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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Hi, I have noticed a set of recurring posts on Reddit and the official form of people voicing their concerns for the game. I thought it would be nice to list them all out in one long post.
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Edit: It has become a lot to keep updating both posts please refer to the post I made on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/6obrqg/much_needed_quality_of_life_changes/
Patch notes:
Please make the patch notes detailed. Half the time we do not know what changes are being made the the classes. If you would like a reference to how detailed to make them please take a look at orange mushroom. https://orangemushroom.net/
With the override update Jetts have been given long overdue buffs. However, with the incoming nerf to starfall the class is being hurt more than you may realize.
Nexon has defined Jett to have "high speed and excellent jumping abilites to allow her to move into good firing positions".
With the much needed nerf to starfall Jett's mobbing has become absolute garbage again, even while using cosmic upheaval. And there is almost no reason to use backup beatdown.
I also believe that some other changes should be made to make the class feel more fluid and overall bring it on par with other classes.
Remove the dead frames after singularity shock,planet buster, backup beatdown, cosmic upheval, starline four, and starline three.
Allow for the use of starline three and four in the air
Allow for jumping during backup beatdown
Increase the hitbox of backup beatdown with nodes such that at level 50 it is two times the size.
Match backup beatdown's hitbox with that of the animation. The animation shows that it should hit behind the character.
Revert the flash jump back to pre-override.
One major change that must be made is to add boost nodes for strikeforce showdown. It contributes to a large part of our dps yet other pirates and classes have boost nodes for their supporting skills.
Also, I think it is due time that we get the cashshop items to "recube" the core's potentials and lock it for more than a weeks time.
Beast Tamer:
Not sure about what to buff, but I agree that Beast Tamer does need to be looked at. This is a copy and paste of myomi's post below:
Take a loot at Beast Tamer. As a former Beast Tamer player(not link skill only), nexon please let us use all skills at the same time without switching animals. Even though it's considered a support class, let's be honest nobody wants to play beast tamer for many reasons. Bear mode has a incredibly long delay after Furious Strikes (main dmg skill) that stops you from dodging any one hit ko skill and almost every single boss has that kind of skill. If you want to support others the only thing you can do is to go afk while supporting because cat modes damage is a joke. So is hawk mode, but other than that hawk mode is fine. And lastly, leopard mode keeps moving your character around which makes dodging attacks really really hard.
Cubes in Reboot:
Can we please get an option to buy cubes in bundles at full price. For example, buying packs of 10 cubes, 25 cubes, and 50 cubes. This will help reduce lag during double miracle time events when people are buying hundreds of cubes as fast as they possibly can.
Please for Reboot either:
Increase the drop change for sweetwater gear
Add a shop where we can trade in gear or Denaros for other items
Allow us to go into CPQ solo
Drop Rate:
Please do not nerf drop rate like you have in KMS. The reason there are so many botters is that more people in western countries do not like grinding for ridiculous amounts of time. For example, the drop rate nerf makes it two times as hard to find a nodestone. TWO TIMES!!
Censored Chat:
I understand why the chat is censored but, for the day you had lifted the censor we could actually read what people were typing. Maybe it would be possible to implement an option to turn off and on the censor?
Full Screen Windowed Mode:
Can this be implemented, or something so we can play in full screen with multiple monitors and still be able to use both without loosing functionality for a few seconds while the game changes the screen resolution back to native.
Server Stability & Tech Support:
Nothing is more frustrating than to see people getting banned for server issues and then the tech support team being extremely unhelpful and telling us it is issues with our computers. Clearly, it cannot be issues with our computers when entire servers are crashing.
And please, people are getting banned from the game because of this. Change your hack detection to stop innocent people from getting axed. It is very obvious that it is autobans that are banning these people and NOT game managers, especially when game managers always hand out week/month bans on the first offense.
Exp & Drop Cards, Potions/Buffs on DC:
Please fix this, some exp and drop cards have buffs that disappear when used. Same with some potion buffs. Can we please make it so that they stick after dc-ing or re-logging.
Tyrant Gloves:
Looking at them from a person in Reboot, Tyrant Gloves are ridiculous to obtain, not only are invasions in the middle of the day (when no average human can do them) thus taking months to a year to get them but, the boom chance is too high and happens too often.
Reduce the cost
Make dailies give more coins
Have events where the cost in the shop is halved
Enable Safeguard for all stars
Nothing worse than spending months of hard work to get gloves that are pretty much worthless unless you risk booming them. -- JackDragon
Copy paste from Fruit-Dealer's post:
I still cannot fathom why cant we have flames in GMS. I'm going to be talking about Reboot here because I play extensively on that server, but the only way to get stronger here once you hit that point in equips once you have 21%+ on your equips is to spend billions on black cubes for 3L or go +10 stars on tyrants, which can end up doing nothing for the former due to unlucky RNG, or spectacularly backfiring for the latter with booms and downgrades.
I understand when flames first came out in KMS, GMS players at first opted to not have it because of the excessive power creep, but things have changed a great deal since then. The next boss that's going to come out that will grant the other half of the arcane shade set (like Lotus and Damien completing the Absolab set) will undoubtedly be harder than Lucid, and any future bosses will be even harder still. I don't play much in the normal servers, so I cannot speak for them, but I think there is compelling reason to introduce flames, at least for the Reboot GMS server.
An argument that has come up often against implementation of flames is that it makes the process of enhancing equipment more complicated for newer players. However, this point does not take into account the fact that tutorial quests can be created in game to help players understand the process better, kind of like the star forcing quest in the light bulb that pops up once someone is level 30(?). Also, the community has created extensive guides on the cubing/scrolling process - even going as far as to collect data and inform people which cubes are statistically best in what scenario. If flames are implemented, we can guarantee that the dedicated members of the Maplestory community will step up to the plate to help others. Finally, it makes no sense for the game to deny the experienced player base a newer way to get stronger for the sake of a newer minority, operating under the assumption that they'd be too stupid to learn - the most experienced cuber/scroller was a new person once too.
Can we get events that last all day long. This will insanely help reduce server lag and crashes as the server's population won't be all on for 1-4 hours at a time. People can break apart their grinding sessions and do it when they are comfortable.
Familiar Revamp:
Can we get the improved Japanese Maple Story familiar system.
Game Functionality:
Pet Loot Lag - Please reduce this, really affects stable game play
Chat - Toggle-able Chat Filter, No Maple tips
Burning Characters - No need for the maple admin to keep popping after you hit 150
Notifications - So many unnecessary notifications when entering the game
Rewards Pts - Have them go straight to the bank rather than accept a quest
Equipment Loadouts - it would save some hassle if I could just switch to my 'Drop Gear,' 'Meso Farm,' 'Bossing,' and 'Training' loadouts at the click of a button or three.
If anyone else has something they would like to add please post below and I will add it in to this and on the nexon forums. (less)

and 11 others.