Had no idea bullet 1 was possible. Tricky for those who AFK in maps w/o anti-bots and who has pets though. I can stay at say, TP masks maps for days and not die simply because my pets both … (more)have auto hp and auto feeding skill and I have thousands of pet food/power elixirs. I don't though and I don't see why anyone would. So I have no problem with this I suppose.
Bullet 2 - I'm sure every class has a range for their skills. Say for me as a bucc, there's a limit to how far my laser can hit, and lasers have no/very limited vertical range, so this sounds good but quite difficult to code esp. for classes like xenon, WA where it just goes everywhere.
Bullet 3 - This is tricky for me personally. I train at lach for extended periods of time w/o talking to anyone. I do events and go for BH/wolf portals but those take 20 minutes or so to spawn. Nonetheless, I won't mind being checked in on. It's nbd for me to prove I'm real, I just hope it doesn't get triggered the same time an anti-AFK mob spawns. This is, of course, under the assumption that it won't trigger if I'm in town. Otherwise, I'm definitely against it. I AFK a lot in town, it would be unbelievably unfair for me to get auto banned or kicked out of the game just for being quiet (or asleep). This will go against the guild contribution system.
Bullet 4 - This is what I don't agree with. I NEVER go into CS while in a training map. I leave all my "CS ventures" to moments when I'm actually in town, where I'm safe from anti-AFK mobs. Further, I don't go into CS a lot to begin with. The only time I go into CS are:
To check out the weekly sales (once a week, wednesdays)
To record RP (max 3x a day, minimum never)
To buy MP entrance tickets (once a week)
Again, this is under the assumption that this will not be triggered if I'm in town. If that assumption is wrong, then I carry the same stance as bullet 3.
Bullet 5 - I get blaze wizards. I don't get the kanna part. I don't play either class. I sometimes pop in on kanna to kish someone but never BW so I don't have enough data on either to form a good opinion on the matter.
I like Deadethos the way it is. It doesn't take long to browse the entire FM and it's not that hard to find a training spot during 2x.
I know that a lot of people want more active servers … (more)and what not but casual players like me exist too. Several people in my BL and even our guild are like this. All you see is "hi" or "grats" and very little conversation. It's not because we hate socializing or each other but most of us have very stressful jobs/school stuff that at the end of the day, we just want to relax with some mindless grinding or fully immerse ourselves in new content.
That said, I think the best compromise here would be to make 4 GMS servers.
Reboot - can't merge that w/ non reboot obviously
Scania - this will most likely never be merged with any other world given the population.
Active (and Active and
All the other accounts in all the other non reboot/scania worlds can then choose which server to play in. It's a lot harder to do but it's a lot more fair for people who prefer not to be bombarded with useless smegas, ks'ed out of maps, disconnect several times from the massive influx of players logging in etc.
The problem with this will always be migration. I think it's the reason the merges weren't "actual" merges. It's extremely difficult to mix data (most would have duplicates) from one world to another. It's way easier to keep the current log in path and just redirect them to the same end server than it is to switch log ins. I assume this is why migration events are few and far between and why the EMS migration took a while.
So I hope if you guys get to have a choice in going the active route, I hope we get to have a choice as well. Tbh, if there's a "DEAD" server option, I'll probably be the first to sign up and highly likely find the same set of people there. (less)
Well I just spent the past 2 and half hours training in the lag -- 28% exp, 3 lach symbols and 21 nodestone when the USC banner appeared. Shortly after, a smega popped up about rollback rumors.
I don't mind maintenance, scheduled or not, because it means they're fixing something but if a rollback does happen and the stuff I worked for disappear, i WILL complain.
The fact that you have lag doesn't mean there is a upcoming maintenence, maybe it's your connection or just your PC. I was ingame the whole morning and I had 0.0% lag. So yeah, next time it happens you should complain, not to Nexon but to whatever causes the problem (PC/internet).(less)
Bolded for emphasis. If I can double emphasize the word "but", I would. In simpler terms, the only time I will complain is if there is a rollback and I lose all that I worked for during the 2x.
I have NOT blamed Nexon NOR complained about the lag. I only had it today during 2x. I have been online since the last maintenance. I have NOT crashed. I have NOT lagged. I do NOT think that my lag is reason for the maintenance.
My post count is fairly low, feel free to browse it and see if you find any lag/usc complaints from me.
You need to work on your reading comprehension skills, sweets.
different damage skin, but if you want the classic orange/red numbers, the only way is to use the thing that resets your damage skin to the original, I don't know what it's called.
That's called the basic damage skin. Event shops usually have them for cheap. I think Oz, Kritias and PQ shops also have them.
You may also want to try changing the display style of your damage via the options menu. I think there's a big/small cascading something in there. I can't really remember specifically, but I do recall setting mine to mini without the cascade effect at some point. (less)