skins. No one is going to change their damage skin to something different every day of every month. No one NEEDS 5 EQUIPs for every part of their body when they can only hold one. It's just absurd.
I know you like to collect things. But why make the servers laggy by forcing Nexon to increase your inventory by 20x? Do you WANT opening your inventory to cause as much of a lag spike as opening your Quest list, or opening the Smithing tab? If you want to know what you've collected, keep track in a spreadsheet in your own computer. Throw away the things you don't need. Heck, maybe you could even GIVE some of your items to your friends, or even strangers ("WHAT? GIVE THINGS? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?").
The fact is, no one needs more than 50 chairs, 30 damage skins, 100 equips, etc. Sure, an increase would be nice. But an increase causes more lag when you open your inventory. Is it really worth it?
Don't get me wrong. I like to collect stuff too. I'm all for 20-chair bags and increasing soul shards to 20 per instead of 10 per. But I throw things away when I get a full inventory. That's just part of the game. Keep what you need, throw what you don't.
My set up tab:
Aside from the JM's DJ booth chair, all of those are untradeable. And I don't want to throw them out. Why? Because I played my *** off getting most of those. I collected feathers and event coins, I finished questlines and achievements.... THAT is literally part of MY maple history.
You know what I do everyday when I get on the game? I find tradeable versions of those chairs that I can afford. Just so I can still keep the memory after I've thrown the untradeable chair out. Everytime I go on my mule and see the planet chairs, I thank the Nexon gods they made those tradeable within account because I spent days mastering that stupid JQ just to get one of the chairs.
This is a decade old game, man. There's lots of history here. We celebrate the anniversary and we look back on the past. Maple bandanas have the sh*ttiest of stats but people still want them. It's because of the memories, the history. I get all this want vs. need stuff, believe me I get it. I'm unfunded as hell because this game falls under the "wants" pile. All we're asking for is a solution to unclog our inventories without sacrificing our history.
You don't want lag? Neither do we. Then we can just cross off lag-inducing solutions off the list. Telling us to just toss our stuff out is just... not helpful. There's clearly better solutions. (less)