supposed to be permanent or not? Because it's still there.
I'm not sure if they forgot to remove it or not.
I sure hope it's not permanent because no where it said it was going to be permanent. Because Nexon didn't specify it was going to be permanent, and it seems unfair to anyone who didn't bother doing the quest assuming it was not permanent like all the other similar events.
You snooze, you lose. I hope it's permanent. It'll keep people on their toes and less arrogant about these kind of fun events. I saw to many people blow it off acting like they were to good to do the simple things it would have taken to get it completed. The buff is nice but not game breaking. If someone didn't do it they will still be fine and besides the kitties are very cute. (less)
Legendary and mysterious veins can also very rarely drop Meister cubes.... I got both Master Craftsman cube and Meister from the same vein just yesterday.
I've been on El Nido/GRAZED since I started but it's time to move on. GRAZED is dead. I've seen a lot of bullying this week where people have been trying to intimidate and crap on people … (more)for moving to Bera and most of it comes from some of the most funded players on GRAZED over smegas and in Henesys conversations. That kind of thing really made my mind up for me to move. I don't care for the ugly I'm the big fish in the little pond attitude. I really hope there are nicer more friendly players in Bera. I have also seen a lot of lies and rumors made up to discourage people from moving such as people claiming Bera is less populated than GRAZED and a large portion of Bera is planning to move to GRAZED. Another person I heard was telling people that a large portion of the population of Bera are scammers and hackers. Pathetic that people have to make up these kinds of lies instead of making their world a better place to play even if the population is dwindling down to critical levels. (less)