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  • This is an AWFUL Update

    and reboot just party up... can't do it alone, well get a partner.
    The problem is that Gollux does not have instanced drop like other bosses.
    You'd have to party with friends and guildies every single day for four months and fight over the drops.
    Add to that the often glitched entry and the fact it robs you of your daily attempt BEFORE checking if you have a key or all party members are gathered and you're more realistically looking at half a year of daily progression for a Superior Gollux set. A process that must be done on every single one of your serious characters.
    Keep in mind it also furthers widen the gap between characters that were created before the patch and new characters just like the pottable badges.

    There is no way to get back what was lost in the rollbacks and most familiar registered before the patch are simply gone and will never count toward badges (which are still rolling back every time you log out)
    Not ony did mostly everything related to the content change not work as intended, the things that do work introduce issues as well;
    For normal servers, players lost 30% IED from the Codex and instead gained up to 240% boss damage/IED from familiar if they spend money on Cash Shop items (probably more from Legendary familiars).
    That's an unbelievable level of powercreep.
    For Reboot, the entire population of the server has to share a beginner area map until each and everyone of them has collected SEVERAL THOUSANDS of Jr Boogie/Fairy cards on every one of their progression characters and then spend the following weeks upgrading them to unique until they get double ied/boss/att pot.

    Both Gollux and the familiar system needed an update but I can't agree with you that "the patch itself is amazing".
    The execution was the worst I've seen out of any serious mmorpg in almost a decade and the content itself either intended to kill the most populated server or shows the developement team was not even made aware of Reboot's existence and mechanics.

    I've been praising the devs for years because they took calculated risks and spent ressources on QoL changes that helped Maplestory succeed were countless other mmorpg's failed. This time however, they dropped the ball. I would, without a doubt, be fired on the spot if I merely thought about pushing such an update on the production server without rounds of proper testing with the QA team.