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  • You guys are gona make it REALLY easy to quit

    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    Penguinz0 wrote: »
    There's really a simple solution for this. Just make all reboot pets like petite pets that vac meso. They've been sitting on their @ss sucking on their thumb, doing nothing to prevent these "exploits," which is reboot player's main source of meso. Now after years of players getting meso with such efficient method and most of them getting legendary meso gears for it, now they're going to replace it with something that is obviously not gonna be as good as the original byebye kanna. Yeah, no $hit people are going to be pissed about it and are going to leave. Just make all reboot pets vac pets so that people can efficiently gather meso when they simply mob, even in $hit maps with god awful platform layouts. People can play on maps that match their level and gather meso efficiently at the same time.

    all pets vac will give huge advantage to hackers and hurt whales who did hard gamble for them not long ago
    its not simple solution and there is no solution that is going to fix something with 1 update without hurting all players
    especially after haveing alot hackers/exploiters free roaming around for 5+ years

    also we still need to see what they plan to make/copy-paste ...
    and there is so many questions that we need to know ( or maybe dosnt matter changes will come wanted or not, good or bad its not like someone from nexonNA will come and talk or make some update changes with us)

    There is NO solution to hackers. There is absolutely nothing that ms devs can do to hurt hackers. They're not going to improve the auto hack detection, they're not going to monitor, they're not going to do anything except ban them, only to have them return half a day later. Literally everything they tried to do did absolutely zero damage to the hackers and hurt the legit players a lot instead. They might as well do something that will help legit players even at the cost of giving something to hackers at this point. And who honestly cares if hackers are vacing mesos in reboot? It's not like they can sell those mesos and ruin market economy like they can in regular servers.
  • You guys are gona make it REALLY easy to quit

    There's really a simple solution for this. Just make all reboot pets like petite pets that vac meso. They've been sitting on their @ss sucking on their thumb, doing nothing to prevent these "exploits," which is reboot player's main source of meso. Now after years of players getting meso with such efficient method and most of them getting legendary meso gears for it, now they're going to replace it with something that is obviously not gonna be as good as the original byebye kanna. Yeah, no $hit people are going to be pissed about it and are going to leave. Just make all reboot pets vac pets so that people can efficiently gather meso when they simply mob, even in $hit maps with god awful platform layouts. People can play on maps that match their level and gather meso efficiently at the same time.
  • Please consider reducing penalty for dying 200+

    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Penguinz0 wrote: »
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Some people don't want to admit that a lot of the things they say are annoying or outdated or ought to be removed are benign enough that it really doesn't matter whether it's removed or kept in place.

    If it doesn't matter whether it's removed or kept in place, but still annoys portion of player base, then removing is the right choice. After all, IT DOESN'T MATTER right?

    The portion of the player base seems to be a somewhat vocal minority. The only time I see any complaints centering on exp gain or loss is when people are whining about their precious suicide kannas.

    Another reason why they should just remove exp loss upon death. They clearly don't want people to suicide kanna and are banning people for that. Newbies are complaining about exp loss because they don't have sufficient range and AF when they enter arcane river. Simply remove exp loss upon death, and suicide kanna is blocked, and newbies don't have to worry about dying when they enter AR. They pretty much deleted the holy symbol, the most beloved relic of the past. Might as well dump this past relic that nobody even likes.
  • Please consider reducing penalty for dying 200+

    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Some people don't want to admit that a lot of the things they say are annoying or outdated or ought to be removed are benign enough that it really doesn't matter whether it's removed or kept in place.

    If it doesn't matter whether it's removed or kept in place, but still annoys portion of player base, then removing is the right choice. After all, IT DOESN'T MATTER right?
  • It's time to remove censorship

    Example of nexon's useless censorship system

    Me telling newbie: You can't flame rings.
    What nexon sees: You can't FLAME Rings
    You can't ***** *ings.
    GJ nexon