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  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    krsk wrote: »
    The male hairstyles are becoming a bit feminine. No idea why (looks back to older suggestions) oh, thats it, the styles are becoming more gender neutral (still looking at older suggestions) guess things had to change.

    and the female hairs are 50% straight up guy hairs. low key annoying tbh i picked a girl char because i wanted to look like a girl.

    yeah but it became like this through popular demand, and it's safe to assume sales increased since what the popular suggestions asked for, were given. Ive had the same style of hair since maplehood watch, got lucky with the wolf tail, kitty hair and the rockstar one from maplehood, and 3 wolf tails on my phantom on reboot diff colors.

    Actually i don't see anywhere in this thread where any females requested male hairs. I think you are mistaken. Additionally I doubt sales have increased. it seems more likely that whomever is in charge of the cash shop is just not doing their job.
  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    The male hairstyles are becoming a bit feminine. No idea why (looks back to older suggestions) oh, thats it, the styles are becoming more gender neutral (still looking at older suggestions) guess things had to change.

    and the female hairs are 50% straight up guy hairs. low key annoying tbh i picked a girl char because i wanted to look like a girl.
  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    krsk wrote: »

    A good rotation would be one that contains at least 2 nice hairs.

    Personally I think this male rotation has like 4 nice hairs.
    I know it doesn't really have suggested male styles but it not a bunch of repeat styles you see over and over.
    It'll probs take some time to get to the styles people really want.

    I am totally stunned by the fact that you actually like the hairs. You are now the first and only person I have heard say such. On my server last night, there were so many people raging about how utterly hideous all the male hairs were (which personally i agree on). My question now is, how many tickets did you purchase to obtain the current styles? The reason i ask this is for context. If you liked these hairs and then purchased tickets enough to get all the ones you deem nice, then I would have to reevaluate my stance and accept that even what most would consider horrifically ugly has a place here. But if you purchased 0 tickets then that would show that these hairs really have no place if no one is purchasing tickets to obtain them.
  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    Matty wrote: »
    this male hair rotation is seriously a joke

    I didn't think it could get worse than last weeks but you guys blew it out of the water

    What does a good male rotation look like?

    A good rotation would be one that contains at least 2 nice hairs. If you need further clarification on what a nice hair is, then please review this thread as many suggestions have been made. I really don't understand why the suggestions in this thread continue to be over looked. The hairs we have suggested for the most part have been in previous rotations at one point, yet for some reason no effort is put into bringing them back.

    I'm curious to see how others feel on this subject...

    Royal Rotation Satisfaction Poll Please post your feelings on the pole in this link <<< maybe we can get some kind of attention if we make our feelings hard clearly.
  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    My suggestion is that we not get awful hair this week. There's more than enough excellent suggestions in this thread that have been recently overlooked. Please do not make this another disappointing week. We had previously had some nice weeks, lets go back to that trend, instead of the recent few weeks of what I can only call garbage royals.