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Nexon, pls buff Phantom

Member DesireDrive
Reactions: 830
Posts: 12
edited July 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I have been playing maplestory for a very long time, and I have been a Phantom main.
Due to the fact that majority of the time the game is mostly PvE instead of PvP, people sometime wouldn't realize how much damage they do compared to other; in another words, there is no comparision to know if you're doing super well or super bad.
The recent burning event let me made an new Ark character, and I have to say that if it had my current Phantom's gear, it would be on a whole new level; its mobility, dps, skill animation. (Yes, I do realize Phantom is a 2k13 old and Ark is a new character). Playing Ark made me realize the huge damage potential between my class and some of the others.
And this was proven in the most recent PvP mobbing mode Brawlosseum. I have never got to 2nd or 1st place in any match up; if anything, I am getting number 1 counter from bottom most often. So I thought to myself, maybe its the gear difference. Yes, better equips does make the damage difference, however I have realized that some of the people having way worse gear than I am are out mobbing me by a whole mile. Perhaps Phantom isn't designed for mobbing, then perhaps single target dps like bossing? Well, if you look at single target bossing skills, nothing probably comes close to Angelic and the two shuriken throwing thief classes.
In the current dps ranking in KMS, Phantom is placed 2nd last right above Bishop. BISHOP!! BHISHOOOOOPPPP!!! Like bruh, my thinking is that Paladin is suppose to be near the bottom since "heros never die". But instead, this guy is 10 ranks above Phantom in the dps chart. TEN RANKS!!! A tank having 10 ranks above a class that's suppose to be dishing out tons of damage!!!
Bro, what? You have a class that's fully contained with damage skills and you're getting caught up by support utility class!!! You can argue and say that "Phantom is more versatile and can steal skills from all explorer". Alright lets be honest here, by this point in game, you're always going to use the same few dps buffs from the few explorer that's always the same, there is no such thing "versatility" anymore on Phantom, he is just another thief class using explorer buffs and having bad damage from his own main skills. (And I don't know why nexon wouldn't let you steal hyper from blade master).
In the end, I don't think my message would have gotten through, this is just me being angry and throwing my fustration online.
Also another weird question if anyone can answer; why wouldn't nexon remove the cd on decent skills on V matrix? I'm running out of key's on the keyboard to put all these skills in since you can't put them in macro.
  1. Buff Phantom?6 votes
    1. Yes
       83% (5 votes)
    2. Yes but Option 2
       17% (1 vote)


  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,745
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2019
    I don't play phantom, but I wouldn't put too much faith in dps charts.
    As far as decent skills having cd, from a design perspective it's probably so you can't use them right after a death.
  • Member Kassunukko
    Reactions: 520
    Posts: 6
    Why should we buff Phantom when we can try and get Phantom a revamp!
  • Member DesireDrive
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2019
    See the thing is about buff over revamp, you have to consider a character's "overall" when you ask for a revamp.
    There are 6 heroes of maple; Aran and Evan got a revamp because they were the OG of OG. In terms of timeline, if there's even a chance of Phantom getting a revamp, it would be along side another old hero which includes Mercede, Luminous, or Shade.
    Also considering the player base; nexon has to consider how many players are going to get all the skills the moment they release the change, aka the high level players when compared to people who never even touched phantom at all.
    So to my personal opinion, asking for a buff is way more realistic than a whole revamp of skills. (Considering Phantom, a character that's suppose to be "fancy" and "flashy" got some of the most generic 5th job and hyper skills.)
  • Member UpsilonGreen
    Reactions: 630
    Posts: 24
    edited July 2019
    Would be nice if stolen buff skills could be toggle so you don't need to buff so.many.skills.so.many.times.
  • Member, Private Tester HoneyWater
    Reactions: 2,245
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2019
    adding more slots for impeccable memory III, IV, HYPER would be nice.
    Final cut is a must, and i can rarely find explorer's when there's so many other classes that are better.

    and having to stick with one mobbing is a pain i wanna switch between cannon bazooka and showdown.

    having more slot for sancro, inferno aura and bulleye or whatever (marksman hyper i forgot the name)

    or maybe. since phantom has a bomb @ss ship wish we could save explorer we meet and be able to change by going to the lumiere.

    but in more serious note. Phantom is better off with a revamp when he's not balance or satisfying for people to play him.
    (legit just ask people that play reboot that had to level him for link and legion)

  • Member DesireDrive
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2019
    This is the lastest chart I can find
    i cri everitiem
  • Member, Private Tester L4d2jpn
    Reactions: 2,060
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2019
    As a bishop player, I would like to say stop crying.

    But since that's not going to help, think about why you chose phantom in the first place.

    For example, I went with bishop because the game is overloaded with dps players and not enough supports. I doubt that I'd have the damage so I went with a character that could help enhance others. With enough time and slowly gearing up, I'm at a point where I'm working towards normal lucid solo by practicing mechanics. This is as a bishop, a class thats constantly bottom of KMS dps charts.

    There should be something that drew you to phantom in the first place and you should find what that was because a chart doesn't dictate how good a class is, you do.
  • Member DesireDrive
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2019
    Bishop is SUPPOSE to be at the bottom of the DPS chart.
    You're an utility support character, no other class can revive an entire party like Mercy's "heroes never die", and no other party can spam party heal without potion cd restriction, along with a 50% bonus exp buff like a cherry on top.
    I don't normally make references to other games, but imagine playing League of Legends and pick a Soraka who not only heals everyone in a party including herself, has a party revive, and tons of party buff, with passive incoming damage reduction. AND NOW, according to you, who thinks that Bishop shouldn't be at the bottom of the dps chart, "Soraka" now does more damage than your own adc.
    You're comparing an all in utility character to a Thief class who's suppose to be doing burst dps damage. What the hell???
    Let me put it this way, if Bishop's DPS is on top of the list right now, every player would be making a Bishop. Because on top of all those utility and survivability, you now deal more damage than the people who were originally designed to do damage. Do you think that would make sense??? The only reason why Bishop wouldn't be played alot by then is because of its bland skill set which makes Bishop a little boring to play. But who cares about that when you can "never die" and "every teammate loves having you", since not only are you now the support, you're now the carry as well.
    Going back to your 2nd statement, I picked Phantom because he was originally fun, the skill stealing, the variability of his stolen skill, and the high dps back then which comes from his main "auto-attack" skill Mille Aiguilles. But now if you look at his kit, what part of what makes Phantom a "Phantom" is left? Nothing, your stolen skill are always the same few "meta" stolen skill from the explorers, if you swap a skill you have a 30 second cd before you can use the skill. Your own skill on the other hand doesn't make up for the damage to catch up with all the other classes; so now you not only lost what makes Phantom a distinct character, your damage is now also crap when compared to another class who can probably do the same stuff as you, but BETTER. And most of all, Phantom is super reliant on buffs; if you use all the buff on a Phantom, your damage range will sky rocket, and sometimes be more than double of what your base damage is. So what is bad about that? Imagin you have to constantly buy buff freezer because you died at a boss and didn't want to die again because you were too busy standing still at a single spot buffing yourself. If you look at some other class who aren't as buff reliant, not only are they already doing more damage than a buffed Phantom, they're also "forgiving" when they die to a boss, meaning they can sometimes fight the boss without the buffs, or because they only have a few active buffs since most of them are passives, they don't have to be standing still at a single spot for over 10 seconds just to rebuff. My own character as Phantom, has to stand still for approximately 15 seconds just to have all the buff animations played out, and approximately half of that that time if I was hanging on a rope, and I am pretty sure not all bossing locations have a rope for you to hang on to.
    So I don't understand your statement, "as a bishop player, stop crying", that statement itself does not make sense, because you're made to be a utility character who does low damage and in turns, you help your team, that is the ESSENCE of your character. If you said "as a dual blade player, stop crying" because dual blade for some reason is now terrible to play as, THAT WOULD MAKE SENSE, but is that the case??? NO, Dual blade not only has super nice flashy animation, his damage is ridculous too, along with the super nice AOE mobbing skills. The only thing I can think about as a CON for dual blade is the super boring early games, and the not so great survivability during some 1-shot bosses, which is basically the same as a phantom , but that seems balanced since you have massive damage skills already. (This is outside of this topic but, alot of the old classes who didn't undergo revamps have this early game boring stage at this moment, it can't really be fixed as either Nexon completely revamps the character, or just leave it as it is. This is due to the fact that the old maplestory have really slow leveling stage, players are stuck at 2nd or 3rd job for a very long time before 4th job when compared to right now. Which means the developers wants the player to use the skill all the way until they are super super bored of it before it will never be used again since it's a "1st job" compared to "2nd job" or "3rd job" compared to "4th job". This problem was solved very well on many new characters such as Ark or Cadena, you would notice that even when these characters are passed level 200 they are still using active damage skills from their 1st or 2nd jobs, but when you look at old characters that aren't revamped, the only skills that you would use from 1st or 2nd job are the utility ones or active buff ones)
    Your 3rd statement, "chart doesn't dictate how good a class is, you do". No, NEXON dictates how good a class is, and the amount you WHALE dictates on how good your class is when compared to PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T WHALE AS MUCH AS YOU. The chart is made to compare each class when they're at their "nude" state. Meaning that if I had no equips and external damage source at level 200, and you had no equips and external damage source at level 200, which one of us is doing more damage? Or my equipvalent equip as its best compared to the same equip but in your class at its best, you get the point. The chart doesn't dictates anything, it is an representation of recorded data of the current classes' DPS meaning Damage Per Second, nothing more nothing less. You doing more damage an soloing Lucid simply because you whaled more than me, or have better equipments than me, or better potentials. If another class who is on the same "equip level" as you are, you will for sure be doing much lesser damage than that other class, but Bishops shouldn't be comparing that since you're the only utility class other than Paladin (Although Paladin is slowly turning to a dps character), which means your class is what keep your teammates alive during super hard bosses, and keeping your teammate's damage at their best, meaning you shouldn't be crying about dps in the first place since your character is DESIGNED TO HAVE LOW DAMAGE.
    In conclusion, maxresdefault.jpg
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2019
    Oh man your massive wall of incoherent ranting and giant picture calling someone gay have totally convinced me. I agree with you 100% and think phantom should be buffed so hard that no other class even comes close to it on dps charts, since we all know dps charts are the only reason to play a class and if you're not the top of the dps charts then your class is trash and you shouldn't be playing it.
  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,745
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Oh man your massive wall of incoherent ranting and giant picture calling someone gay have totally convinced me. I agree with you 100% and think phantom should be buffed so hard that no other class even comes close to it on dps charts, since we all know dps charts are the only reason to play a class and if you're not the top of the dps charts then your class is trash and you shouldn't be playing it.

    I only skimmed it, but I'm going to just refer back to my first post.
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    I don't play phantom, but I wouldn't put too much faith in dps charts.

    I've said it in the past and I'll say it again, you should play a class because it's fun. Not because it has good damage.
    Balance patches happen all the time. Revamps are extremely rare.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Oh man your massive wall of incoherent ranting and giant picture calling someone gay have totally convinced me. I agree with you 100% and think phantom should be buffed so hard that no other class even comes close to it on dps charts, since we all know dps charts are the only reason to play a class and if you're not the top of the dps charts then your class is trash and you shouldn't be playing it.

    I only skimmed it, but I'm going to just refer back to my first post.
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    I don't play phantom, but I wouldn't put too much faith in dps charts.

    I've said it in the past and I'll say it again, you should play a class because it's fun. Not because it has good damage.
    Balance patches happen all the time. Revamps are extremely rare.

    I don't want to sound like I'm insulting your intelligence by asking this but, you do know every word of my post was sarcastic right? I didn't even read his post past the first line where he claims a class is mandated to reside in a certain part of a dps chart because reasons.
  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,745
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    I don't want to sound like I'm insulting your intelligence by asking this but, you do know every word of my post was sarcastic right? I didn't even read his post past the first line where he claims a class is mandated to reside in a certain part of a dps chart because reasons.

    Reaffirmation, rather than trying to prove you wrong. Basically I think this thread should have ended with two posts.
    I'm all for balance patches and everything, but I have a hard time agreeing with people who don't format and only give "Yes" or "Yes" as poll options.
  • Member DesireDrive
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2019
    "I didn't even read his post past the first line where he claims a class is mandated to reside in a certain part of a dps chart because reasons."
    "I didn't even read his post past the first line"
    "I didn't even read"
    "I didn't even"
    "I didn't"
    Where can I even start making an argument about someone who bluntly makes a point if you didn't even bother reading someone else's argument. Oh right, you don't because that person is "stupid", litearlly "stupid". Because I can't even find another word to describe this kind of person other than the word "ignorant". Then again, then word "ignorant" would be used to describe if the person originally read my posts, makes terrible argument like the person I was replying to in the first place. You on the other hand, is just plain simple stupid. I honest can't even find another word in the dictionary to describe you.
    Lol, "I didn't even read his post", ok there buddy, I think now I know why there are so many stupid posts on the internet making ridiculous non-sense but still manage to get all the upvotes.

    "I'm all for balance patches and everything, but I have a hard time agreeing with people who don't format and only give "Yes" or "Yes" as poll options."
    Where is logic in this sentence? This is like saying "I agree that we should wash our hands after poo, but I have a hard time agreeing with people who says "Yes, you should always wash your hands after poo".
    Like I don't understand where that sentence is going, but ok.

    I thought about the meme that you should have posted if you didn't read pass the first line.

    Like honestly, I don't know why you guys bothered to make arguments and reply to the post if you didn't even understand someone elses' statement.
    You know you guys remind me of a super old folk tale that describes people like you;
    It's a story about Phoneix teaching all the birds how to build their nests. Once upon the time, birds have heard that Phoneix has the most beautiful nest in the whole world, the birds all went to her to learn about how to make a nest. As the Phoneix first started her teaching class, she explained to everyone, "Learning any kind of skill will require patience; without patience, you wouldn't learn anything." Just as Phoneix finished that sentence, the Owl thought to himself, "The Phoneix is only pretty on the outside, doesn't seem like she actually knows any skills. Looks like I'm done here!" The Owl flew away. Then the Phoenix stated "In order to build a nest, you must first find a very stable branch. A good example would be tree branches shaped like a claw..." Even before she finished the sentence, the Eagle took the idea for granted and thought "Yeah blah blah, its just finding a tree branch, thats so easy." The Eagle left as well. The Phoenix continues her lecture, "Find small twigs and branches, and compile them up layer by layer..." Just as she said this, the Crow thought to himself, "Oh, so its just piling up twigs, yeah I've got it". The Crow proudly flew away. The Phoenix then said, "This kind of house isn't the best, sometimes its better to build the shelter under eaves of houses. This way you wouldn't have to worry about strong wind and pouring rain..." The Magpie thought to himself, "Wow it's exactly same as I thought it would be, what a waste of time." The Magpie turned around and flapped its wings. Finally, only the Swallow was left in the "classroom". The Phoenix said to the Swallow, "Building a fine tuned house will require diligence; you will need to find mud and mix it with your saliva so the piled up branch wouldn't fall over easily. As for the inside, you can find soft feathers and grass to act as cushioning when you are sleeping. And these finishing touches are what makes your nests feel like home!" After hearing this, the Swallow thanked the Phoenix, and flew as she whistled a beautiful tune.

    Looking from the action you guys have done before, I highly doubt you guys are even going to read this story, but whatever I'll but it here if you're interested on changing your life.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2019
    What he means is when people attach a poll to their thread that basically says "yes I agree" and "yes I agree but option 2", he can't take the thread seriously, since the poster thinks their idea is so great there won't be anyone who disagrees with them.

    As for me, if you can't be bothered to format your posts just slightly better than the damn navy seal copypasta, then I don't feel any sort of need or desire to read it.
  • Member DesireDrive
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2019
    Good excuse to escape your garbage argument, if you truly wanted to read this you can format this yourself. Open up a word document, copy paste it inside, change the font to what suits your eyes. I shouldn't be spoon feeding someone at this age to be able to read a forum post on the internet. Or have you already accepted that I have called you "stupid" in my last post? OH YEAH, you didn't read it.
  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
    Reactions: 7,745
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2019
    Good excuse to escape your garbage argument, if you truly wanted to read this you can format this yourself. Open up a word document, copy paste it inside, change the font to what suits your eyes. I shouldn't be spoon feeding someone at this age to be able to read a forum post on the internet. Or have you already accepted that I have called you "stupid" in my last post? OH YEAH, you didn't read it.

    That's not what formatting is and there are bigger flaws at hand with your posting style in general.
    You do not help your cause by insulting the people you are trying to win over onto your side.
    All you do is quicken your path to getting your thread locked.

    These threads should be taken a bit more seriously if you want them to go anywhere as Nexon of America already has little pull with Korea. (or so it seems)
    This is certainly not the type of thread they're going to chose to represent their community when making suggestions to Korea on what to do next.
    Other than Aggraphine who can be a little rough around the edges for some (But still not as bad as you're behaving),
    I don't think anyone has even remotely come close to your level of offensiveness.

    Tl;dr, If you want ideas heard, take them as serious as you want them taken. Save your meme posts for reddit or 4chan.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited July 2019
    Good excuse to escape your garbage argument, if you truly wanted to read this you can format this yourself. Open up a word document, copy paste it inside, change the font to what suits your eyes. I shouldn't be spoon feeding someone at this age to be able to read a forum post on the internet. Or have you already accepted that I have called you "stupid" in my last post? OH YEAH, you didn't read it.

    Why should I have to format your dumpster fire of a post for you? I'm not the one who told you to write in illegible blocks.
  • Member UserRed
    Reactions: 1,590
    Posts: 101
    edited July 2019
    I mean Phantom's whole shtick is stealing Explorer skills, so I guess to compensate for the potential power of Explorer skills they made Phantom a bit weaker. I could vouch for more skill steal slots though just for more freedom of choice.
  • Member DesireDrive
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Good excuse to escape your garbage argument, if you truly wanted to read this you can format this yourself. Open up a word document, copy paste it inside, change the font to what suits your eyes. I shouldn't be spoon feeding someone at this age to be able to read a forum post on the internet. Or have you already accepted that I have called you "stupid" in my last post? OH YEAH, you didn't read it.

    Why should I have to format your dumpster fire of a post for you? I'm not the one who told you to write in illegible blocks.

    Then why should you have the right to respond to any arguments I am making at all?
    You making any comment responding to me shouldn't be illegible either, since you shouldn't even know how to respond it in the first place.
    The example would be like writing an exam, the teacher gives you a paragraph of instruction on how to write the question. You in this case just skips that, and starts writing bunch of jiberish on what you think should be the answer without even looking at the question. When you get back your exam, you got a 0 and question why the answer is wrong? The teacher responds to you "well I can't give you a mark if you didn't even answer the question". What you responded was, "It's not my responsibility to read the question if you gave me a long question to read."
    Does that even make sense at all!?!??!
    It sure doesn't make sense to me.
  • Member DesireDrive
    Reactions: 830
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Good excuse to escape your garbage argument, if you truly wanted to read this you can format this yourself. Open up a word document, copy paste it inside, change the font to what suits your eyes. I shouldn't be spoon feeding someone at this age to be able to read a forum post on the internet. Or have you already accepted that I have called you "stupid" in my last post? OH YEAH, you didn't read it.

    That's not what formatting is and there are bigger flaws at hand with your posting style in general.
    You do not help your cause by insulting the people you are trying to win over onto your side.
    All you do is quicken your path to getting your thread locked.

    These threads should be taken a bit more seriously if you want them to go anywhere as Nexon of America already has little pull with Korea. (or so it seems)
    This is certainly not the type of thread they're going to chose to represent their community when making suggestions to Korea on what to do next.
    Other than Aggraphine who can be a little rough around the edges for some (But still not as bad as you're behaving),
    I don't think anyone has even remotely come close to your level of offensiveness.

    Tl;dr, If you want ideas heard, take them as serious as you want them taken. Save your meme posts for reddit or 4chan.

    Formatting or not, I got my idea across if you even had the patience to read the damn thing at all. I highly doubt you went to any legit faculty in a university considering any students from any dicipline in those area easily reads thousands and thousands of pages. Reading a forum in such small paragraph shouldn't be a problem at all, even if the formatting is terrible. And if the formatting is terrible, you would have the brain to fix it yourself to read it and get the point across.
    What you're stating here is "I didn't read anything because it's poorly paragraphed in format, and posting style seems terrible aswell." Oh whatever, since its tl;dr I'll just post something that seems like what he's writing about and make myself seems like I know what I'm talking about but in reality I'm probably worse than Aggraphine, since to the bare minimum he did read the FIRST sentence of the post.

    I do agree some threads should be taken more serious indeed, but which part did you contribute to such "seriousness"? You didn't even live up to your own words, I wrote 3 paragraph long essay describing why Phantom should be reworked, and how some other people's posts and arguments are invald. You guys posts me some 2 sentence garbage denying my 3 paragraph of valid reasons without ZERO justification and try to make yourself look smart. I don't know if that was your intention, but that's what it looks like to me, you guys are lazy to read, thus lazy to think, thus typed minimum words because you lack the capability to do so.

    Thirdly, I was not insulting anyone, I am being a realist, if you type stupid crap, I will respond you in stupid crap because if someone asks in a stupid manner "why 1+1=2" there is no reason to bring out the theory of relativity to convince him how the universe is formed, just answer the person "because it does" will solve the problem, since a stupid question shouldn't give that smart person the effort to answer them in a serious manner, since the stupid guy have 0 capability to understand them anyways. However, if a smart person asks another smart person "why does 1+1=2", it would be a good idea to try and find the origin of universe and bring out the theory of relativity and TRY to explain why 1+1 may equal to 2 in this world. Since the person asking the question wouldn't take your explaination for granted and still be a stupid and igorant piece of crap same as before he askes the question.

    And lastly, this is a online game forum, not a NASA exploration form where Steven Hawking visits here to post smart things about the black hole. I see nothing wrong with posting memes and from reddits or 4chan. You're not even answering my responses in a serious manner, and you call this a serious forum? You have people here that deliberately doesn't know how to read forums and bring out excuses like "your format is trash" to try and dodge a bullet, and describe me posting memes degrades the credibility of this forum, what an absolute joke.
This discussion has been closed.