Damn so if you miss a single mission your Are screwed, kinda Hard to complete when there isent really anyone in the arcade on EU reboot, but thanks for your reply i guess i Will discontinue with try to get the medal(less)
Good news. Just found out that KMS had something called "celebrity pass" which will let you finish celebrity quests that were left unfinished past their event time. You gotta grind monsters near ur level to get this "celebrity pass" (they have low drop rate apparently) and you can get 100 celebrity pass per day per character. The amount of celebrity pass required to finish the quest depends on individual quests (some only require 50, while some require 200 and etc). If gms does the same thing, you'll be able to get 14th medal without having to do all the quests.
Do keep in mind, however, that these passes are for "event quests that has passed." So it only applies to quests that you can no longer do it because the event time for that quest has ended (i.e collecting fashion coupon is gonna disappear and be replaced with different coin collection methods).
Plz stop posting ur honest opinions and legit criticisms. It's against forum rules, and righteous vfms shall bring hammer of justice to evil scums who break these rules.
Take what I say with a grain of salt since I've never directly farmed for mesoes, just going off of what I've heard/assumed.
You'd to need "enough mesoes" to reach ~2m-2.5m damage in oreder to 1shot the monsters at CLP (gear, scrolling, star force, flames, arcane force, nodes, etc).
Leeching is where you party someone and they kill all the mobs while you "leech" the kill exp from them through the party. The most common is one Kanna provides kishin for party to leech exp.
I wonder if leeching provides good exp tho...
And are you sure its 2.5m range to one shot?
I assume it's easier since I'm in reboot?
It's MUCH harder for you because you're in a reboot. Mobs are stronger there. And I'm sure it's not 2.5m range to one shot. It's most likely higher, considering I have 3 mill range WA who just got around getting one shot in clp. You're in reboot and Kanna's skill %dmg are pretty damn low, so you're probably gonna need much higher range than 2.5 mill. Not to mention you gotta get enough arcane force and level up your skill cores.
Yeah, i've been told around 540 AF and about 11k+ stat.
Would "ignore monster def" help? Would rolling that on some equips help?(less)
Ignore defense is mostly for bosses like cvel, and damien/lotus. If u r just gonna mob and farm mesos, then u just need magic atk% on ur wep, 2ndary and emblem.
apparently it takes possibly months (or even years) to get some late game items
(i mean look at new genisis set, literally 1 month wait on black mage + he won't always drop the sealed ones when you defeat him)
i mean like
'grindy' games are meant to take a long while
but a year to get enough arcane force to fight black mage + a couple of months or more (maybe even another year) to get the genisis set
that's 2 years
now maybe it's just me but
would i be even playing/interested in maplestory after 2 years of constant grinding???
and i mean if you aren't able to play like every day for whatever reason it's going to take even longer to get enough arcane power
abd i mean, slightly below that list we still have every thing at ridiculosuly slow rates
absolab already takes forever
arcane set might also take a year
tyrant set it incredibly slow
even sweetwater and fafnir are incredibly stagnant
and i mean with the recent tera burning event people would be launched into late game, suddenly have their precious 12* fafnir dissapear, and the become stuck because sweetwater took too long ?
also pensilir is not a good enough replacement a lot of the times, the amount of stars you need it at to be near 12* fafnir is alot
yeah no **** sherlock. Genesis weapon is from the FINAL BOSS that nexon's been milking for over 10 years.
As for other gears, either spend $$$ or quit. Latter is HIGHLY recommended for good mental health. (less)
Take what I say with a grain of salt since I've never directly farmed for mesoes, just going off of what I've heard/assumed.
You'd to need "enough mesoes" to reach ~2m-2.5m damage in oreder to 1shot the monsters at CLP (gear, scrolling, star force, flames, arcane force, nodes, etc).
Leeching is where you party someone and they kill all the mobs while you "leech" the kill exp from them through the party. The most common is one Kanna provides kishin for party to leech exp.
I wonder if leeching provides good exp tho...
And are you sure its 2.5m range to one shot?
I assume it's easier since I'm in reboot?(less)
It's MUCH harder for you because you're in a reboot. Mobs are stronger there. And I'm sure it's not 2.5m range to one shot. It's most likely higher, considering I have 3 mill range WA who just got around getting one shot in clp. You're in reboot and Kanna's skill %dmg are pretty damn low, so you're probably gonna need much higher range than 2.5 mill. Not to mention you gotta get enough arcane force and level up your skill cores.