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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
how does one get them?
as far as im aware they where never available in gms
yet recently i just seen someone with a set....
Is this one of those "you shouldn't have that, it's literally impossible to get that here" items?
GMS I believe got them only in lootbox or gacha for short time but never pq
Think because of Crystal ilbi 29att ems could not make even tought MTK are 30att and same att as balanced furry just way better looking and more in set then BF
Same with bullet thing
Also I believe the "bug" its still around that they cant recharge them in most towns/Android just in kft and old maple story towns that did dogge updates for years cus KMS/nonKMS thing....
dont recall seeing anything about them but i did stop playing for bit (surprised something like them would not be talked about at all
looks aside i mean i personally think they both look cool
balanced fury 30att lv70 req
magic throwing knife 30att lv50 req
asking as you think they would been talked about more aside from base neo tokyo crafting in other versions of maple (gms never having it)
no other information and i wouldn't want to buy them if they are not meant to be in game
but yea my early maplestory gameplay i liked to collect the throwing stars and magic throwing knifes were on my wish list even tho i knew it was ems exclusive
and it being ems exclusive is main reason i questioned it
As I said I believe GMS only sold them once or so and thats why they are not much around but am sure GMS never had the quest/pq just like EMS with Crystal ilbi
Also they are not only EMS ,other like CMS,TMS,MSea... Had it as well
in EMS they lost nexon Eu and some other things ,their forum history its gone I remember ems had the best guide to get MTK and bullets/gun
Also the quest line was kinda long and a bit hard on drop rate/dmg at that time and because of that there was less people for pq
Balanced furry its eazyer to make and can do solo for same attack ( so that was the choice for most that wanted 30att stars but not so epic looking like MTK)
Even balanced furry was hard to make because of 100 black Crystal at the time and low drop rate on taos
Right now I dont believe there is working neo Tokyo apart from ilegal servers
Good luck with your stars collection
and what event... as you even seem unsure about them in gms at least
at most if we did have a event had to happen in last 6ish months (when i started my break mainly due to new computer didn't want download maple due to internet issues at time)
and before that i pretty much had connections to every collector in-game (and could easily find out were any item i was unsure about came from) sadly looks like most transferred or stopped playing when i got back
well checking back when we had neo tokyo maps with my hyper rock
we never had way to get to any of the maps as upon release they were hyper rock blocked (unable to approach due to the force of the ground) and i checked every single patch and the npc at the forest of oblivion was as ems version was non-responsive with no linked quest followed by removed completely
i mean its not impossible that it was a cs gach item but around that time i was more in know of what people got from them with almost every drop known after that seems like they started having a list with drop rates on site
i know Eruwater dropped them but even when we had them like pointed out locked map
meaning very old cs event item... (or a you should have this/ shouldn't been able to get to this area
ether way tho would be cool if we could get a source for them again be it re-adding neo tokyo preferable as like a limited time event pq or something ingame more perm (but yes very interested in results of the looking into this also