Strongest class ingame by far gets a well-deserved nerf, everybody goes apeshit
Are you illiterate?
The strongest class in the game didn't get a nerf. Everyone got a nerf, while the strongest class in the game got even stronger.
Right off the bat you see that kish now has another 200% damage. If this stacks with the node boost, it's even more. This makes it easier to one shot with kish, pushing meso rates higher while giving even more free damage to bosses.
Then there's the increase in damage to orochi, which is just more free damage.
Then there's lowering of requirements for shikigami doppleganger, which also is a 4th job skill with 5% boost per node level, giving even more free damage.
Then there's the most egregious of all, a free DOT on shikigami charm, which is EVEN MORE free damage!
But wait!!! there's even more!!! A 90% SLOW ON THAT DOT, THAT LASTS FOR 6 SECONDS.
They literally took IL's slow, from a class at the bottom of the DPS charts, that switches to FP/Bishop for bossing, and put it on a class that can't be stunned half the time thanks to foxfire.
There's no reason not to play kanna now.
I wouldn't even be surprised if you could take your nodes off and spam shikigami and have a 1 hour duration kishin after this patch.
Hi there single-post-new-account. Tell me more about how the one class that can lock down an entire map with near zero effort is not the strongest class.(less)
I love the fact that you proved mapler6's point by not reading what he had to said, you truly are illiterate lol.
If you don't understand english very well and don't like kanna at all, you should stop shilling nexon and go ahead and quit GMS and go play KMS (you can go and learn Korean too and maybe you will learn how to read there).
Posts like that do nothing to disprove my point that kishin has caused a severely toxic mindset to take hold in this game...
Just because people like a feature and you don't, that doesn't mean that its toxic, the reason why people are mad about the changes is because the feature is gonna suffer a complete nerf without any benefits for the rest of game (no spawn rates increase or making the wild totem better than kishin and cheaper).
At this point you're just projecting your own toxicity on hating a feature on people that like it.
Tell me, when was the last time you elected to go and grind for a couple hours, or cap coins during events, without kishin, a fury or frenzy totem, or buying service of any of the three? This goes far beyond "people like a feature". This is people having a reliance on a feature that, in its absence, they feel no desire to do anything that they would normally do with it present.
People "like" meth too, doesn't make it good. An overreliance on a single thing absolutely is toxic. Trying to claim that it isn't because "people like it" is ridiculous.(less)
I play a lot without kishin because first of all I'm on reboot so I can't pay anyone to kishin or frenzy, second of all I don't like to use the 2 pc meta because its a lot of work imo, and third of all I don't like asking friends for kishin, why? because I think its a good feature but outside the endgame its just a QoL that I can just ignore it, and on the endgame its a huge difference for meso making but that still doesn't make kishin a "toxic" skill because its a good trait for a job like kanna, every job has a upsides, hero can do a lot of damage, xenon can do full clear map, mihile doesn't die and etc, I'm not seeing you asking to remove skills from these jobs, and I can even say that the hero's damage is more toxic than kishin because it forces a lot of warrior to change the job so they can do endgame content faster, but you don't see me asking to nexon delete hero's skills because its unfair to dark knight and paladin, if the job has something that other jobs don't, that just means that the game has variety, if you don't like it then you probably don't even like the game.
What is the downside of having kishin on maplestory? it makes people steal money for kishin? break families apart because of kishin addiction? have health problems beucase of kishin? If kanna does that to you I'm pretty sure kanna is not your problem. Did you ever played any other MMO outside maplestory? every mmo has a job like kanna, for example, in WoW, if you want to farm resources you want the druid job because he can just skip summoning mount animation, and that makes him the perfect mule, did you ever saw a WoW player asking for the removal of the insta cast druid bird?
to disprove my point that kishin has caused a severely toxic mindset to take hold in this game...
Just because people like a feature and you don't, that doesn't mean that its toxic, the reason why people are mad about the changes is because the feature is gonna suffer a complete nerf without any benefits for the rest of game (no spawn rates increase or making the wild totem better than kishin and cheaper).
At this point you're just projecting your own toxicity on hating a feature on people that like it. (less)