Hello! Thank you for everything you have done for us. There is no words saying how much we will miss you. Thank you for all you have done for MapleStory!
What, where are you going :O! You worked hard and finally made the maple community active again and helped with a lot of our concerns. Most importantly, guild chat is finally fixed!
i have a problem, every time that i start the game and select the region my game strucks and close. i cant pass this part, i tryied everything and nothing works, still waiting for some nexon support answert but still nothing!!!
Hey I was digging around in the patch notes and I noticed a couple of disappointing things regarding our upcoming holiday events. Namely, the Ice Chair that used to be part of the Santa Rewards (I believe they had cost 2000 Rascal Snowpieces) is no longer in the list. The rewards list is already dismally underwhelming with a severe lack of useful or fun items. There's not much to attract players into participating in that little event. Please help reinstate this long-standing tradition to its full former glory. Do everything you can to beg the devs to put the chair back into the rewards list as it used to be years ago!
Secondly, I'm not seeing the Hanukkah (or as it was called in-game, "Festival of Lights") event listed. In it, players would hunt dark axe stumps for candle-pieces to help the Temple Priestess, and they would receive Gelt Chocolate. Make sure this event is put back into the game if it got taken out, or put into the patch notes
The 5 minutes ago, a message appeared saying that I was being logged off by hacking, I did not use hack ... I'm starting to play now and I do not want to lose my char RoxVision (in Bera). Should I worry about the message? Please do not use anything hack, do not want to be harmed and do not want to lose my luminous. Since thanks
Hello, I'm ArKaNoZ from EMS, i'm latino/spanish. As you know, EMS had a Spanish language, I would like to create a Thread for the Latin players of EMS, i'm sorry for the bad english.
a have a questions: It's forbidden to create a Thread of another language? i miss some friends in the list of EMS
Yes, it is in the terms of service, it is not llowed to start a thread in another language that's not english. Even so i second this idea, EMS had spanish, french, portuguese and german support (if i remember correctly), since the servers were merged and now this is the forum it is adviced and even needed that people can get support in a more comfortable language, maybe not translating the whole game, but at least a space in the forums so they/we can help each other, specially the ones that find it hard to understand English. It is just my humble opinion.
Love, BrianSensei from Venezuela.
Si,en los términos de servicio dice claramente, esta prohibido iniciar un tema en algún idioma que no sea ingles. Aun así apoyo esta idea, Maple Europa tenia soporte para Español, Ingles, Francés, Portugués y Alemán (Si mal no recuerdo), ahora que combinaron los servidores y este es el foro seria aconsejable y hasta incluso necesario que los usuarios pudieran recibir soporte en un idioma que sea mas cómodo para ellos, no me refiero a traducir todo el juego, pero al menos con un espacio en el foro donde puedan/podamos ayudarnos entre todos, en especial a los que tienen problemas con el idioma ingles. Solo es mi humilde opinión.
Con amor, BrianSensei desde Venezuela.
I put that in both languages cause ArKaNoZ apparently has only a basic knowledge of englsh and i wanted him to understand the whole idea of what i meant.
also are you aware sir you suggestion feedback list thingy isnt working right and I know i saw one about a list for some week in September but I can't find that anymore did something happen?