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  • Joshing wrote: » and again he moves to sit on top of the person who he is bullying, slandering them to no end stop ignoring this nexon Careful, according to some of my friends on this forum, they "suddenly" couldn't log into their accoun…
  • dorky wrote: » he is, yet again calling this person who he has been stalking for months a scammer when the person is definitely not a scammer He is now stalking me too again, what should I do?
  • Jelani wrote: » Joshing wrote: » why have all tickets been closed and nexon support still has done nothing to this guy, hes still every day harassing someone every single day and then he afks on stage chair with a gameroom up falsely accusin…
  • Mercedes4Ever31 wrote: » I'll get straight to the point but this cannot continue. There's an individual in Henesys that has been harassmenting over 30+ people, yes 30+ people, including me and my friends. He's using multiple accounts and compu…
  • Apocalyptian wrote: » I didn't say it was ok, just that was the simplest solution because apparently Nexon won't do anything about it, sometimes we need to take action ourselves. Right? So in going to an area that is 200+ the botters won't (or sh…
  • Nawaf wrote: » Okkk, since you think merging gonna cause lag. how about to make server transfer possibly for Scania to Bera. personally I have more than 10 characters who has 150+ Lvl and I am lazy to do it all over again. also, the population …
  • TheMysteryAdventurer wrote: » Hey! I just want to know: Does still have a way to play Maplestory with friend now? Or is just a solo game, where players competitate each other for absolutly no reason? I want to be optimist, and I'm sure I can fo…
  • RayzY wrote: » Hey. I have an issue and I guess it has for many players. Game won't stop with black screened while changing channels, opening the game, moving to CS/AH and story contents. I have the same behivaiour with my laptop so I guess it'…
  • HuskyDM wrote: » cheezburger85 wrote: » let nexon make a poll then see for yourself that the majority actually interested in merging servers. Why don't you make it though? gotta agree with cheez, nexon will not make a poll because they kn…
  • AKradian wrote: » Optimize player experience by making everyone suffer lag, crowding, ks'ing, and spam together? No, thank you. "everyone lag, crowding", no offense but speak for yourself please, not every single player lag, most players I kno…
  • Aggraphine wrote: » What do you expect anyone here to do about it? Ghiblee doesn't do anything with ban appeals, and the only other nexon monkey that actively posts from time to time works QA. If any customer support mooks who could look into it d…
  • Aggraphine wrote: » Are you dense or do you just not bother to look at
  • AKradian wrote: » We saw, on Friday's stream, that the coupons will still be one to an inventory slot. But at least the event is coming back! Enough is enough, we want that coupon beauty as soon as possible please! jujuko12 wrote: » The …
  • Moderator note: This post has been redacted. Do not accuse anyone of hacking on these forums. If you suspect anyone of cheating, please report them to Nexon Customer Support at http://support-maplestory.nexon.net.
  • Fuhreak wrote: » Kaiser4Ever wrote: » -snip- Please don't advocate for people to not report hackers just because you can't personally see the direct impact it has. Maplestory is a video game. The entire point of it is to waste time. I act…
  • DarkPassenger wrote: » Football5 wrote: » noelbnetz wrote: » do they plan on doing anything to the immense amount of hackers at all? Let me tell you this, if they really want to, they can easily erase at least 70% of hackers. They just nee…
  • noelbnetz wrote: » do they plan on doing anything to the immense amount of hackers at all? Let me tell you this, if they really want to, they can easily erase at least 70% of hackers. They just need the desire to do so. When you're the owne…
  • DiximaN wrote: » We definitely need a world MERGE, not a world leap. Another leap will destroy the game for good. Very true. We should really just merge worlds into Bera. Bera is a ghost town, for real... Eye_gacha wrote: » As the title stat…
  • EtherFlower wrote: » It’s been awhile since I stopped playing MapleStory. I logged into MapleStory the other day and I noticed a lack of players in a lot of servers except Scalia and a few other servers. Is it because of MapleStory 2? Or, a lot of…
  • Acgnolia wrote: » AKradian wrote: » I don't see any connection between population density and game addiction level, to be honest. I myself am a dedicated Mapler. Probably haven't missed more than a handful of days in the past decade. And I…