the only boss in the entire game where you can only get the equips one time. Every other boss in the game has items you can obtain multiple times. It's not consistent at all and doesn't make any sense
One possible reason may be that Nexon does not know how to make the shop restockable. I'm starting to think this is the real reason @Arwoo. (less)
Getting an SSS block should be hard yes. But 20 days to reach lv250? I am just curious of Nexon America staff ever played and gotten any character to lv250. It is not an easy task. To do … (more)it within 20 days is a literal mathematical impossiblity. There are simply not enough hours in the day to churn out that much exp (given you optimize your training maps and EXP coupons) (less)
Now that 25* is officially out, limiting purchases of gollux to only 1 is just unreasonably capping players. I mean this prevents us from even playing the content. Can we have some … (more)transparency as to the progress of this discussion? (hopefully it is not too much to ask) (less)