savage ace video a bit but like I said need to see results been 3 years.
If Nexon is aware of the issue, regardless of what people think, they actually are going to do something about it.
Ignoring it is one of those options, but if enough people voice concern about it then they will be forced to address it.
A loud voice does not mean it is the voice of many. You need numbers not volume to get Nexon's attention.
This is why actually broken content goes ignored, because nobody cares about it. (Alishan, looking at you.)
While content that is working fine, like Kanna, gets addressed. Because people actually care about the 2PC meta.
Just because you are vocal to the point of banishment doesn't mean people agree with you or are voicing the same concerns.
Who sang their own unwarranted praise across numerous threads even after being told to stop?
I think that isn't true many people were able to voice their opinion without needing a mass number of people, Jesus, Mlk, Malcolm x, Susan b Anthony, rosa parks, and many awesome people. To the point of them, being name called and shun and even silenced. The thing is if you want to change something you have to suffer consequences for it as if you believe in it a lot you would be willing to do so like the names I mention. We had other great maplers like Lucsean and others who done the same who was also one of our great veteran maplers, "was honored to voice chat with him lmao" But yea we need more voices here to bring up different concerns and keep the fight going to make maple great again.
I think you did lol, I have seen on Reddit an old and amazing member of dragon tribe saw you were doing that and gave you positive words and was routing you on