Brief bug summary: When attempting to accept the quest from the sack of gold in the "Land of Riches" (top right of the map), the sack won't respond to any interaction if the player has broke the wall.
More details: The Weather/Time does not change anything.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Break the wall to allow Mansa to leave the castle. 2. Take Ben's item out of the castle. 3. Attempt to accept the quest from the gold sack
Character name: Gimothon
Character level: 193
Character job: Shade
World name: Renegades
Date and time of the incident: 7:30 PM EST 10/27/2016
World Transfers normally happen during huge server-based updates (with the exception of new servers) such as when Nova and Renegades were added to their current alliances (GRAZED and MYBCKN respectively). I don't see another World Merge happening in the near future. But maybe we'll get one with 5th job.