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  • Why is Bera so active and YET so dead?

    ShokunKaYo wrote: »
    Seriously hackers and botters are just out of control. Just compare KMS and GMS. KMS actually require you to give your social to create an account, so there are very little hackers. Just look at the KMS auction house and how great their economy looks. Then we have GMS, where there are websites that actually SELL you mesos for USD, most likely run by bunch of botters. It's horrifying and the fact that there are people STILL defending NX despite their incompetence is even more terrifying.

    That comparison isn't fair. KMS only has to service Korea. GMS on the other hand services Canada, North America, and Europe. Not sure what other locations. Either way with so many regions compressed into one service, using a universal ID is neigh impossible. Let alone the international laws regarding the security and storage of that sensitive user information.

    Due to that, NA Nexon cannot implement such a system to combat hackers. Making such a comparison does not help alleviate the situation at all. Nexon thus needs to find a different way to combat the botter problem. Either way their current systems are not solving the problem and should be looked into more.

    Ok fine, They can't implement same kind of security as KMS because it's big. I'll say that's a fair point.
    But these hacker problems have been going on for so long. Years. man. It's going been going on for years, the game economy is total trash, and they don't even ban people advertising meso selling sties on Ch1 of every world. Yet they push the same KMS patches like 1 entry/boss for certain bosses and 60 crystal sale/week! I imagine that have some sort of decent reason for those patches in KMS (although I doubt it since even KMS players are outcried on those patches), but what about here?? Those kind of changes that severly cut off ways to get legit mesos only push legit players to either quit or buy mesos from those meso selling sites, which then helps the botters and encourage them to bot even more.
    Sure fine they can't implement the same social security rule like KMS. Then they should at least put something in GMS that takes away incentive to bot. They can sure increase drop rates for things that people usually spend a lot of mesos for, such as nodestones and etc. They need to do some experimental changes to fix this problem in GMS, but they never ever do such a thing. They simply push out dumb events and follow KMS patches.
    It is just so frustrating to see how little NX really care about their legit player base, and even more so when there are these people defending nexon as if they're trying their best to solve this problem.
  • Best place for lvl 163 Thunderbreaker?

    The UFO where aliens are. Left island on Ludibrium