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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Hi this is RoffaboySNL [Reboot N/A] I have numerous suggestions I think every mapler would like.
First: Can the gender lock be removed from all items because people want to anvil stuff like for example Blue Sauna Rob. This is 2019 make it happen!
Second: Bring back pottable badges. It doesn't have to be from the Ghost ship think of a new badge. I know exclusive items exist but a badge isn't exclusive as a genesis weapon?!
Third: Put Frenzy totem in gachapon forever. I'm sure people will buy your gachapon tickets.
Fourth: Put all the Arcane symbols in all current PQ's as rewards. Because everyone knows MS has a lot of death content. Make it a 2 or 3 times entrance you decide what is good.
Fifth: Permanent second pendant slot at least in Reboot. Everyone can buy that slot 30 days or not.
Last but not least. What are you guys doing there at NexonHQ. You promised to bring back CWKPQ but it's been 3 years now.
I know you guys put up with Korea because you just implement stuff. But seriously listen to what people really would like to see in the game. Stand up for yourself Nexon NA.
I dont think perma 2nd pend slot is that necessary, in reboot is like 15m for 30 days, if anything it should be necessary for normal servers than can only get 1 from reward shop.
I agree that something ahould be done with symbols,either share the ARCANE FORCE account wide or let u freely trade arcane symbols between ur characters both in reboot and non reboot without needing to spend real money or any penalty .
I feel it's a decent compromise, since we all know full well they'll never change it so arcane force is server-wide. You'd still have to work at it, but the amount of work for a newly-5th-job character would be drastically reduced and, I feel, reduce the hesitance for most people to switch mains.
That still won't make me (and many others im guessing) restart a character. Even doing a single daily is enough to repel me away from ever maining another character.
AF sharing is the final solution to the dailies question.
You also have to remember that you and many others do not encompass or speak for the rest of the player base. What you and the many others absolutely refuse to accept might sound reasonable to others.
I agree with an extra permanent pendant slot tbh buying it every 30 days is sort of pay to win and ill be always against that but meh what can one person do
genderless items was already suggested i think
totem is nothing but a way nexon does business a skill taken away from kanna just to sell it later
I wonder if instead of making suggestions here why not post them on korean maple web/forum or something more direct to who actually does most of the job for the game cause this branch of the brand isn't really going to even read the suggestions and if they do is very unlikely anything will be implemented
Because a lot of these suggestions will not affect kms in any way. What's the use of going to another service's forum to ask for them to implement things their own players will never get? They don't have frenzy totems or kanna and, to my knowledge, they've never had pottable badges.
Based on the way the memos go and other various things being addressed in patches, it's clear that Nexon does actually read the forums as well.
Given how slow the forums are, I would guess that Nexon reads every single thread (maybe even every post) in one manner or another.
However just because a vocal group expresses opinion on something doesn't mean that it's what everyone wants.
Nor do it mean that Nexon has to abide by it. There's a lot of stuff that goes on behind closed doors at any company.
We can only guess how much stuff is discarded due to various reasons.
I didn't speak for them, I'm just guessing that most of us do NOT want to restart leveling AF regardless of whether we're getting AF sharing or not. Like you said, it's not happening for us, simple as that.
I don't agree with AF share, but it certainly should be easier to grind out future symbols after you've already maxed them on one character.
At the very least we have the AF hyper so early 5th job doesn't feel as awful.
U say u need to work for it, but if u have high lvs of AF u have already worked for it for months on that character,so y do u need to restart all over from 0 and thtow all that effort to the bin? Makes no sense to me.
Did you miss the bolded part? I think you missed the bolded part. The all-or-nothing attitude a lot of people have is going to get them a whole lot of nothing. You look at a suggested 80% reduction in the amount of work needed for a new character starting out and you say "no that's no good, that isn't acceptable" because of the 20% that remains.
I'm at 230, do you know how much I have to do in arcane river at that point? One vanishing journey area quest, one erda spectrum run, a single run of hungry muto, one dream defender run, two runs of spirit savior and three morass area quests. I'm literally in and out of vanishing journey entirely in about 5-8 minutes, depending on what the single quest requires(kill or collect) and where it sends me(lake of oblivion vs cave of repose). I don't do hungry muto because, for some reason, my frame rate tanks in there. Dream defender takes literally less than a minute and I'm gone in three(gotta go back down to grab my pity-symbol coins from the npcs by the tower). I don't do spirit savior because, plainly, I don't feel like learning how. Morass takes, currently, the longest, at about 10 or 15 minutes depending on identical factors to vanishing journey. All told, dailies take me maybe 30-40 minutes absolute maximum.
If a server-wide reduction in dailies based on the progression of your main is still too daunting a task for you, then why are you even playing an mmo?
Also, server-wide arcane force would fly in the face of the intent of reboot.
On reboot, you're meant to build every character from the ground up with little, if any, help from other characters. That's why you can't put equipment into your storage, so you can't farm cra or lotus/damien for weeks on end to shuttle cra/absolab gear to all your other characters and skirt the work. To get to 200, finish the 5th job advancement and immediately have an extra 6k+ stat, 150% damage given/0% damage taken for literally the next three-dozen levels and no need of any work but grinding does not mesh with how reboot was set up to function. This is also why the arcane catalyst is not available in reboot.
So really, two choices present themselves: you take a compromise or you get nothing and continue complaining for it.
And I suppose your compromising 'in the name of balance' attitude is going to get us anywhere meaningful? Give me a break, what we need are solutions not bandaid fixes that amount to basically nothing.
Says you, you dont work for nexon so your solution is as plausible as mine.
Your "solution" as you keep calling it is nothing more than "I did all this work once, I should get to reap the benefits across all my characters". That's not a solution at all, that's just a lazy person demanding rewards for doing something once. Why not share equipment across an entire server? After all, if you go through the effort of getting an arcane weapon once, you should be able to have an arcane weapon on all your characters, right? And why not share inners too? It takes so long clicking away at the reset button, if you get a legendary inner on one character, every other character should get to have a legendary inner right from creation too. Hell, why not share starforce across all characters too? If you have a 22-star gollux belt on one character, every other character gets a 22-star gollux belt too!
This "bandaid solution" as you call it would be an amazing addition to the game.
I'm sorry but Aggraphine is right, why on earth are you so dead set on all or nothing?
Reducing the requirements for new characters down to 1 quest compared to the starting 5 is an 80% reduction.
How does that amount to basically nothing? Because you have to do basically nothing now?
I think you fail to understand that not all players want to skip the daily grind required for new characters.
It's not even really that. I mean yeah, most of us would love to just not have to grind out symbols and crap on new characters, but nexon has made it abundantly clear at several points that they have no intention of drastically increasing the speed of progression. With that in mind, you understand that "shared af across an entire server" is not even remotely close to "on the table". Knowing this, other solutions are required. Solutions that the wants of the players as well as what nexon is willing to do.
Also, I'll willingly concede the point that I don't know the total percentage reduction of all areas combined once you hit 235(assuming that 235 is the final reduction and none are given at 240 or above), but for the sake of a character who just hit vanishing journey, it's a solid 80% reduction.
And your solution is 'more dailies'. Wow very grand I must say, I'm sure everyone will be thrilled by this non-starter.
Look at yourself speak, you sound like a nagging mom trying to do 'whats right'. These dailies are simply mindless time gates. You're basically locked into a single class for the rest of this games existence. We're not asking for handouts, we're asking for common sense reform.
Oh this silly argument again, I just knew you'd bring it back (thought you'd come up with something more original this time). Again, AF is hidden behind static dailies and is a hard requirement for certain maps and bosses, weapons and others etc are not. Saying AF is similar to weapons and IA is a stretch and you know it, no one is asking for us to freely share weapons and other stats. Further, we already have the legion and link system, which gives us tons of stats throughout our characters. So the argument that we shouldn't get 'free stuff because we're lazy' is a moot point by now. AF should function a similar way to legion, 6-10k free stat is pretty much nothing on a new character these days but it should be well deserved after a year long endeavor.