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  • Star force honestly needs changes

    Sorrow wrote: »
    ShokunKaYo wrote: »
    Sorrow wrote: »
    Star Force works as intended, there is nothing wrong with it and the rates are not rigged. You just had bad luck.

    lmao. you're right. The game's perfect the way it is. Nothing needs to be changed.

    We don't need to change an entire system only because ShokunKaYo got his feelings hurt when star forcing.
    22* gives 85 att, when's the last time you got 85 att from anything and you didn't have to work for it? It sounds like you expect everything to require no work what so ever.

    I clearly said from the very beginning that I don't even expect any changes in 15-22 star region. I was only talking about 10-15 star which, despite giving turd smear of stats, have hellish chance of climbing out of. I'm not talking about changing the entire system because I "got my feelings hurt" or "I expect everything to require no work," you condescending dip. I'm addressing a problem of star region 10-15 which clearly has unreasonable difficulty, along with suspicious chance %. So how about you read first if you want to yep your mouth and shield NX like their loyal little doggy?

    I swear to god, whenever someone posts serious legit problem in the game, there's always that dude who lawyers up and accuses people for wanting stuff for free. People don't want stuff to be free. People simply want reasonable difficulty level that matches with the quality/quantity of the reward. The difficulty of climbing out of 10-15 star region sooooo does not match with the rewarded stats.
  • Star force honestly needs changes

    I agree with you dude. Since 25* has been released, people are aiming at higher stars, i.e. 22 stars. Currently star force 5,10,15 stars skip doesnt really help at all. It is better we have star skip at high star levels. :) And of course revamp the low star (10-15 stars) region easier, so players have more chances to get higher stars in 15-22 stars region instead of wasting and struggling in low star region. Honestly, I see people have spent 1T mesos already on starforcing their items, it is really annoying to spend so much mesos and in the end you have your items boomed and time wasted. Nexon should really take a look into this and find a better solution for players. Starforce mechanism does not only take so much mesos but also player's emotion. Many players had that frustration seeing their items boomed after a lot of struggles and tons of mesos spent on it. It sometimes makes people really mad at it. Please Nexon make some change to it, to let players enjoy this event instead of getting mad. We are to enjoy the game not throw our emotions to it :)

    I actually don't mind that 15-22 star region success chance is low, considering the stats gained from that region is pretty damn good. What I don't understand is why they need to make 10-15 so god damn hard?? Knowing Nexon and its filthy nature, I'm not even expecting them to change 15-22 star region at all. But for the love fkin chin chin, make 10-15 star bearable. People are raging, blowing up their equips and wasting so much mesos in the region where given stats are complete dog crap
  • Star force honestly needs changes

    Why is it necessary to make 10-15 star region such hell hole to climb out of? The real effects of star force start from 15 star, and 15-22 star force region is already god forsaken hell hole as it is. I'm not asking, or even expecting, them to fix 15-22 star region or even to display correct destruction chance (so many items destroyed with 1.3%? riiiiiiiight). Just have some fkin conscience and make 10-15 star region bearable. Stats given in the star range are absolutely nothing for crying out loud! At least let us climb through that region while maintaining average blood pressure.
  • Just add extra server channels to Scania already!

    Every channel is so damn full and they're all lagging like azz. Plz just add extra channels to Scania as well. Scania, Bera, and Reboot are the only place where players exist, so why stop only at Bera and Reboot when adding more channels?
  • Wait what the fafnir set has a time limit?

    The event was geared towatd trying to get new players in. They are just giving out 30 day cra sets so new players can get adjusted into ms. New players should be able to get perm cra set easily within 30 days with this free temp cra sets.