Korean Item Vac Cash Shop Pets
Item Type: Cash Pet
Item Name: Part of Wonder Black Set) Petite Fairy pets, including Oberon, Titania, and Petite Pico
Korean Item Vac Cash Shop Pets
Item Type: Cash Pet
Item Name: Wreath, Hearth, and Nyx (Green, Red, and Blue pets, Elemental Spirit Pets.
I don't know about others but personally, I think it would be nice to have a weeks worth of heads up for things like Philo or Marvel. That way if I did choose to spend, I know that I can just save some for the following week instead of being like "oh thats today" and deciding whether or not I should put some money aside for it. I am in a position to afford stuff like this but I also like to eat out a lot so like a trade off.
TLDR; Can we get more time to prep for Marvel or Philo instead of getting notice the day they return. (Pretty sure they alert us early for Marvel a decent amount)
It is kinda hard to report botters, they either jump around so you can't click on them to report them or they have been programmed or something to leave right when someone enters the map.
Could we get a health bar counter like the one on Lucid on Chaos Pink Bean? It is kinda annoying to have to count 13 health bars especially if I want to get 2x experience with Soul Split