EDITED after made aware of undocumented skill changes.
Bug type: Skill functionality
Brief bug summary: Royal guard buff does not work properly with 50% buff duration or after v.188
Skill details before incident (before v.188 update):
Playing as Mihile, when Royal Guard is used without a 50% buff duration it applies a 12 second buff that can gain up to 5 stacks, which changes the area of affect and % damage of Royal Guard and Sword of Light, as well as providing attack boosts for each stack. Sword of Light adds 6 seconds to the buff when used.
Skill malfunctions (when the 50% buff duration inner ability is applied and after v.188 update):
- The Royal Guard buff remains to be 12 seconds (not increased to 18 seconds) when applied by Royal Guard itself, even though it is a 1st job skill
- The duration of the Royal Guard buff "reset" by Sword of Light can be visually less than 5 seconds if used just before the buff expires
- If Royal Guard was not intended to work with % buff duration, it should be noted in the skill description
Steps to reproduce:
Obtain 50% buff duration inner ability
Use Royal Guard and obtain buff
Use Sword of Light before duration of Royal Guard buff is dismissed