the skills, and when it's charged, I can't use the skill immediately. I press down on the skill key and rows of "can't use skill cause i'm short on nature fragment" appear and about solid 6-7 seconds later, skill goes off. What is this bs?
Right-click it to turn it off and again to turn it back on...i had the same problem until i did that (less)
last for barely one week in v.208. However this event is massively RNG based. The odds of pulling gold and dark totems are way too low to justify making the event last barely one week. Only lucky players will get maybe 1-2 gold or dark totems in under a week. Meanwhile 95% of the playerbase will only receive copper and silver totems.
Dark totems are best in slot and everyone has been waiting an entire year for this event to return only to get this. Please consider extending it back to 3 weeks like it has been previously.
It's a short time and you can only do it once a day per character (less)