Petalmagic wrote: »a chore if you are good at Jump quests...a nightmare if you are me, the most unjumpy person in MS history.
I agree this event is geared towards dedicated players .
TerrorStreak wrote: »I dont really view it as a challenging jump quest. Not once have i failed to make a platform due to the difficuly of the jump. It is more like a dodge and keep progressing kind of thing if anything. I enjoy this kinda thing as compared to like the henesys park jump quest or flag race which i dont enjoy as much.
You can use another 12-chair bag or whatever you have available, for now.
Honestly, all chairs should be tradeable within account.
I switched mains a few years ago and I can't get all my chairs back. -_-
GRAZED can't get 20 bag chair?
EphemeralLove wrote: »Wait can somebody explain how to get boxes? I went on my level 100 mule and popped 4x drop during event and I only got ~80 boxes an hour? I'd need 560 boxes for four mules each, so that's like 28*4=112 hours? None of my mules are high enough to dipq so how would i get lots of box drops?
Wait whaaat, you can teleport to any area stamped in your Maple Guide without the level criteria? Like I can teleport to a lower level again if it's stamped in the guide?