We are aware of the recent server lag and disconnection and are in the progress of investigating the issues.
Hoping it can be addressed soon for all the affected worlds.
AaronHusky wrote: »shove half the game's population into one server and force them compete for less available maps, adjust to a new market, and deal with any other consequences that come with a server merge. That'll piss people off enough to make them leave the game for sure
if thats not selfish to only care about maps and market i dont know what it is and lag that its allready there lol
you ignore the point that they can allready be in any active non-reboot world they want (just not leting them to have their years long of progress) again selfish
you cant control population like that ,new players wont make acc in dead world
are you going to call them idiots aswell if they dont move to other world "because you own the active one and economy in it "?
the one that did not merge/transfer on time moved to reboot for fun or quit
and the last few players hope still they will get moved out of dead world
you allready got 20 of each map as a option top 3 maps are allready taken by 60 players ( 1% of the player base)
players allready "camp" 24h before 2x to take map
so dont know what you argue about competetion for map in thread about players stuck in dead worlds
there is other threads for that issue and for those that dont want compete
Your "dead" worlds are dead because everyone moved to a much more convenient platform to communicate
what are you talking about ? people left the worlds they are turned to ghost towns has nothing to do with communication tools lol
there is time of the day where are not enough people and things that get cancelled like for flag/ursus...
and again if you want to be in dead world in MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) let it be but let other move out and be able to do events and things with other