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Game improvement.


  • pepepepe
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 161
    edited September 2019
    1: Genderlocked items shouldn't even be a thing +1
    2: I think all (or most) badges should have pots in them. Why KMS makes non pottable is a mystery to me
    3: Just up the normal spawn rate in all maps to kishin level
    4: AF should be a shared mechanism to begin with, but I wouldn't mind if they make it drop more often so we could actually speed up the process
    5: second pendant slot should be perm by default
    6: cwkpq should be revamped as well, I miss that pq
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Also, I'll willingly concede the point that I don't know the total percentage reduction of all areas combined once you hit 235(assuming that 235 is the final reduction and none are given at 240 or above), but for the sake of a character who just hit vanishing journey, it's a solid 80% reduction.

    The problem is not whether arcane dailies take 30 minutes or 2 hours per day.
    It's that they take a year to max out a symbol.
    Your suggested compromise does nothing for that.

    Nexon is aware that this is a problem, and are adding ways to earn more symbols daily. The first such addition we've seen is the Erda Spectrum PQ. There are more additions in upcoming patches. However, all these mechanisms apply equally to first main and subsequent ones.
    A "compromise" could be giving more daily symbols based on your total account AF, or highest AF, or highest leveled symbol of that area, or anything else of that sort. The extra symbols could either be given freely (talk to the NPC for them) or as a chance to do more work and get more symbols (e.g., can run Hungry Muto more than 3 times per day).
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
    Posts: 1,680
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2019
    AKradian wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Also, I'll willingly concede the point that I don't know the total percentage reduction of all areas combined once you hit 235(assuming that 235 is the final reduction and none are given at 240 or above), but for the sake of a character who just hit vanishing journey, it's a solid 80% reduction.

    The problem is not whether arcane dailies take 30 minutes or 2 hours per day.
    It's that they take a year to max out a symbol.
    Your suggested compromise does nothing for that.

    Nexon is aware that this is a problem, and are adding ways to earn more symbols daily. The first such addition we've seen is the Erda Spectrum PQ. There are more additions in upcoming patches. However, all these mechanisms apply equally to first main and subsequent ones.
    A "compromise" could be giving more daily symbols based on your total account AF, or highest AF, or highest leveled symbol of that area, or anything else of that sort. The extra symbols could either be given freely (talk to the NPC for them) or as a chance to do more work and get more symbols (e.g., can run Hungry Muto more than 3 times per day).

    Nexon already proved they're willing to do this, but not in the way that players want most likely.
    The Arcane River Quick Path has been added.

    You can use the Quick Path to instantly complete Arcane River daily quests and daily content using Maple Points.
    Each region’s remaining daily quests or daily content will be completed all at once when you press the corresponding button.
    Based on the number of uncompleted quests or remaining entries of the content, the price will change accordingly.
    The Arcane River Quick Path costs 500 Maple Points per quest/run.
    For example, completing all 3 of your daily Spirit Saviour runs will cost 1500MP. Completing 2 of your Road of Vanishing daily quests will cost 1000 MP.
    You can use the Arcane River Quick Path by talking to Spiegelmann in each Arcane River region.
    If you complete daily quests or content through the Quick Path, you will not receive progress for any related achievements.

    Source: https://orangemushroom.net/2019/07/03/kms-ver-1-2-319-maplestory-glory-borderless/
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Also, I'll willingly concede the point that I don't know the total percentage reduction of all areas combined once you hit 235(assuming that 235 is the final reduction and none are given at 240 or above), but for the sake of a character who just hit vanishing journey, it's a solid 80% reduction.

    The problem is not whether arcane dailies take 30 minutes or 2 hours per day.
    It's that they take a year to max out a symbol.
    Your suggested compromise does nothing for that.

    Nexon is aware that this is a problem, and are adding ways to earn more symbols daily. The first such addition we've seen is the Erda Spectrum PQ. There are more additions in upcoming patches. However, all these mechanisms apply equally to first main and subsequent ones.
    A "compromise" could be giving more daily symbols based on your total account AF, or highest AF, or highest leveled symbol of that area, or anything else of that sort. The extra symbols could either be given freely (talk to the NPC for them) or as a chance to do more work and get more symbols (e.g., can run Hungry Muto more than 3 times per day).

    Nexon already proved they're willing to do this, but not in the way that players want most likely.
    The Arcane River Quick Path has been added.

    You can use the Quick Path to instantly complete Arcane River daily quests and daily content using Maple Points.
    Each region’s remaining daily quests or daily content will be completed all at once when you press the corresponding button.
    Based on the number of uncompleted quests or remaining entries of the content, the price will change accordingly.
    The Arcane River Quick Path costs 500 Maple Points per quest/run.
    For example, completing all 3 of your daily Spirit Saviour runs will cost 1500MP. Completing 2 of your Road of Vanishing daily quests will cost 1000 MP.
    You can use the Arcane River Quick Path by talking to Spiegelmann in each Arcane River region.
    If you complete daily quests or content through the Quick Path, you will not receive progress for any related achievements.

    Source: https://orangemushroom.net/2019/07/03/kms-ver-1-2-319-maplestory-glory-borderless/

    Again, the quick path skips the daily effort, but does nothing to shorten the months required before you can fight certain bosses or in general participate in content that requires a certain amount of Arcane Force.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited September 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    darik wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    I do agree that someone needs to be done regarding the symbol grind, but I don't think sharing it server-wide is the best option. It'd be like sharing starforce server-wide, and that just sounds silly. What I'd like to see, if it were possible, is for the progression-based daily quest reductions to be applied server-wide. If you get to morass on one character, all characters on that server only have to do one vanishing journey quest to get the full eight-symbol reward, one run of hungry muto for the full reward, and so forth.

    I feel it's a decent compromise, since we all know full well they'll never change it so arcane force is server-wide. You'd still have to work at it, but the amount of work for a newly-5th-job character would be drastically reduced and, I feel, reduce the hesitance for most people to switch mains.

    U say u need to work for it, but if u have high lvs of AF u have already worked for it for months on that character,so y do u need to restart all over from 0 and thtow all that effort to the bin? Makes no sense to me.

    Did you miss the bolded part? I think you missed the bolded part. The all-or-nothing attitude a lot of people have is going to get them a whole lot of nothing. You look at a suggested 80% reduction in the amount of work needed for a new character starting out and you say "no that's no good, that isn't acceptable" because of the 20% that remains.

    I'm at 230, do you know how much I have to do in arcane river at that point? One vanishing journey area quest, one erda spectrum run, a single run of hungry muto, one dream defender run, two runs of spirit savior and three morass area quests. I'm literally in and out of vanishing journey entirely in about 5-8 minutes, depending on what the single quest requires(kill or collect) and where it sends me(lake of oblivion vs cave of repose). I don't do hungry muto because, for some reason, my frame rate tanks in there. Dream defender takes literally less than a minute and I'm gone in three(gotta go back down to grab my pity-symbol coins from the npcs by the tower). I don't do spirit savior because, plainly, I don't feel like learning how. Morass takes, currently, the longest, at about 10 or 15 minutes depending on identical factors to vanishing journey. All told, dailies take me maybe 30-40 minutes absolute maximum.

    If a server-wide reduction in dailies based on the progression of your main is still too daunting a task for you, then why are you even playing an mmo?

    Also, server-wide arcane force would fly in the face of the intent of reboot.

    On reboot, you're meant to build every character from the ground up with little, if any, help from other characters. That's why you can't put equipment into your storage, so you can't farm cra or lotus/damien for weeks on end to shuttle cra/absolab gear to all your other characters and skirt the work. To get to 200, finish the 5th job advancement and immediately have an extra 6k+ stat, 150% damage given/0% damage taken for literally the next three-dozen levels and no need of any work but grinding does not mesh with how reboot was set up to function. This is also why the arcane catalyst is not available in reboot.

    So really, two choices present themselves: you take a compromise or you get nothing and continue complaining for it.

    I am 245 getting close to end game so im very well aware of what do u need yo do in arcane river.
    Thing is ure not doing part of the content aka chu chu , SS, so u say u take 30mins but doing that would get u to 45-1hr, and i also need to do sfera that u dont have cuz ure 230, then i have no kishin so i need to farm the etc and the monsters in sfera morass and vj ehich takes way longuer eithout kishin.
    After that i need to do cpq and monster park dailies, then i need to do daily bosses and weekly bosses.
    Then i need to do weeklies like dwt and haven.
    After all that if theres an event i need to do the event to get the rewards.
    AFTER ALL THAT i need to grind and farm mesos either on main using a fury toten or on my arcana kanna, u do realisr i dont have time for an extra character to do all arcane river dailies all over right?
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited September 2019
    AKradian wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Also, I'll willingly concede the point that I don't know the total percentage reduction of all areas combined once you hit 235(assuming that 235 is the final reduction and none are given at 240 or above), but for the sake of a character who just hit vanishing journey, it's a solid 80% reduction.

    The problem is not whether arcane dailies take 30 minutes or 2 hours per day.
    It's that they take a year to max out a symbol.
    Your suggested compromise does nothing for that.

    Nexon is aware that this is a problem, and are adding ways to earn more symbols daily. The first such addition we've seen is the Erda Spectrum PQ. There are more additions in upcoming patches. However, all these mechanisms apply equally to first main and subsequent ones.
    A "compromise" could be giving more daily symbols based on your total account AF, or highest AF, or highest leveled symbol of that area, or anything else of that sort. The extra symbols could either be given freely (talk to the NPC for them) or as a chance to do more work and get more symbols (e.g., can run Hungry Muto more than 3 times per day).

    I disagree on the basis that most of the complaints toward dailies I've seen is how much time they take up; that people find themselves spending the majority of their online time just grinding through dailies. Saying that it shouldn't be done because it's not good enough is a poor argument, though this part isn't explicitly directed at you. I'm also well aware of the glory update that should be hitting gms this winter, I don't know enough about it to include it in this in any way. Once it hits, I might revisit this after seeing how it's set up firsthand.

    A recurring problem in this thread seems to be people looking at what I suggested on the previous page and thinking "how does this benefit my main?" when it was proposed to alleviate the burden of doing dailies on a second or even third character. I didn't write it as a perfect solution, but one to reduce the hesitancy people feel toward switching mains. If you got a second character to 200, to 5th job, and only had to do one quest for the same reward that your first character had to do five quests for, you might feel less hesitant to switch mains, or otherwise invest time into a second character.

    As for your compromise, I was talking about this very thread with some people on discord yesterday and someone brought up the idea of a symbol bonus tied to your legion board. We didn't get into it very far beyond "hey that sounds like a good idea", so I don't know exactly how it would work, or how you'd work that into the current legion board; perhaps replacing abnormal status resistance since, to my knowledge, no one makes use of that section of the board.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited September 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Also, I'll willingly concede the point that I don't know the total percentage reduction of all areas combined once you hit 235(assuming that 235 is the final reduction and none are given at 240 or above), but for the sake of a character who just hit vanishing journey, it's a solid 80% reduction.

    The problem is not whether arcane dailies take 30 minutes or 2 hours per day.
    It's that they take a year to max out a symbol.
    Your suggested compromise does nothing for that.

    Nexon is aware that this is a problem, and are adding ways to earn more symbols daily. The first such addition we've seen is the Erda Spectrum PQ. There are more additions in upcoming patches. However, all these mechanisms apply equally to first main and subsequent ones.
    A "compromise" could be giving more daily symbols based on your total account AF, or highest AF, or highest leveled symbol of that area, or anything else of that sort. The extra symbols could either be given freely (talk to the NPC for them) or as a chance to do more work and get more symbols (e.g., can run Hungry Muto more than 3 times per day).

    I disagree on the basis that most of the complaints toward dailies I've seen is how much time they take up; that people find themselves spending the majority of their online time just grinding through dailies. Saying that it shouldn't be done because it's not good enough is a poor argument, though this part isn't explicitly directed at you. I'm also well aware of the glory update that should be hitting gms this winter, I don't know enough about it to include it in this in any way. Once it hits, I might revisit this after seeing how it's set up firsthand.

    A recurring problem in this thread seems to be people looking at what I suggested on the previous page and thinking "how does this benefit my main?" when it was proposed to alleviate the burden of doing dailies on a second or even third character. I didn't write it as a perfect solution, but one to reduce the hesitancy people feel toward switching mains. If you got a second character to 200, to 5th job, and only had to do one quest for the same reward that your first character had to do five quests for, you might feel less hesitant to switch mains, or otherwise invest time into a second character.

    As for your compromise, I was talking about this very thread with some people on discord yesterday and someone brought up the idea of a symbol bonus tied to your legion board. We didn't get into it very far beyond "hey that sounds like a good idea", so I don't know exactly how it would work, or how you'd work that into the current legion board; perhaps replacing abnormal status resistance since, to my knowledge, no one makes use of that section of the board.

    Thats interesting , thing is not only AF is wanted form symbols but also the huge amount of flat stat that high lv symbols give to ur character, i agree that having to do only 1 quest for ea region if ur main unlocked that feature would be nice,but again, y do u need to restart all over to do dailies when u have already worked for months on ur main to get those symbols, this is the key thing if u ever want to switch mains or make a secon main,that u not only need to do dailies on ur main,but also on second main, which takes a vast amount of time that not everyone has,and that not many games force u to do, thats the thing y when i hear a person saying at 24x or even at 25x that they hate their vlass but they arent restarting all over because they dont want to do all the dailies that took months if not years to achieve on main.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited September 2019
    Why do you have to make all new gear when you switch from warrior to thief when you've already worked for months on your main to get good gear? An mmo, and rpgs in general, tend to come with the understanding that each new character you make(or save file you start) will require work being put in to get it on the same level as your other character or file.
  • ShadEightShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited September 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Why do you have to make all new gear when you switch from warrior to thief when you've already worked for months on your main to get good gear? An mmo, and rpgs in general, tend to come with the understanding that each new character you make(or save file you start) will require work being put in to get it on the same level as your other character or file.

    Gear and AF are not the same thing, how many times are you going to repeat this false equivalence...
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited September 2019
    ShadEight wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Why do you have to make all new gear when you switch from warrior to thief when you've already worked for months on your main to get good gear? An mmo, and rpgs in general, tend to come with the understanding that each new character you make(or save file you start) will require work being put in to get it on the same level as your other character or file.

    Gear and AF are not the same thing, how many times are you going to repeat this false equivalence...

    Exactly this , dont try to prove ur argument by reducing it to the absurd, u need to actually wait months or a year to fully have all af maxed iirc not because u need to grind for it but because theres a limit to how much u get each day, AF is a small part of ur progression, but very important one, its not like we are asking to be everything shareable,just AF and stat that they provide, ur point is still invalid to my eyes agraphine.
    Its absurd hoe much time u need to put into dailies in this game, so reducing the amount of dailies that u need to do all over again if u switch main or play a 2nd game should be introduced so that the playerbase enjoy more the maple experience and try mora characters, cuz after all more characters equals more nx spent so its a win for nexon in my opinion.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited September 2019
    ShadEight wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Why do you have to make all new gear when you switch from warrior to thief when you've already worked for months on your main to get good gear? An mmo, and rpgs in general, tend to come with the understanding that each new character you make(or save file you start) will require work being put in to get it on the same level as your other character or file.

    Gear and AF are not the same thing, how many times are you going to repeat this false equivalence...

    At this point, I really feel there's no point in responding to anything that you, specifically, say. I already know your stance and you're adamant that anything less than what you want isn't good enough to even bother suggesting, so I see no point in dealing with you further.
    darik wrote: »
    ShadEight wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Why do you have to make all new gear when you switch from warrior to thief when you've already worked for months on your main to get good gear? An mmo, and rpgs in general, tend to come with the understanding that each new character you make(or save file you start) will require work being put in to get it on the same level as your other character or file.

    Gear and AF are not the same thing, how many times are you going to repeat this false equivalence...

    Exactly this , dont try to prove ur argument by reducing it to the absurd, u need to actually wait months or a year to fully have all af maxed iirc not because u need to grind for it but because theres a limit to how much u get each day, AF is a small part of ur progression, but very important one, its not like we are asking to be everything shareable,just AF and stat that they provide, ur point is still invalid to my eyes agraphine
    Its absurd hoe much time u need to put into dailies in this game, so reducing the amount of dailies that u need to do all over again if u switch main or play a 2nd game should be introduced so that the playerbase enjoy more the maple experience and try mora characters, cuz after all more characters equals more nx spent so its a win for nexon in my opinion.

    You say that "it's absurd how much time you need to put into dailies in this game" and that "reducing the amount of dailies that you need to do if you switch mains or play a second character should be introduced" and you somehow completely fail to see that what I suggested on the last page is literally this. How is my point "invalid" when you're literally arguing for the same thing?
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited September 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    ShadEight wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Why do you have to make all new gear when you switch from warrior to thief when you've already worked for months on your main to get good gear? An mmo, and rpgs in general, tend to come with the understanding that each new character you make(or save file you start) will require work being put in to get it on the same level as your other character or file.

    Gear and AF are not the same thing, how many times are you going to repeat this false equivalence...

    At this point, I really feel there's no point in responding to anything that you, specifically, say. I already know your stance and you're adamant that anything less than what you want isn't good enough to even bother suggesting, so I see no point in dealing with you further.
    darik wrote: »
    ShadEight wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Why do you have to make all new gear when you switch from warrior to thief when you've already worked for months on your main to get good gear? An mmo, and rpgs in general, tend to come with the understanding that each new character you make(or save file you start) will require work being put in to get it on the same level as your other character or file.

    Gear and AF are not the same thing, how many times are you going to repeat this false equivalence...

    Exactly this , dont try to prove ur argument by reducing it to the absurd, u need to actually wait months or a year to fully have all af maxed iirc not because u need to grind for it but because theres a limit to how much u get each day, AF is a small part of ur progression, but very important one, its not like we are asking to be everything shareable,just AF and stat that they provide, ur point is still invalid to my eyes agraphine
    Its absurd hoe much time u need to put into dailies in this game, so reducing the amount of dailies that u need to do all over again if u switch main or play a 2nd game should be introduced so that the playerbase enjoy more the maple experience and try mora characters, cuz after all more characters equals more nx spent so its a win for nexon in my opinion.

    You say that "it's absurd how much time you need to put into dailies in this game" and that "reducing the amount of dailies that you need to do if you switch mains or play a second character should be introduced" and you somehow completely fail to see that what I suggested on the last page is literally this. How is my point "invalid" when you're literally arguing for the same thing?

    I saw ur suggestiong and i already said that is interesting and i like that u only get to do only 1 quest if ur main unlovked that ability but id like to go further and what i suggest is to share AF withing the account and flat stat because uve already put the effort on ur main, restarting all that even if u only need to do 1 daily quest is what refrains the mayority of the people from makung a new main or a second main, thats what im saying and i know ut because ive asked around and the conclusion is almost always the sane.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
    Posts: 1,680
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2019
    darik wrote: »
    I saw ur suggestiong and i already said that is interesting and i like that u only get to do only 1 quest if ur main unlovked that ability but id like to go further and what i suggest is to share AF withing the account and flat stat because uve already put the effort on ur main, restarting all that even if u only need to do 1 daily quest is what refrains the mayority of the people from makung a new main or a second main, thats what im saying and i know ut because ive asked around and the conclusion is almost always the sane.

    For me it's that I like my main, and there are too many daily quests to focus on my main and a secondary character.
    It's one or the other. I'll just stick to my main for now.
    If for some reason a character came out that I liked more than my main, or I wanted to play a different main only having to do one quest would be amazing.
    I wouldn't care really because with new methods of obtaining symbols (more per day) and events constantly giving them out like candy, it takes far less than than the year that is the standard claim.
  • GenkaiX1GenkaiX1
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 43
    edited September 2019
    RoffaboyS wrote: »
    Hi this is RoffaboySNL [Reboot N/A] I have numerous suggestions I think every mapler would like.

    First: Can the gender lock be removed from all items because people want to anvil stuff like for example Blue Sauna Rob. This is 2019 make it happen!

    Second: Bring back pottable badges. It doesn't have to be from the Ghost ship think of a new badge. I know exclusive items exist but a badge isn't exclusive as a genesis weapon?!

    Third: Put Frenzy totem in gachapon forever. I'm sure people will buy your gachapon tickets.

    Fourth: Put all the Arcane symbols in all current PQ's as rewards. Because everyone knows MS has a lot of death content. Make it a 2 or 3 times entrance you decide what is good.

    Fifth: Permanent second pendant slot at least in Reboot. Everyone can buy that slot 30 days or not.

    Last but not least. What are you guys doing there at NexonHQ. You promised to bring back CWKPQ but it's been 3 years now.

    I know you guys put up with Korea because you just implement stuff. But seriously listen to what people really would like to see in the game. Stand up for yourself Nexon NA.

    I agree with all of this and the majority do as well.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited September 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    darik wrote: »
    I saw ur suggestiong and i already said that is interesting and i like that u only get to do only 1 quest if ur main unlovked that ability but id like to go further and what i suggest is to share AF withing the account and flat stat because uve already put the effort on ur main, restarting all that even if u only need to do 1 daily quest is what refrains the mayority of the people from makung a new main or a second main, thats what im saying and i know ut because ive asked around and the conclusion is almost always the sane.

    For me it's that I like my main, and there are too many daily quests to focus on my main and a secondary character.
    It's one or the other. I'll just stick to my main for now.
    If for some reason a character came out that I liked more than my main, or I wanted to play a different main only having to do one quest would be amazing.
    I wouldn't care really because with new methods of obtaining symbols (more per day) and events constantly giving them out like candy, it takes far less than than the year that is the standard claim.

    This is the current issue we talked in other posts, since theres way too much to do on 1 character,u dont usually get to enjoy/fund other classes cuz theres no time...
  • WaheedWaheed
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited September 2019
    Hey that would be a great idea to revive old PQs that they exists for no reason now... such as Ludi PQ, it used to be one of the most popular back then, just imagine if we could earn Arcane Symbols or Nodestones from those PQs, MRP. So yes i would suggest Nexon on remastering currently existing PQs and add other kind of rewards instead of making new contents just recicle the existing ones and bring them back from the deads.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,090
    edited September 2019
    Waheed wrote: »
    Hey that would be a great idea to revive old PQs that they exists for no reason now... such as Ludi PQ, it used to be one of the most popular back then, just imagine if we could earn Arcane Symbols or Nodestones from those PQs, MRP. So yes i would suggest Nexon on remastering currently existing PQs and add other kind of rewards instead of making new contents just recicle the existing ones and bring them back from the deads.

    Concept idea of making Nodestones and Arcane Symbols available from Ludi PQ sounds nice, but won't work storywise unless the rewards were in the shop for purchase. It sounds really out of place for a Ludibrium NPC to be paying you in symbols or nodes since those are Arcane River items not part of Maple World.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
    Posts: 1,680
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 2019
    It is my opinion that all party quests should be changed to give a universal currency that can be used for a revamped shop that can be used for general useful stuff.
    This would be a serious effort on Nexon's part to revive party play.
    Some kind of hub for people looking for bossing/partyquests/partygrind would be nice as well.
    Boss menu is a good idea, but it really can be improved upon.
    A place for players to gather, socialize and plan for playing together could be nice.
    Henesys used to serve as that location but now there are several other popular towns so we need one central location designated for this.
    Place the Party Quest shops within this area, allow direct teleporting to bosses and various other things to help people find other players interested.
  • darikdarik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited September 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    It is my opinion that all party quests should be changed to give a universal currency that can be used for a revamped shop that can be used for general useful stuff.
    This would be a serious effort on Nexon's part to revive party play.
    Some kind of hub for people looking for bossing/partyquests/partygrind would be nice as well.
    Boss menu is a good idea, but it really can be improved upon.
    A place for players to gather, socialize and plan for playing together could be nice.
    Henesys used to serve as that location but now there are several other popular towns so we need one central location designated for this.
    Place the Party Quest shops within this area, allow direct teleporting to bosses and various other things to help people find other players interested.

    Id love to see more pq train8ng but sadly... i dont see this happening, they are promoting more and more solo play, like they are nerfing in kms shade party play and buffing its solo play,which ia good for shade but bad for the party f.e. but yeh pqs are really nice and entertaining
  • BeefBeef
    Reactions: 2,560
    Posts: 219
    edited September 2019
    1) Gender Restriction shouldnt be a thing

    2) Make Meister Badge a thing so that it isn't event gated

    3) Don't really care, might as well put it in Reboot for the lulz

    4) Symbol is fine as is.

    5) You can just buy alot of 30 days and stack em

    6) Bring back CWKPQ thx