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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
What's Your Least Favorite Job?
My least favorite jobs are Bowman, Evan, and Battle Mage. What about you?
Flipping. Blaster. Except its my entire hand hurting.
The mobbing gets a lot better in 5th, but until then, yeah. It's bad.
At least it can still teleport in the air.
Blaster, Mechanic, or any other "spam buttons over and over" classes.
Kanna, the balancing act between mana/HP for max DPS is annoying to me.
Yes, that's fine.
I got lucky with jett. Back when starfall(jett's nautilus strike reskin) was mistakenly given a cooldown of 0 seconds. That was my fastest 1-200 ever. Thanks nexon!
Yea. Heard about it. Too sad that I got back into the game much after they fixed it.
Shade is another bad one, pretty sub-par mobbing from what I was used to during the time (before 5th.)
Phantom I didn't like much either, i'd rather be playing the classes I stole the skills from, their main skill was cool I guess.
Kaiser I was excited for but very disappointed by, this was even before the nerf and it just was not fun at all to me, Blaster is just garbage if i'm going to be honest, I think everyone knows what I mean with the combos and stuff.
Mechanic was pretty bad when I played it (during chaos patch.)
I'd say my least is probably NW or Blaster.
As for the other classes, I liked the rest of them.
but they are not on the level of Evan I say if there was a dragon master class out it should definitely be Freud class. He was amazing but Evan very basic copy and paste so yeah.
Did you forget to turn on ignite and use viral slimes?
My least favourite has been kaiser, mihile, jett.
Cri, illium is my fav