@Neospector, I believe the thread you're referring to is about Smadar's Kaiser, not her Bishop.
As for the original topic:
It's not only in the case of bans that Nexon Customer Support seems manned by automata.
Note: the following is all speculation, my thoughts based on interactions I have had with Nexon's Customer Support and interactions I have observed when people post their ticket responses or live chat transcripts.
From what I see, Nexon's Customer Support (which is outsourced except for the Senior GMs) suffers from two major problems:
1. The agents know very little about the game. They work with a "knowledge base". They let a computer read your ticket or the opening statement of your live chat, and it spits out the responses for them to give. If the computer fails to recognize your issue, you will get a very generic response.
The agents also have very limited access to game logs and other information which would help them investigate your case.
2. The agents are measured by the number of tickets closed or calls processed. We are asked to rate the service we got, but I believe those ratings matter very little. It's to be expected that people will leave a bad review for a CS agent who refused to give them something they don't actually deserve, for example. What does matter is number of cases closed. And that means the CS agents are highly motivated to blow you off as quickly as possible. Investigating bans takes a lot of time. Writing up a bug check request for QA takes time. Hunting down hacked items takes time. All these things players want take time. It's so much easier to say, "Sorry, I know how you feel, but I can't help you with that. Is there anything else I can do for you today?" and get to the next case.
These two issues together are deadly.
The only ones not suffering from them are the Senior GMs. So if you get wrongfully banned or otherwise stuck with a game issue that the regular CS agents refuse to discuss with you, you just have to hope and pray that a Senior GM will take an interest in your case.
Needless to say, that's really not how things should be.
Akiro, in your equipment window there is a tab for Haku. He only has a slot for a fan. Give him a fan.
Haku's fan is Kanna's secondary weapon, and its stats determine how good of a buff you get when Haku casts his "Haku's Blessing" skill. He gives you a buff of %magic attack equal to nearly half the m.attack on his fan. So if, for example, you give him a 200 m.att fan, "Haku's Blessing" will double your range.
As for gaining mana while using Vanquisher's Charm (the "talisman thing"), that can be done by using the Mana Balance skill (recovers 30 mana at the cost of 30% of your HP), or while the 5th job summon Yuki-Onna is active.
Wait I'm lost, why is leeching gone and why are you saying rip parties? Did they get rid of the party feature or the party exp feature?
Parties still exist and party exp is still given out.
But if you're not participating in the killing, you get no exp.
So yes, passive leech is gone.
I honestly don't understand lizzybeth's complaint, though. This change does not hurt real party play. It only hurts those who avoid partying other players, by leeching their own Kanna/HS mules on a second computer.