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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Equipment Drop Rate Obscurity
Scania Here.
How does the drop work? I'm not asking for a percentage table or something like that. I wanted to know what influences the drop rates, specifically on equipment.
Me and a friend were trying to farm an item X that isn't shown on Crusader Codex. I was with an Aran lv 205, and he was with a Paladin lv 202. I used Lucky Winter (2x) and Greed Pendant (20% equip) to farm for some time (30 min or more) and my friend did the same,, but he only had a Big Spider, and he tried for more time. I got nothing, and he got the item X when he was about to quit. We also tested dropping the item with beginner characters, and it was a lot easier to drop (I managed to drop the Item X in 15 minutes).
There's RNG, but I think we might be onto something. Does the level / class of the character influence the drop? (The Item X is not in the Crusader Codex, and the monster doesn't have a "Lv X equipment" in the drop table as well).
Some other mechanic handles the Lv 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/110/120/130/140 equipment drops that does not show up in codex. Your class does influence this, as it is programmed to drop an
Lv X equipment (where X is the level of the monster rounded down by tens) of the killer class.
For example, warrior equipment will drop majority of the time when you kill monster as a warrior, thief equipment will drop majority of the time when you kill monster as a thief.
That's a gold mine you have there, thank you for sharing :DDD