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Last Active
Member, Private Tester
September 26, 1996
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Tread Lightly...
  • Server instability megathread

    the ones that complain are usually the ones that cant live without the game, just simmer down, technical issues are common, after all it's man made and as all men are fallible, so are their creations.

    I'm sorry man, but that is a terrible argument to make and an equally terrible defense to Nexon. Just letting issues happen and not voicing one's complaints is the reason you get companies that don't listen to feedback from their customers. I'm sure most of us could forgive Nexon if this was a not-so-frequent occurrence and they just came forth and admitted that something is wrong with their servers. However, considering their history with avoiding most of the public's concerns and the current perpetual failing state of the game which is about to reach a one week duration is the reason you see all of these mad users who by now want nothing more than to just sit down and enjoy a couple hours of Maplestory without any crashes for any reason.
  • Server instability megathread

    Tell us how you really feel amirite?

    But yea I agree with you.
  • Game is unstable?

    What was the maintenance for? To re-introduce server issues? Seriously, they greatly fixed these problems in the Thursday patch yet this recent unscheduled maintenance seems to have re-instated these disconnections.
  • Game is unstable?

    Archeryi wrote: »
    CC = Crash
    CS = Crash
    AH = Crash
    Standing in town too long = NGS Hack Detected or crash
    Being teleported when bossing = Hang forever and possible crash
    Clicking the adorable pink haired girl to get into North American servers when logging in = Possible crash
    Choosing a damn channel after adorable pink haired girl = Possible crash
    Clicking OK after entering PIN = Possible crash
    Killing groups of monsters repeatedly and fast = Possible hang and crash
    Killing a boss really fast = Possible crash
    Looking at a GM wrong = Disconnect or crash
    Hacking = Nothing

    If I can add to this treasure of a post:

    Skipping the Nexon/Wizet logos too quickly: Possible Runtime Error and crash
    EDIT: LITERALLY flipping through characters a bit too quickly: Crash (This one just happened to me.)
  • Guys please this is getting serious

    I didn't notice a change at all, I just came here after a d/c to double check the forums and supposedly there was a maintenance. Last thing we can hope for is the scheduled Thursday maintenance to address these issues.

    Otherwise, this event easily has the most ironic name in Maple's patch history. So much for "Tune Up"