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is MapleStory dying?


  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited March 2019
    Problem here is a newbie would be literally overwhelmed by informations.
    You don't have time to understand what's happening that you level up, and level up, and get a job, and level up, while hundreds of quests are popping up, plus events, plus daylies, plus "free stuff".
    Exp points + exp + quests + skills + flames + rare-legendary-unique+theme dungeons + emobs + well, the list is L O N G .
    If Nexon want to put Maplestory back on the growing, they should make "beginner tutorial" theme dungeons, where stuff is explained slowly.

    I had quite many difficulties to grasp Maple after my return post-BigBang, and I had thousands of hours of gameplay on my shoulders.

    You mean like maple island that gives people the option to skip it?
  • CrsCrs
    Reactions: 790
    Posts: 11
    edited March 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Problem here is a newbie would be literally overwhelmed by informations.
    You don't have time to understand what's happening that you level up, and level up, and get a job, and level up, while hundreds of quests are popping up, plus events, plus dailies, plus "free stuff".
    Exp points + exp + quests + skills + flames + rare-legendary-unique+theme dungeons + emobs + well, the list is L O N G .
    If Nexon wants to put Maplestory back on the growing, they should make "beginner tutorial" theme dungeons, where stuff is explained slowly.

    I had quite many difficulties to grasp Maple after my return post-BigBang, and I had thousands of hours of gameplay on my shoulders.

    Do you mean like maple island that gives people the option to skip it?

    Hmm, the beginning tutorial doesn't explain much other than the basics (How to walk, attack, use your inventory, etc). Everything else is either in the star tab(Know everything guy, which does not give any explanation about the game's mechanics but is mostly about cash shop related things.) Most of the stuff I had to google or use the MapleStory Wikia page to understand some of the things.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited March 2019
    A lot of what you listed, most people learn about organically as they progress. You think it would be better, somehow, to dump all of this mess onto a new player who's five minutes the other side of character creation and go "here's what you need to know about and remember for as long as you play"?

    If anything, just flames and additional options should be given a tutorial segment.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited March 2019
    The enhancement system is quite convoluted isn't it
  • TheMysteryAdventurerTheMysteryAdventurer
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 7

    That make like, four years I see ''Do Maplestory is dying'' thread, so I assume the game still have some live in it. I dont play this game for a long time. I'm just comeback for some online hangout. I dont expect to play a lot, since I have not much time, and dont have my own computer, so I dont think I will reach level 200 in a month. But maybe some of you will want some good old time chilling in Henesys or some location. So I ask you: are you ready to open you arms to a old players back again?

    See you online!
  • mredvardssonmredvardsson
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited April 2019
    can ples someone tell me how to upload a discussion

    i have some opinions that needs to get out
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited April 2019
    can ples someone tell me how to upload a discussion

    i have some opinions that needs to get out

    go to general chat if youre expressing thoughts, go to feedback and suggestions if youre proposing something and there should be a button to create a thread/ new discussion in the top left
  • microwavemicrowave
    Reactions: 425
    Posts: 22
    edited April 2019
    only active servers i've been seen is Bera and Reboot. the rest of servers are empty to today , remeber the olds times events of wizet and all the people active , free market .... ....
  • rizariza
    Reactions: 3,025
    Posts: 633
    edited April 2019
    Lmao its dying cause of new player base. If we had one that was more positive and if team solve issues quicker the game can last forever. I think the game is good but overall I have seen problems after the world transfer event. Prior to that, I haven't seen that much maple drama so yea it is dying but it savable.
  • OldMSRulesOldMSRules
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 4
    edited April 2019
    it is indeed dying im afraid :/, i just want em to think about doing an official classic server for real... over 50k players that voted yes for it tho :/ and i know many ppl didn't maybe like it for its hard grind but cmon.. :/ it was very very rewarding when u got lvls, u were constantly surrounded by players, the servers wont be dead trust me, just dont dont make to many servers at once, do max 2 and do more if both get to fully. And many players do like the old but complain about end game, that after lvl 100 u hunt the same mobs till the end, well that is something nexon can fix by adding new contents and monsters from Main maplestory that they have been updated ever since dont u think?, i think they can really go far with the classic with everything they have built from now. And i dont say i hate maple now no no... it is fun in its own way of course, i do play it now but i really want to be surrounded by players and do stuff together all the time not just some parts of the game like maple now. And of course many talks about '' no no no u just have this nostalgia feeling in ur head etc etc '' tbh i really dont, that part new players dont understand its not about nostalgia! it it about community and the hard grind and hard to get stuff by scrolling and everything, and lets talk about the ppl who actually hated it? i mean.. iam 275 now with 94% BiS gear with perfect stats, and... you know what?? people dont care, they dont pay attention for you gear or kindness or how strong u are, i was working hard to get items in old school and when i got it... u know what happend?? every1 reacted, '' wow!! nice items! '' and every1 wanted to be with u ask bunch of questions go together all the way, but the truth is when i said that its not nostalgia, it is.. just a little bit, and nothing more. I want an official server to just play and try finding nice ppl to start groups with and create a guild together, and be very rewarding for my grind, i do have a job irl i dont say i have the time as a kid like before but that will not stop me tbh. after lvl 100+ where u only hunt in leafre and after that ToT, when ppl gets there after a long period of time, and when pink bean is defeated and all that, just make ither contents and monsters that exists today? wouldn't that be good? i know 1x exp 1x drop is kinda hard but cmon atleast u all go through that together xD, so 54324 players voted yes so cmon that is a huge amount of players isn't it? and that is both in europe and america :P thanks for reading guys have a nice day/night^^
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited April 2019
    OldMSRules wrote: »

    You really think this is a smart thing to do? You already made a thread about this sort of thing and it got locked and now what, you're talking about a private server or something? Never mind that your post is a nigh-indecipherable jumbled mess.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2019
    OldMSRules wrote: »
    its nothing but divide community and killing maplestory
    people want some of the old parts that worked in old ms not old ms
    reboot,ms2..... we could have done all that in reg maplestory and with less server difficulties

    maplers want f2p, server stability, team play (MMORPG),updated graphic design no hackers,no bugs ....
    without that its same bad maplestory in diffrent box


    Forum rules:
    Old Maple
    - Do not create threads pertaining to Old Maple Servers, Legacy Server, Pre-Big Bang Servers, etc. You can talk about previous verions of MapleStory for memories and nostalgia's sake, but discussions surrounding starting up new services or servers are not allowed.
  • OldMSRulesOldMSRules
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 4
    edited April 2019
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    OldMSRules wrote: »
    its nothing but divide community and killing maplestory
    people want some of the old parts that worked in old ms not old ms
    reboot,ms2..... we could have done all that in reg maplestory and with less server difficulties

    maplers want f2p, server stability, team play (MMORPG),updated graphic design no hackers,no bugs ....
    without that its same bad maplestory in diffrent box


    Forum rules:
    Old Maple
    - Do not create threads pertaining to Old Maple Servers, Legacy Server, Pre-Big Bang Servers, etc. You can talk about previous verions of MapleStory for memories and nostalgia's sake, but discussions surrounding starting up new services or servers are not allowed.

    of course they want all that, but how are they suppose to do any of that when all the servers are dead? i dont say u should play the old one, but make something for the people who wants it, i really dont care what u type of ppl type srsly, i know u didn't play the old ms, every player who did type something good about it and bad ofc, but guys like u think u have good points to everything, go play ur solo game i dont care, i dont want that, and the servers are dead bcuz of all the solos, ppl hype about lucid wtf? i nearly soloed her 2 days ago, yaaaay so fun -.-
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2019
    OldMSRules wrote: »
    you only want sweep issues under the rug for the sake "nexon made old server" or "another maple separation" instead "nexon solve the current issues"

    i understand your frustration i dont like GMS lately aswell
    am just sayin ignoreing maplestory issues wont change anything

    ps :
    i been playing GMS since beta ... some of the issues are still around from back then and some are even worse
    there is even things that we waited years to get updated-changed and now you want back to old ...
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited April 2019
    I would like to see this poll you mentioned as well as to where it is from.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited April 2019
    I would like to see this poll you mentioned as well as to where it is from.

    It's a great poll, the best poll. Bigly numbers. Believe me, absolutely unbelievable. You don't need to see it, I'll sue you if you try.
  • Penguinz0Penguinz0
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 342
    edited April 2019
    Subjectively, if you have friends and guildmates to hang with and do stuff together in game, the game's not dead.
    Objectively, hell f-ing yes, it's dead. After removing botters, a gigantic portion of population vanished from Scania, Bera and Reboot, proving once and for all that majority of people online were bots. Every other server remains pretty much empty, as they've been for years. There's not much new players coming in, and even if new players do come in, they mostly just quit after hitting the wall in their progression. "Events" they do are pretty much the same contents every month (coin shop, monsters near level, arcade, burning and etc). Most people these days favor games where skills play majority role, and MS is notoriously known as p2w game to general public due to its horrible RNG system that even gets old players to rage quit. The main So of course not that many people will want to pick up MS. All in all, MS is objectively dying, no doubt about it. But you can still have fun by joining with handful of other people who are playing the game.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited April 2019
    Penguinz0 wrote: »
    Subjectively, if you have friends and guildmates to hang with and do stuff together in game, the game's not dead.
    Objectively, hell f-ing yes, it's dead. After removing botters, a gigantic portion of population vanished from Scania, Bera and Reboot, proving once and for all that majority of people online were bots. Every other server remains pretty much empty, as they've been for years. There's not much new players coming in, and even if new players do come in, they mostly just quit after hitting the wall in their progression. "Events" they do are pretty much the same contents every month (coin shop, monsters near level, arcade, burning and etc). Most people these days favor games where skills play majority role, and MS is notoriously known as p2w game to general public due to its horrible RNG system that even gets old players to rage quit. The main So of course not that many people will want to pick up MS. All in all, MS is objectively dying, no doubt about it. But you can still have fun by joining with handful of other people who are playing the game.

    dont think that majority are bots that left/leaving
    i and many other got fed up with seeing daily botters,bugs,low server stability,p2w....
    and i wait for changes to come back like many other

    botters got no reason to quit or take break lol (maple its like perfect for them...) would have been nice if they did quit
  • TwilightHimeTwilightHime
    Reactions: 1,245
    Posts: 95
    Started a week ago on Bera and I do like the new systems/characters that were implemented in the last decade.
    And the fact that I can get to a lot of content without having to spend much time.

    Definitely lots of bots though. And the occasional "cc plz"

    Definitely feels like a bigger emphasis on solo gaming though (enjoying the stories, events, etc), given that I can do most things on my own. Except making meso; I rely on selling equips and materials in the auction house and the fact that things get snatched up quick suggests at least there's someone (or something) out there willing to take me out of the market.
  • dretesdretes
    Post: 1
    I started playing this game since it started, I stopped playing long time ago because of school, work, I got married and stuff but at some point I always tried to come back but everything was always different and more difficult and as someone said "no one was planning to socialize anymore because they didn't need to", the point of this game was to socialize, have fun, be part of a team and being competitive. As much as I'd love to come back, it's